I got an invoice last night for $49 for ebay plus. It was cancelled on my account a while back when I tried to sign up for a second free trial, but ebay cancelled it realising their mistake.
Anyway fast forward to today I contacted them and they advised I'm not alone being incorrectly charged.
So for anyone who signed up for that second ebay plus trial, make sure you check your ebay invoice!
eBay8:26 AM
Hi Skramit. You are now connected with the eBay Plus team.
Skramit8:26 AM
HI eBay
eBay8:27 AM
Hello. I believe you are contacting about the one-timee that was invoiced, even though you already cancelled the membership, right?
Skramit8:27 AM
eBay8:28 AM
Thank you for the verification. We are definitely receiving several contacts with the same issue and no worries, this has been reported and will be sorted out soon.
eBay8:28 AM
Rest assured that this will not be taken against you and you will not be billed for the one-timee fee.
Skramit8:28 AM
okay thats good
eBay8:28 AM
We will definitely sort this out as soon as posssible.
Skramit8:28 AM
eBay8:29 AM
Indeed, Skramit. I will include your eBay username to the report for affected members.
eBay8:29 AM
You are welcome, Skramit.
it happened to me too. they try to charge me for the trial period. I have cancelled all billing agreement with them. Very dodgy move!