• expired

Free Fishing Line


Several variety of fishing lines. I personally don't fish so I didn't order it so others who do can get a sample.

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closed Comments

  • cheers

  • +2

    how good would these be for a clothes line? Mine broke yesterday so thinking of getting some from bunnings but free is free

    • -1

      lol I was kidding

      but in all seriousness how thick are these?

      • +1

        From watching movies… I would assume these could cut u if put under tension… so a clothes line may not be the best idea.

        • +1

          Damn, and I like swinging off my hills hoist lol, might think twice if it's made of fishing line. I do value my fingers.

    • given that mono line stretches, probably not good

  • -2

    I dont know what fishing line is so I ll better order one and get to know it

  • +4

    The word FREE is a taboo in the business world, don't throw it around so casually, especially not here, now prepare to be OzBargained

    • +3

      I know. But given the company is around since 1955 I have less guilt then the other freebies I have put up here. Plus at the end of the day these guys are small enough to be forgiven if they dont pull through. We all know someone with a small business. No one is forcing them to do anything that will create serious losses at the end of the day.

  • thanks a lot !!! good found!

  • I don't fish, but why would anyone want a line with a breaking strain of 9lb rather than 30lb. Is it noticeably thicker?

    • +1

      You can't use a 30 pounder on many reels. And the thicker the line is, the less length you're going to get spooled into the reel. So 9lb lines do have their purpose. :)

      Good find by the way Ishadeon.

    • +1

      Thinner line gives you a more competitive feel, you have to bring in the fish more delicately or your line will break. Thinner is easier to cast as it comes off the spool easier.
      Thick line may spook the fish if they can see it whereas thin can be invisible.

  • +7

    "Uh boss, about that free fishing line promotion? 90% of the respondents indicated that they are under 15, gave a fake email address and saw the bargain on OzBargain." LOL

  • +1

    If only all titles were that simple

  • +6

    Alright…all these positive comments… yet none of you guys have given positive votes. Come on guys. I am aiming for one 100+ votes and have been putting up some serious freebies. Let my false ego be satisfied. I blame 90s games for this btw… the higher the score the better the p…s power

    • Probably more like "the higher the score the better the B…S power" LOL

      • Sad thing is I don't even have a P…S I guess Freud was onto something

    • yay 100!

  • What kind of line is the best?

    • +8

      For landing narwhals I find I need at least 60lb. For cutting off the circulation to your pinky finger I like to rig a lighter strain; say 7-9lb. All the tripwires in my frontyard are 15lb mono.

      What did you want to use it for again?

    • It depends on how you want to use it and what type of fish you want to target. Line for backing, leader, to target big fish from a boat you need bigger load and to target small fish from land/jetty/river you probably can do with a smaller line

    • BRAIDED/SPECTRA/DYNEEMA lines are the newer lines to the market in the past decade. Stronger for the same thickness as mono and doesn't stretch. Has it's own advantages/disadvantages.

      Looks similar to sewing thread as mono looks like thin wiper sniper line.

      • Braided all the way.

        There is a reason why they are giving mono for free.

  • +1

    Nice, thanks!!

  • can't get to the page :(

  • thanks i enjoy my fishing, i've submitted :)

  • +9

    thanks. Submitted mine. Assume there are no catches (haha)

  • Great Freebie .

  • +1

    Site is down. Goddamit, I've been waiting for some fishing bargains

    • it's back up

  • down

    • Its down, when I submit my details it goes blank/time out.

  • Webpage is not loading for me either :-(

  • I got through no probs. Good find OP.

  • Finally got through. Hopefully it's good and I don't lose a Jewie on it ;p

    Usually prefer the Japanese lines but keen to see how this one goes!

  • +1

    there website has been ozbargained. it cant handle it.
    but persistence pays off. got to love the F5 key

  • Made it through just a few moments ago. Hopefully now, they will follow through with the offer.

  • +8

    Finally got through although VERY slow loading pages.

    I ordered the 12lb line as I need to re-spool the kids fishing reels
    after a summer of catching flathead, bream,tailor and whiting using mono.

    The quality is not too bad for regular mono fishing line. Made in Germany so
    not a cheap Chinese import. It will last a season I'm sure.

    Good deal, but I hope they don't reneg on it as they must be swamped.

    Please don't order it if you aren't going to use it..or know someone who will use it.
    This company doesn't need non fisherpersons wasting their product I'm sure.

    • +2

      And consider buying more stuff from them if you like the free line :)

  • +1

    Prizes are Limited to One “FREE PROMOTION” claim per recipient
    Schneider Fishing Lines reserves the right to refuse any “FREE PROMOTION” claim without limitation – this overrules any prior agreement tacit or otherwise.
    Stocks are limited

  • Ozbargained?

    Site not working :(

  • It is soooo slow :(

  • +1

    there has already been 1741 people who have requested the free promotion…and counting.
    might just be some refusal high on the probability list :)

  • Don't forget to use some fluoro-carbon leaders !!

  • +3

    Is this Fishing website run via DIAL-UP or what?


    • +1

      They just didn't expect to have this many visitors at once ;)

    • +1

      Ummm, if a site isn't on the cloud this is quite normal. Ozbargain is becoming the new reddit or digg. :P

  • grrr @school at the moment, can't access site :(


    • Thanks for it!

      • +1

        Two words of thanks better than one? :P

        • +1

          haha yeah

          holidays soon!

          and i already see fish(and an eel) @ local creek when I walk home each time!

    • +1

      damn didn't think you would still be at school lol thought you were older

  • yay …96 plus points. And the site was running smoothly yday. I just expect alot of employees at work sharing this round with there fishing buddies (aka bosses). So it is def ozbargained.

  • Lol. Prepare to be ozbargained!

  • Yep they changed their terms and conditions from when I originally put my claim through yesterday… :)
    Originally there was only a restriction of one application per email address, now they have changed it all and added a heap of extra terms and conditions!
    Definitely have been OZBARGAINED!

    • -1

      Unless we're not viewing the same thing, then I wouldn't say tons, but they have added a few things.

  • +4

    I received this today & I got a Schneider sticker too score! :p

  • in Sydney also, but still waiting for it.

  • received in WA today ( didnt know the postman worked sat in WA must be a private contractor as i also received the nivea only took a month for that to arrive from NewZealand via air mail as well !)

  • never got this..

  • +1

    I don't think I'll ever get it. (Sydney)

  • +1

    None here either. Was really looking forward to it, my lines craptastic … :(

  • +2

    Yeah it's a shame im a keen fisherman also and wanted to try this.

  • none here at the moment QLD

  • i havent reecive anything yet!!!! SYDNEY

  • I haven't got mine either… :(

  • Didn't get mine either. Sour deal.

  • someone should post on their facebook page asking where it is

    • someone did see below

      I was wondering with your free line give away a few months if you ran out of stock
      Monday at 12:53am · Like · Comment
      Super Schneider Fishing Lines Hi Mitchell thanks for your post please supply your email or contact us by email [email protected] so we can personally reply. Thanks Kim
      Monday at 11:39pm

  • Nothing here in VIC. :(

  • yepp nothing here either…

  • Where is my promised fishing line Schneider!!! (Sydney)

  • +1

    Looks like they are going to default the deal, but why is the promotion page still up? Stupid website.

  • +1

    Nothing yet (SA)
    Seems like several people wrote on their facebook asking about the free fishing line, and all they said publicly was to email them so they can replay personally…why cant they just say why on facebook publicly, I assume those few arent the only ones who haven't received it yet. People who got a replay on FB and emailed them, did they say anything?

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