PSA: eBay Plus fees incorrectly charged. Check your invoice!

I got an invoice last night for $49 for ebay plus. It was cancelled on my account a while back when I tried to sign up for a second free trial, but ebay cancelled it realising their mistake.

Anyway fast forward to today I contacted them and they advised I'm not alone being incorrectly charged.

So for anyone who signed up for that second ebay plus trial, make sure you check your ebay invoice!

eBay8:26 AM
Hi Skramit. You are now connected with the eBay Plus team.
Skramit8:26 AM
HI eBay
eBay8:27 AM
Hello. I believe you are contacting about the one-timee that was invoiced, even though you already cancelled the membership, right?
Skramit8:27 AM
eBay8:28 AM
Thank you for the verification. We are definitely receiving several contacts with the same issue and no worries, this has been reported and will be sorted out soon.
eBay8:28 AM
Rest assured that this will not be taken against you and you will not be billed for the one-timee fee.
Skramit8:28 AM
okay thats good
eBay8:28 AM
We will definitely sort this out as soon as posssible.
Skramit8:28 AM
eBay8:29 AM
Indeed, Skramit. I will include your eBay username to the report for affected members.
eBay8:29 AM
You are welcome, Skramit.

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  • it happened to me too. they try to charge me for the trial period. I have cancelled all billing agreement with them. Very dodgy move!

    • +1

      I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that it was a mistake. Given people had to have their second free trials cancelled manually, I'm sure it was just an automated billing error.

      • Let's hope so!

  • happened to me too last night. all fixed via live chat with them.

  • I clicked on a banner that said "free 30 day trial" then i was charged $49, they said i already had a trial so thats why i was charged, they didnt tell me this before charging me. Very misleading.

    • Did you ask for a refund?

  • Anyone have a link to the eBay Plus live chat?

    EDIT: Nevermind, found it.

    • +1

      Could you please share the link? I could only find general e-bay live chat

      • +1

        Get into the normal chat and they'll transfer you over.

        • +1

          Thank you

  • Ya…I got charged $48.99 with eBay Plus services for 1 year starting from June 4th. But I have a $48.99 account charge for the month of May as well.

    Refund is processing and it seems they know about it. They're asking for 3-5 days in my chat.

  • I got an invoice as well, I immediately go to live chat and basically got the same response as Skramit. Lets see how it goes.

  • I just received an email from eBay with an invoice attached to it for AU $126.97.

    At first I couldn't figure out what the charges are for, I knew there was something wrong right away though as I do not sell on eBay nor I should have any outstanding balances.

    I am currently an eBay Plus customer (trial).

    I reached out to eBay via the chat immediately and I was told that the charge is for my eBay Plus subscription and I've been charged thrice (2 x $48.99 and 1 x $29.00).

    I was assured that this is a bug and that my account will eventually be brought back to $0.00 though they are still waiting for the management to recommend an appropriate action.

    I managed to unlink my PayPal account for now and gave eBay 48 hours to fix this problem.

    I use eBay for 15 years (it is actually my longest running and active account out there) and this is the very first time that such a massive breach/glitch affected my experience. It got me very concerned.

    Please make sure that you all double check your accounts.

  • +1

    Add me to the list. Invoice for $97.99 for two lots of eBay Plus fees.

    Went on live chat and was advised "We'll be sending you an email as soon as we get an update about this… You don't need to worry, as soon as there is an update, we'll be crediting this fee out from your account."

    • I was charged for $78 :-(

  • ebay tells me i do not even have ebay plus but when i go to an ebay plus listing like computer alliance i get free postage the same as if i did have it.
    I got an email a month ago saying i received the second trial in error and it will stop working within 7 days, that was 35 days ago.

  • +1

    Same thing here. Live chat said it will credited back next billing cycle, in a month (lol, she also tried to make it seem like she was doing me a favour), whatever, cancelled my PayPal payments anyway.

  • +1

    Update : eBay Plus subscription charge concern


    As promised, we’ve opted to send this email to update on the recent concern you had with us about the eBay Plus subscription charge on your account. Please be assured that we are still working on this and have yet to get confirmation as the team is still in processing of investigating this further. Still, you don’t have to do anything from here on as we are closely monitoring your account. We’ll make sure to give you an update on this as we move along especially on resolving this for you. Please expect another update from us within the next 24-48hours.

    We appreciate your patience on this matter.

    eBay Plus Team

  • +1

    I just recieved this invoice and I cancelled ebay plus ages ago.

  • I'm glad i'm not the only one!

    Its only $50 but $50 to eBay makes me very angry, glad to see I can get it sorted.

  • +1

    I got the invoice of $77.99 on Monday .Rang ebay straight away got promised it will be fixed within 24-48 hours.Got the email on Tuesday from eBay they still trying to fix the issue it will be fix in another 24-48hours got same email again today (Wednesday ) they still working on it .pheww

  • -8

    Looks like only affecting the people who tried getting 2nd free trial,3rd free trial or even forever free trial.

    A free Trial is means a free trial. You cancelled the first free one because you didn’t think it’s any good. Why you signed up for a second free trial or a third or a fourth again and again and again then?

    The people staying within the system are not affected.

    • +2

      If they didn't want to give out a free trial, they should have not allowed people who already had one to get one.

    • +4

      "Hey would you like to try our premium thing for free for 1 month? No trouble if it's not for you, you can cancel within the trial period and not be charged."
      try it, realise it's of almost no benefit for the price, cancel.

      "Hey would you like to try it again for 3 months? Same conditions as before."

      "Hey we messed up, we cancelled the trial because you already tried it for free"
      Too easy.

      "hey here's a bill for a years worth of this thing you tried for a month"

      Don't be daft theearth

  • Just got this email

    Good day!

    This is a follow-up email in regards to your subscription fee charge.

    I'm glad to inform you that the credit request for the charge has already been approved. This has already been taken cared of. No worries, this will not be taken out from your PayPal account nor any of your funding source.

    Here's how to see the credits on your ‘Seller Account’ page:

    1. Go to My eBay. You may need to sign in.
    2. Click the ‘Account’ tab.
    3. In the 'Account Summary' View, click the ‘Credits’ link under your current balance. Credits appear with a minus sign.

    Consider this as resolved today. I appreciate the opportunity to have helped you with this information.

    Thanks for choosing eBay!


  • +1

    Got this email too, being charged $77.99

  • MeTOO $77.99

  • Now I am on chat and they are saying it is my fault for signing up for the trial multiple times and using the terms and conditions argument. WTF

    Asking me to pay $77.99 for a crappy service I am not even signed up for…
    eBay is doing their best to lose customers.
    Now I have to waste my time sorting out this cash grab on unsuspecting victims mistake.

    If I get charged I will be negging every eBay Plus deal.

    • Close the chat and try again with somebody else.

      • I ended up escalating with a supervisor who acknowledged the charge was an error.

  • +1

    Got emailed this just now after 3 days.

    Dear Member,

    Thanks for your patience while we investigated this matter.

    We can confirm eBay issued an incorrect invoice to you on 31 May 2019. We’re in the process of correcting this and will amend your invoice to reflect the correct fees (which will appear as a credit) within 72 hours.

    Please note no eBay Plus subscription fees have been charged from your account.

    eBay is committed to providing the best experience to its community and sincerely apologises for any inconvenience caused.
    If you have any questions or do not see the amends reflected on your invoice, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.

    eBay Customer Support

  • Judging by the lack of activity I suppose everyone's account has been credited just like mine was.

    • Yes mine was automatically credited and I am no longer an eBay Plus member according to my account. However, whenever I go to a listing, the eBay Plus "free postage" option still shows up.

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