Great price on both these handsets.
Huawei Mate 20 (Black) - $699. Expired
Great price on both these handsets.
Huawei Mate 20 (Black) - $699. Expired
I am thinking if I should comment about brick prices or Huawei?
But to be fair when Huawei mate 20 pro hits $100 mark, I'll buy a brick.
Totally agree, so inflated price for a brick. Will you buy a brick for $100?
Definitely not. Especially if every brick has 5 cameras and 3 microphones with brick headquarters in Beijing?! Not even if they paid me $100 per piece.
@[Deactivated]: God I love the smell of napalm in the morning with my coffee and I am all out of coffee!
@[Deactivated]: Are you that worried about Chinese government spying on you?
I think you broke my sarcasm meter.
@orangetrain: Are you that worried about Chinese government and Huawei got called out? Just buy your cheaper phones and move on
@johnwinkle: Lucky are the people who are being protected against a cruel dictatorship and their Huawei propaganda.
@[Deactivated]: You talk about propaganda and make baseless claims about huawei spying and 10s of comments about the phones going to $100 for whatever reason, ironic.
@johnwinkle: This is the problem with China supporter, you can't reason with them, even with facts. it's crazy.
@johnwinkle: Dude you lost me there. I think there is moment in life to crawl out our caves.
What is your problem? My position is for customers and citizens liberty.
Your position? Are you claiming that China is a free country? Democratic values? Liberty? Do you have problems with cheaper Huawei phones? What are you defending? What are attacking? Just buy your phone and move on. Or should I say sell your phone?
@[Deactivated]: "My position is for customers and citizens liberty"
Also you in a previous comment:
"Snowden is a traitor, a threat and a fugitive criminal and his statements are worthless."
Looks like you have an ulterior motive you're hiding don't you ;)
@[Deactivated]: The problem is your contradictory stances between US and China spying invalidates any stance you have on this matter
@johnwinkle: Search there was an article when Vodafone UK found backdoors in their equipment Huawei told they will patch it then they didn't patch with other holes. When Vodafone advised them of unpatched backdoors they said they won't do it for manufacturing purpose!
Good job falling for the propaganda the other direction
@[Deactivated]: Agree….Spying of citizens, control of information and truth about the Great firewall has been eloquently explained on this episode of Patriot Act.
Call it an ingot, make it from Gold and yes I'll be in it for $100.
It will never drop to 100 bucks.
Definitely will go way down and it will take a lot of other phones down. I don't know about $100 but you can always pray!
@[Deactivated]: We are living in a global world now, not Cold War era, it seems you are still living in the latter, which is why you are so sure , so excited about your judgement.
Too much drama these days, multiple new shows everyday, we will only get a clear picture after all these are done.
There will be a debate about trade war between Trish Regan and liuxin on Fox at 11am today, I will definitely watch it.
it will in 4-5 years
But does your brick have band 28?
Have an updoot and leave me alone :)
Kidding, well played. Thanks
Before buying a brick
1) Contact Huawei support and ask them if the are going to allow customers to unlock the bootloader and when
2) Once they allow unlocking, check if you can install a new OS like LineageOS
3) If you can, then buy that brick and bring back to life.
And Yes I checked, the
Huawei P20 Pro
is supported, but still waiting on Huawei to allow unlocking.
Valid point, but the bugs are deeply implemented and not removable by rooting or installing a new OS. The other thing is losing the support and compatibility of some apps. Also some parts of the device have always issues and not working properly. Huawei's stock OS has a lot of issues itself.
After all surely this is better than nothing. Thank you
@[Deactivated]: I thought the discussion was about whether you should buy a potential brick.
If it is about what size tin foil hat you need, I have no idea
@[Deactivated]: I appreciated you. A lot could be said about uncalled nonsense and unsolicited personal attack and tinfoil hat.
After all if I am in a glass house I wouldn't throw rocks at others.
@[Deactivated]: Just saying I have no idea about security issues built-in to the device. Not my area of expertise that's all. Not attacking anyone
It won’t, get over it. Just scare tactics.
Huawei just got its WiFi, sd card, Bluetooth membership back.
Let us wait and see, if Huawei phones will drop to 100 bucks,
Or there will be a mate 30 with an even higher price than current mate 20?
Check it out and double confirm yourself
Give yourself a different definition of the word”rumor”.
@Hsinking: Theyre the aus version of trump screaming fake news at everything. Not sure how a confirmed fact can be regarded as a rumor
Go search the news on Google, it's owned by US company, must be more trustworthy ;p
And so it begins..
wait for it
Wait for it until it hits $100.
There are a lot of stock piled in China from the companies around the world that cancelled their orders.
Be patient.
The desperation
sells popcorn and alfoil
You keep telling yourself that
This is such a good price though, MUST…RESIST
You'll be crazy for buying at this ridiculous high price.
Same price at Kogan too
If i'm thinking about buying a Huawei phone , and also thinking about buying a Saab ……which one would be the worse decision?
not buying a stylish alfoil hat?
Id say Saab is actually not that bad?
I'll buy it when it's below $500 in a month.
Be patient
When pro is $699, then it's a good price.
I'll still pass most likely, not looking good for Huawei
If Huawei close down, JB does the warranty or not?
but they wont close down….what the US Govt has done is technically illegal and a knee-jerk reaction to Huawei smashing Apple in sales revenue. Doing all this not realising that there are some US companies who solely rely on their relationship with Huawei to stay in business.
My thought on this whole thing from the start is they are trying to ZTE 2.0. They want to double dip, they want to still make money from Huawei via them purchasing parts from US companies (ie Google, Intel etc) but then they want their own direct cut in form of a lump sum payment (several billion) and then probably hit them with some made up trading clause breach and then hit them up with another several billion dollar payment.
The ZTE issue is completely different to the Huawei one. The only thing remotely similar is they are both Chinese.
In March 2017, ZTE pleaded guilty to illegally exporting U.S. technology to Iran and North Korea in violation of trade sanctions.
ZTE were quite literally supporting hostile states.
ye na i agree, but to avoid confusing the topic and taking it on a different topic altogether, my point of bringing up ZTE was the lump sum payment followed by a breach payment which i really believe the DT is looking for…it'd be in the billions.
Lol all trump is doing is holding a ransom on the Chinese government with hopes of securing are more biased favouring to the USA unfair trade deal. Fk trump for doing this shit. They did the same thing to ZTE and they can trade as normal. My guess is there going to force there own nsa back-door spywear on all Huawei devices and then will be business as usual. That is what is is really about. Imo lol
So what your saying is this is not political but all about the money?
@xoom: It's both but still a huge part of it would be about money. It's definitely political though, how else can he get a better trade deal, It wouldn't surprise me if his daughter is used as a way to get a better deal and also force Huawei to do something that the us government would want. No doubt can't be good lol
Without a solid operating system it’s safer to buy a potato as a phone
b28 potato?
With nfc.
Why dont you consider Nokia rather than potato?…
"HUAWEI is now back on the member list of SD, Wifi, Bluetooth, and JEDEC Association"
News of Huawei's death has been greatly exaggerated.
Cool, so they can use SD cards, WiFi and Bluetooth.
One problem, they can’t use Google services which are basically essential in the western Android market.
Great hardware means nothing without great software.
Nothing is greatly exaggerated. They are doomed, as they should be.
Let us all wait for an Australian mobile phone to beat Huawei then.
Australian mobile phone? In 109 years?
The point I guess is that it's a mostly political issue and could be solved very quickly as we have seen in the link I posted.
If it isn't resolved before the 90 day reprieve is up, I'd say they will be straight back on the ban list for SD cards, WiFI, Bluetooth etc.
Wouldn't risk buying one, even at half the sale price.
Only granted due to a temporary 90 day license. See what happens then.
And as was said in that comment thread, memberlist means nothing. RaspberyPi aren't members either and they're still using SD cards just fine. They just can't submit and participate.
And this where this fear uncertainty and doubt is. People seem to think that if they stopped being a member list for sdcard, wifi and bluetooth. Their device will instantly at a given date stop reading sd cards or connecting to bluetooth and wifi devices.
so we couldn't just sideload google apps?
This is what I'm curious about and nobody seems to want to address. Or is something possible via rooting the device even?
The first thing is safety and security. Even if you don't care, you are still responsible for the people you are in contact with through this device.
Then it is the Chinese global initiative, their power and ability to shut down, misinform or sway people's decisions. Like those here who are negging others!
Also, there are Google and other companies around the world that have already cut or will cut ties with Huawei.
Your device will not have any security updates or bugs patches through Google and any and every app might be able to infiltrate and mess and steal your personal information, so you will have 3 copies, one with you, one with the hackers and one with XI jinping!
We live in Australia tho. Our government passed laws to force companies to creating backdoors into any software and no one gives a shit. Barely anyone even knows about it.
@petry: Dude! You can't asked for evidence of innocence. Are you kidding me?
Sources is our democracy. Unfortunately though I think a Chinese dictatorship propaganda is more successful than democracy. See it here. How many people are looking for evidence to condemn our own democratic country over a dictatorship and how many people willing to bend and bow.
The reason is the freedom, the freedom of stupidity! But I take it anytime over dictatorship until I eventually lose it to that stupidity
@[Deactivated]: ohh so you just expressing your personal opinion and disregarding historical facts…. ok then
@[Deactivated]: thought you were chundering about oz mate - back in those days it was native Australian civilisations - pre immigrants.
@[Deactivated]: Dude this is literally what the US government is doing. Are you kidding me? They're asking Huawei to prove their innocence based on evidenceless accusations
@[Deactivated]: Have you heard encryption law and mandatory data retention? go google if you haven't.
@BrianGriffin: I am well aware. It's not my preferred solution, but have you heard of terrorists? Our government should eat cement and grow the hell up.
@ScruffTheJanitor: Yet still you can go to middle of the town and criticize government here is Australia….try doing that in China (even on social media).
Difference is government here don't go and ban a cartoon character because it resembles the prime minister or the president.…
this is the difference between free society and dictatorship.
You can go to Times Square in NY and shout Trump is a ****** and still get away with it.
@dealhunter52: You're thinking of North Korea, not China. I've done exactly the same thing in Shanghai in a popular district, shouted out loud how shit the government is. The fact is, no one gave a damn about me, everybody who were around looked at me as if I'm sorta of a weirdo.
I didn't get arrested, nor was I being questioned. Man I was worried more about me end up in social media looking like a completely idiot, than being arrested
@mengqing: seems you got lucky…unlike hundreds of lawyer and human rights activist who have been detained.…
If in doubt try writing 'free Tibet' or something similar on your Wiebo account just before your next visit to China.
Disclaimer: I don't take any responsibility of the consequences.
@dealhunter52: That's because they're activists, how's that not simple enough to understand? I didn't got lucky, I knew that I wasn't breaking the law. I have my freedom of speech to certain extent, as long as I don't cross the line I would be fine. If you live in the country, then you follow that country's law. If you don't like it, then just leave, just walk away, it's that simple. I feel no pity for those dudes, same as I don't feel pity for the dude who tried to steal a poster from North Korea.
And on the same subject, tell me what happened to Snowden now, what happened to Assange, what happened to that Saudi Arabic journalist who got chopped into slices? Can I just walk into the whitehouse and point my finger at Trump?
In b4 Huawei ban comments.