An article I found on the ABC website.
Very fascinating read, especially how it applies to us OzBargainers. Really prodded me to think about whether something really is a good deal versus something that provokes regret-aversion.
I know that I readily try and grab good, time-limited deals - even if I can't really afford them - simply because of this avoidance of future remorse if I DIDN'T get that deal before it ended. This really applies to Aldi's tools & hardware for me - I don't REALLY need that swivelling float level, but if I DON'T get it there won't be any more available next week!
Having said that, learning the cycles of certain sellers e.g. Spotlight & Supercheap means that if I don't get a good deal, it'll come back down to the same price in the next 6-12 months anyway. Bunnings, on the other hand, doesn't ever disount - so finding a cheap deal on Ozito batteries then really pushes me to get them.
They say this but I've purchased many reduced price items from Bunnings.