The attraction of the UBank Usaver/Transaction combo was:
good interest even with withdrawals (use it like a mortgage offset for daily use)
Earn up to 2.87% p.a.
Variable rate includes 1.06% p.a. bonusno fee for visa debit o/s transactions
However the -ves are pushing me away. Using the android app:
transferring between your OWN UBanks accounts require sms code, which you have to copy and paste in
compare this with transferring to linked EXTERNAL accounts which require no such extra stepsyou need to DISABLE all apps that "draw over other apps" before you can open the bank app
this includes things like the notch hider, fb messenger, call recorders, and a bunch of other 'background apps'
the app doesn't disable them, you have to go into system and disable them
So to transfer money from your Usaver (earning interest) to Transaction (for payments or visa) it's going to take a lot lot of effort. Not worth it for me, right now.
Are there alternative banks that have kinda good interest linked to a free daily account I should look at? Or just give up and use some free daily account.
But I still miss the (no fee for visa debit o/s transactions) unless I wait a day and transfer into ubank each time.