[Price Error] 2 Slabs of Young Henry's or Little Creatures $40 @ Vintage Cellars

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First deal be harsh - Appears when you add 2 Slabs to your cart, it comes down to $20 per slab. Haven't picked my order up yet. Hope they honour it.

Young Henry's Newtowner

Mod Note: Price Error, refer to email below:

Good Afternoon,

Thank you for your recent order with us. Unfortunately, due to a technical error on our website, you were incorrectly charged for your order containing either Young Henrys Newtowner Can 375ml, Gage Roads Single Fin Summer Ale Bottle 330ml, Little Creatures Pale Ale Bottle 330ml or Stone & Wood Pacific Ale Bottle 330ml, which are part of the 2 for $40 beer 6 pack promotion available in-store at Vintage Cellars.

We have cancelled and refunded your order, please allow 5 -7 business days for the funds to appear in your account.

We’re very sorry for the mix-up and appreciate your understanding.

Kind regards,

The Vintage Cellars team

Related Stores

Vintage Cellars
Vintage Cellars


  • +2

    Link to website at least

    • +2

      I did put it in alternative website on the deal - apparently this doesn't add it to the deal? 🤷‍♂️


      • Np, good find

  • Not all of the Little Creatures trigger this. Only the Pale Ale it seems.

    • +1

      All triggered when I did it

    • Roger's doesn't. Shame that.

      • +2

        Not fussed when it's less than $1 a pop. Any alcoholic beverage will do me just fine.

  • Thanks OP ordered for delivery. Hope it gets honored:)

  • +2

    Welp, this aint gonna last long, if you want any chance of getting your cheap beer OP you should dump this post.

    • +2

      & Run & collect your order

  • +3

    Thanks OP. 2 Slabs + Free delivery too. If this works out, this is an absolutely cracking deal!

  • +1

    Good luck to all. 2x Young Henrys ordered.

  • Just ordered. Hope it works :). Thanks Op.

  • Free delivery for me

  • You can add more and they become $20 each still

  • Got 2 young henrys lets see how this goes.. haha

  • Added three to get free delivery, fingers crossed

  • Mmm.. should i expect 30/order voucher 😄😄😄

  • +1

    Thanks OP ordered 2 for with free delivery

  • Great find OP 🤞they honour it when I go and pick them up.

    • +1

      Let us know!!

  • lets see how this goes

  • Thanks OP. three slabs of newtowner for $60 delivered (hopefully)

  • Thanks OP ordered 2 for click & collect!!

    • +1

      Nope, the games up. Tried to get my C&C (Forestville NSW) and was advised that head office has contacted all stores advising of the error and not to issue!
      Congrats to the OZ Bs who managed to cash in on it.
      Now to try and get my refund…

  • 2 of each for me with delivery $80, can split with the old man! good find

  • Just ordered. See how this one gonna pan out

  • Thanks OP!!!

  • Thanks OP, got free delivery too, hope it works!

  • Anyone got a confirmation email or text?

    • just checked in my junk file and it was there

  • Thanks OP, ordered a slab or little creatures and a slab of the newtowner for $40 delivered. See if they honour it! (And see if I get 1% back from CR!)

  • Thanks OP, just orded x2 $40 delivery. Hope this works

  • +2

    Price error. No way they will honor this

  • I'll be amazed if they honour it but ordered nonetheless.

  • +19

    Just got a text saying it's ready to be collected, will go down now and report back!

    • Ok see in the ozb collection queue.. 👍👍

    • +16

      It was honoured! The dude said 'Wow, how'd you get it so cheap?' and I said 'I have no idea, that's why I'm down here straight away before they cancel it!'

      He said they got two more of the exact orders as he was serving me and just as I was leaving I saw him on the phone so maybe I got there just in time. Either way get in quick before they either catch on to it or sell out!

      Thanks OP! I drink 1-2 bottles of beer a week so I'm sorted for the next couple of months :)

      EDIT: Store was Subiaco, can't promise they'll still honour it though.

      • +1

        Damn i think they have pulled it, can't click and collect from any WA store.

        Product Details

        We're sorry, but these items are not available via Click & Collect. Please remove them from your cart to proceed.

  • I don't really drink beer regularly but ordered anyway. Thanks OP.

      • +9

        That’s harsh. What if his friends drink beer and they’re having a party soon. Easier to bring over a carton of beer then help cook food.

        • -5

          From his comment that seems unlikely.

        • +4

          Thanks Cowie. Yeah, mostly for mates who come over for a visit. Perfect timing as first born having his baptism soon. Thanks again OP!

      • +1

        They said they don't drink beer "regularly", not that they don't drink beer at all

  • Thanks OP. Website was very slow for me, suspect it's getting OB'd!

    • My thoughts as well!

  • Mine is saying “something went wrong” and to contact their service centre

    • I had this when trying to pay with PayPal, using the card payment method was fine.

  • cheers just ordered for pickup, see how it goes!

  • I think I just got in and ordered 2 slabs. fingers crossed it is honoured!

  • +1

    Castle Hill store just called and cancelled my order due to a price error… if anyone has a click and collect, rush down and try to pick it up before word gets around.

    • Would you rush over before getting the text message saying beers are ready to collect?

      • +2

        If you're close to the store, then yes it's worth a shot. I asked the store to keep my order aside as I live 30mins away, which they were fine to do. They then called back and said it's a price error and they'd refer to their call centre to issue a refund.

        • Alright it's just a couple of minutes for me… will give it a try!

          • +1

            @ValerieS: Godspeed!

            Btw, if your local is Castle Hill dont bother.. I assume the store wont honour

            • +6

              @ChmpgneTasteBeerBdgt: Just picked up 2 cases from North Bondi! The guy mentioned he had received the exact same order a couple of minutes after my order… felt slightly guilty on the way home :|

      • +1

        Yes they can, their T&C's state errors do not have to be honoured, which the purchase is bound by:

        We may cancel your Order before delivery or collection in whole or in part. We may do this even if we have received payment from you or sent you a tax invoice. The circumstances in which we may cancel your order are if:
        a. any of the Goods are not available;
        b. there was any error in the description of any of the Goods in your Order or the price as advertised by us;

        • -5

          You can't contract out of the ACL, so yes, they have to honour it.

          • +2

            @critterjg: https://legalvision.com.au/when-do-retailers-have-to-honour-…

            If a retailer incorrectly prices one isolated product, it is likely an error. In these cases, a retailer can follow their individual store policy to address the mistake. This means that a store may or may not honour incorrectly priced items depending on their policy. Store policies are usually displayed at the cash register, or contained in terms and conditions (for online businesses).

            • -2

              @doweyy: I see your incorrect website and raise you direct from the ACL:

              Subdivision C—Guarantees not to be excluded etc. by contract

              64 Guarantees not to be excluded etc. by contract

                       (1)  A term of a contract (including a term that is not set out in the contract but is incorporated in the contract by another term of the contract) is void to the extent that the term purports to exclude, restrict or modify, or has the effect of excluding, restricting or modifying:
                               (a)  the application of all or any of the provisions of this Division; 

              165 Multiple pricing

                       (1)  A person commits an offence if:
                               (a)  the person, in trade or commerce, supplies goods; and
                               (b)  the goods have more than one displayed price; and
                               (c)  the supply takes place for a price that is not the lower, or lowest, of the displayed prices.
              • +2

                @critterjg: Keep going, I'm getting a justice boner.

                • @SporadicUser: Hahaha… if I've only helped one person this has all been worth it. Not gonna lie, the down votes are really getting to me. I try and I try!

              • +2

                @critterjg: Your quote from Section 64 says the ACL can't be voided by a contract, which is correct. The quote from Section 165 is also correct, however can overruled by other parts of the Act.

                In this case, the contract of sale would be argued by VC to be 'unfair'. Section 24 states:
                "it would cause detriment (whether financial or otherwise) to a party if it were to be applied or relied on."
                Selling a product for a loss for no apparent reason could be argued to be detrimental.

                Section 23 then allows for "unfair" terms to be voided.
                "(1) A term of a consumer contract or small business contract is void if: (a) the term is unfair; and (b) the contract is a standard form contract. "

                TLDR: No, pricing errors don't have to be honoured. You could argue it in court, but I expect it'll get thrown out.

                • +2

                  @incipient: It's enough to drive a man to Drink…

                • -1

                  @incipient: You realise in this instance it is Vintage Cellars making the offer, yeah? What you are trying to articulate is the doctrine of mistake and this is overwritten by statute.

                  • +2

                    @critterjg: When buying this, a person and VC enter into a contract of sale. VC are entitled, under the Act, to claim the term of the sale, that is transfer of $20/case, is unfair, and should be voided. You are of course able to challenge this in court, if you so desire.

                    "doctrine of mistake and this is overwritten by statute." is a very fancy way for saying "habit/pattern of mistake is overridden by the ACL" - not sure what you're saying here. The an Act has many sections, and some sections will override others; in this case Section 23 states an 'unfair' term voids sections of a contract. There is no debate of that. The debate is $20/case unfair?

                    As per your comment below. To quote the gamers adage - "screenshots or it didn't happen". If your fabled professor who works for the ACCC believes this isn't right…please, send us a screenshot of those slides! Pricing errors are nearly never honoured when they're extreme, and I'd also like my 3 cases!

              • +1

                @critterjg: From the same Act:

                (5) Despite subsection (2), a displayed price for goods that is a displayed price because it has been published in a catalogue or advertisement ceases to be a displayed price for the goods if:
                (a) the displayed price is retracted; and
                (b) the retraction is published in a manner that has at least a similar circulation or audience as the catalogue or advertisement.

                Now one can conclude that this is a retrospective retraction, otherwise it would simply be the setting of a new price. Second, VC can satisfy part (b) by sending out an email to purchasers advising of the error, because it can be argued that the majority of people who saw this price made a purchase.

                So, unfortunately, my 3 cases pale ale is not to be.

                • @Dan_: I'll leave this and be sure to tell my consumer law professor who works as a principal lawyer at the ACCC that he is wrong. He covered this exact issue in a lecture a few weeks ago and should know he did it in error.

                  • +4

                    @critterjg: Is there any sort of precedent where your interpretation of the ACL has been enforced (under similar circumstances of a straight up pricing error)?

                    I would like my three cases of pale ale rather than a refund.

                    • +1

                      @Dan_: I could probably find one on Lexus Nexus, if you were actually interested.

                      • +2

                        @critterjg: It would be in the interest of all the people in this thread to know where we stand.

                        • +1

                          @Dan_: Not just this thread, but all price error threads here on ozbargain.

                          It would bring australian commerce to its knees honoring all price errors thst have been, and will to come!

                      • +2

                        @critterjg: I'm interested! Please do :)

                      • @critterjg: Me too!

                        • +1

                          @robinCTS: I'll get to it tomorrow if I remember. I was legitimately held up doing my take home Consumer Law exam.

                          • @critterjg: Not that it will do much good considering how down voted my original comment is. No one will see the damn explanation.

                            • +1

                              @critterjg: Don't worry, the people who commented will see it.

  • +5

    I reckon this is the first time I've got in on time for one of these probable price errors. Let's hope it's honoured. I like Little Creatures and am just about to run out of beer for footy season. Perfect timing!

  • I got a confirmation email, doubt it will be honored but worth a try for a couple of minutes

  • +2

    Depression SORTED! Thank you so much OP!

  • Couldn't click and collect for me

  • +2

    Damn too late.

    • Ok you might be lucky the deal is still current but the site is having a meltdown.

  • +1

    Keep getting time-outs during checkout :(

    • Same. Pity.

  • +1

    Site seems to have died for me!!

  • +37

    Order collected!

    • Noice.

    • Which store?

    • +1

      At least you deserve that 👍👍

    • Congrats!

    • +2

      Store was Elwood (Vic) lady was quite surprised, only a few slabs of both in stock.

    • Beer isn't short dated is it?

      • All November or December

  • Not working now. Cannot add to cart.

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