Bunnings Not Honouring Warranty as I Made The Purchase with Power Pass Card

Had Bunnings try to tell me today that I could not return a faulty Cordless nail gun, as I made the purchase with my power pass card. Argued with three different employees who kept stating the same thing, I then gave up and and purchased a new nail gun, the person at the tools shop told me that if I use my PowerPass card I would again not get a warranty. He then told me that I could pay for it with another card or cash and I would have a warranty. He explained that Ryobi tools do not come with a trade warranty. I looked over the entire box and it does not state anywhere that there is no warranty for trade use.

Later I contacted bunnings head office and explained what had happened, they said they will look into it.
I read the terms and conditions of the new nail gun and it does not state anything in the warranty papers that there is no warranty for trade use.

I then contacted Ryobi who said it was ridiculous that Bunning stated there was no warranty for trade use, And that the full warranty would apply for DIY or trade use. I asked Ryobi to email me something stating along those words, which they did. I then returned to Bunning’s to have it out with them about the warranty, but the lady that processed my return said that the return was fine and there was no problem with the warranty.

Bunning’s head office called me back later that afternoon and tried to tell me that on the Ryobi website they state there is no warrantee for trade use and it would depend on each store if they allowed a return. I then explained to her how my return was processed at the local bunnings store and I had an email from Ryobi stating that the warranty covers DIY and trade use. After 20 minutes of going over the same crap with her she said she will look into it and possibly look at re-educating the staff, or ryobi has given them misinformation. After reading on other forums apparently many people have been turned away from Bunning’s trying to get a warranty return on a Ryobi tool.

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  • +17

    Looks like you got what you wanted in the end..

    What was the question again?

    • +60

      Yeah looks like I shouldn't have bothered posting.

      • +73

        I find the story interesting.

      • +27

        Damn it, we OzBargainers lost our chance to say: "So what did Ryobi/Bunnings say when you talked to them?"
        And you were supposed to say "start a thread on OzBargain first, then come later".
        You're breaking protocol by acting all ….responsibly

      • It was a good rant though. ☺

    • +13

      Maybe you don't find this of interest - but I'd say this is pretty helpful information.

    • +1

      He didn't have a question, it was more a rant and I don't see any question marks…..and forums aren't exclusive to just asking questions either…

      • -1

        Don't stress. I enjoyed the rant. It was just a sarcastic comment :)

        • +1

          oh….I guess I fell for the bait….

  • +24

    Many people haven't got what they wanted. And how many people have been turned away.

    • +48

      Nailed it.

      • +20

        Ironically, what op couldn't do

      • By ironically not having a working nail gun

  • You aren't trying hard enuf. Go get em site supervisor/manager.

    • +1

      I worked on the service desk in retail many years ago. When there was something that you didn't think should be refunded you'd call the manager - and they'd almost always authorise it. Basically, if the person at the service desk is giving your resistance, insist that they call a manager down and you'll have pretty good odds of getting what you want.

  • +1

    Yea a few lads on here have stated do not purchase Ryobi or Ozito with trade pass because you lose your warranty.
    As for Ryobi being a trade quality tool I'd personally say its more consumer focused now days but they do have some higher end models that compete on the trade side.
    Ryobi, Milwaukee, AEG are all owned by TTI industries and Ryobi is the lower out of the 3 but i have some older made in Japan Ryobi tools and they are awesome quality.

    • +3

      But aren't all new products covered by 12 months warranty in Australia? Or is it because it was a "domestic" appliance being used for "trade" purposes?

      Even then, the method of purchase shouldn't disqualify someone from their warranty?

      • +1

        Hmmm yeah interesting.. You'd hope as a DIYer you weren't subsidising for trade use tools so I think it should be distinctly labelled and enforced.

        The method matters here because the powerpass card is a trade account card which indicates it's likely going to be for trade use.

      • +1

        "consumer goods means goods that are intended to be used, or are
        of a kind likely to be used, for personal, domestic or household use
        or consumption,"

        It appears that Australian Consumer Law doesn't apply for tools used for business purposes. That doesn't mean there is no warranty, only that warranty isn't enforceable by the ACL. The warranty is still covered under contract law as it is part of the sale, but you aren't entitled to the ACL rules. They could give a 6 months warranty for example

        However I am not sure if it the intention of the product, rather than the consumer who bought it, that counts.

        If I buy a garden hose, it is a product used in a domestic household. Does it stop being a domestic product if I use it on a construction site?

        • +1

          The 'kind' of a tool is not dependant on your payment method.

          If they sell the same tool for personal, domestic or household use then it is by definition the kind of tool intended to be used for these purposes.

          • @trapper: But OP used PowerPass, which is a Tradies discount credit card, braj. The discount is for Tradies/Builders etc and so by it's very definition, if you're using the card, it means all purchases are considered for commercial use. It's not that difficult to understand.

            • +3


              "consumer goods means goods that are intended to be used, or are
              of a kind likely to be used, for personal, domestic or household use
              or consumption,"

              Nothing about payment method or discount type.

              • @trapper: @trapper if you reeeealllyyy think Bunnings would operate so boldy outside the bounds of Consumer Law, than you can't be serious.

        • +3

          It appears that Australian Consumer Law doesn't apply for tools used for business purposes.

          Incorrect, there are many instances where the ACL does apply for purchases under 40k.

          see page 8 here

          If a person buys a good in trade or commerce:
          • for the purpose of re-supply
          • to use them or transform them through processing, production or manufacture
          • to repair or treat other goods or fixtures on land

          then they have not acquired them as a consumer under the ACL

          Otherwise, they have and the ACL applies

    • +5

      Unless the item is over $40,000 it's covered by the ACL for business use. Relevant guidelines:

      A consumer is a person who buys:
      any type of goods or services costing up to $40,000 (or any other amount set by the ACL in future)

      Which goods are not covered?
      costing more than $40,000 that a person would normally buy for business use—for example, machinery and farming equipment.

      There is a handy flow chart on page 9 here: https://cdn.tspace.gov.au/uploads/sites/60/2016/05/0553FT_AC…


      Bunnings is breaking the law when they tell you it doesn't. Payment method is irrelevant.

      • +4

        this is the correct response to this whole thread rather than people speculating on things they have no idea about

        • +1

          people speculating on things they have no idea about


  • -3

    Hit up ACCC if you can be bothered. It might possibly help more than just posing here.

    • Unfortunately Australian Consumer Law does not apply to trade purchases (only domestic/personal shoppers) so ACCC won't be interested. Because it's a trade transaction not a consumer transaction, contract law is your only support. Arguably Ryobi / Bunnings are in breach of contract if the product was labelled with warranty information and they did not inform you otherwise at the time of purchase. Referring you to a website after the sale is not sufficient…they needed to inform you before you handed over your cash. Fallback is to take them to VCAT (if you're in Vic).

      • -3

        It's probably stipulated when you sign up to the PowerPass function regarding warranties that transactions are considered as commercial transactions.

      • +2

        Everything you’ve said is totally incorrect, go and actually look at the ACCC website. You’d be surprised as to just how wrong you are.

    • their rules are not clear: You supposed to refuse the extended TV warranty but scream if it does not last 10 years!
      On one page there is a trade limit and iit is something like 20 or 40 grands. Anybody found it?

  • +10

    It has been about a year now that Ryobi has accepted warranty claims on units purchased using a power pass card. The box used to say for DIY use only. It now does not. Ozito, on the other hand, states clearly on all packaging that the unit is for domestic use and Ozito will not honour a warranty claim where a customer has used a power pass card (there is no discount on diy tools). It would be up to the individual store whether they would take the loss at store level to replace an ozito tool that has been purchased using a trade card. Please don’t take your frustrations out on the Bunnings team members. They are only doing what they are told but it seems, in this case, that they are following expired procedures.

    • +7

      A purchase with a trade card doesn't mean it's been used for trade purposes.

  • +26

    Your tenacity is to be admired. You deserve to have your ozbargain membership upgraded to level 2.

    • +1

      Yeah he deserves 30 days of OzBargain premium for free*

      *Requires a credit card up front.
      Don't to unsubscribe before the billing date.
      No refunds for power pass.

      • +1

        actually should be downgraded because this doesn't qualify for the proper forum posting which includes statements like:

        "What do I do?"
        "Should I talk to the supervisor?"
        "Should I try in a different store"

        Basically common sense has been used here which is against the rules of forum posts!

  • +6

    Probably had some scrubs running the show at your local Bunnings.

    I dislike Bunnings but even I have to admit their warranty is very easy to deal with.

  • +6

    Hi Ken, please come by the office tomorrow to receive your OzBargain Power Pass card. It just arrived.

  • +4

    ACCC would be very interested in what you have to say, refusing warranty for this kind of reason is a big nono under australian consumer law.

  • +2

    bunning argument is that if you are using a trade card then you are using the tools for trade purposes. They are making the distinction under fit for purpose. Saything that they are not fit for trade use but fine for DIY. Do i know if that is legal no idea. Does it make sense probably

    • It's in the PowerPass agreement.

      • +1

        It's not legal to have an 'agreement' that opts you out of consumer protection laws.

  • +8

    Thanks for going to the trouble of posting, may help others if they are stonewalled.

  • +1

    Whats the issue with the ryobi gun?

    Mine plays up every now and then and stops shooting nails, just shooting blanks.

    I open up the top compartment and oil it with WD40 and it works fine again.

    • It wouldn’t fire at all, white LED’s kept flashing. Wasn’t jammed at all.

  • +2

    Wow I didn’t know this
    Thank you for the heads up.
    Lucky you posted this!!!

    This should be titled PSA !!

  • probably Balgowlah store - they are a right bunch of old crabs in there. Always have issues. Belrose on the other hand are always friendly and happy to price match etc.

  • Well anyone with a brain would/should know that ryobi is not for trade/commercial use. Its for a weekend warrior to use every few weeks maybe. You get what you pay for. An i am almost %100 sure it does say not for trade/commercial use somewhere.

    Edit. It stats in the warranty for DIY use only.

    • +1

      It definitely DOES NOT state in the warranty anything about DIY or trade use, I know because I read every line of it.

  • +2

    Method of payment is totally irrelevent for warranty claims.
    In fact Bunnings should be promoting their PowerPass card and this should be the preferred payment option.

    I would be demanding the store persons name and telling them that they will be held personally responsibile after escalating the claim.

    Just shows you how totally stupid some store people are.
    Its costs them absolutely nothing to honour a warranty claim.
    This is just a power play.

    All warranty claims are claimed back against the manufactuer/supplier anyway so it costs them nothing and Bunnings has a lot of clout in this area.
    Manufacturers are nearly always compliant with Bunnings claims for fear they will be booted right off the shelf! Happens all the time. Bunnings has no loyality to any supplier.

    Anyway its always best to take it to the store manager first

    • +2

      Bunnings is also the distributor of Ryobi. The cost of a warranty exchange will likely fall on the distributor, ie. Bunnings.

      In the case of power tools, Bunnings likes to retain monopsony so they can establish a monopoly. They won't stick it to Ryobi over small claims like this because as long as Ryobi is exclusively sold by Bunnings, it's a gravy train worth the write off of a few warranty claims.

      I would be demanding the store persons name and telling them that they will be held personally responsibile after escalating the claim.

      The staff is an employee. Unless it can be proven that the staff is acting out of malicious intent against the employer, Bunnings, the actions of the staff reflects that of the employer. It is up to the employer to take disciplinary action, not you nor anyone else.

      • The cost does not fall on the distributor.

        The claim goes back up the chain to the manufacturer who then just throws a free one into the next order. And that's if they don't already throw in a few free ones in with every order for this exact purpose.

        Also remember your $200 tool only costs $5 to make, so the manufacturer is hardly even out of pocket either.

        • Not necessarily. It is really up to distributor and manufacturer to set the terms of supply as the transaction is not protected by any consumer laws.

          I have had dealings where I hold liability for aus/nz certification, warranty, etc. I essentially buy as is. Items were cheap, ie. <$10 per unit.

          Only time when I had manufacturer volunteer warranty was for GPU in the crypto mining days.

          I've also been offered deals where if a percentage of the lot is defective, I return the whole lot and get a new one.

    • +1

      It's not the method of payment that invalidated his consumer rights…it's the fact it was a trade transaction which is not considered a consumer transaction and hence not covered by consumer law.

  • +1

    It's good to have this type of information for future reference. I personally do not shop at Bunnings unless completely necessary becuase they are just another large retailer who only care about profits. In most cases you can get what you need elsewhere and cheaper.

  • I have just read the warranty card on the ryobi one saw i just bought, it doesn't state "diy use only" BUT if you go to ryobi Australia's web site look up the warranty it clearly states " diy use only".
    To make matters worse both documents are dated June 2017.
    So which is correct?

    • Ryobi have sent me an email stating they don’t differentiate between trade and DIY use. So will be covered for either. Bunnings hasn’t got this memo yet obviously.

  • +1

    Thanks for posting this little irregularity with their warranty.

  • +2

    Title shud be changed to "bunnings following protocol, not returning my personal use/DIY tools that I have been torturing with trade use".

    All the everyday power tools (drills, grinders, saws, routers, etc) I have ever bought, including a cupboard full of ryobi ALL STATE "for personal or DIY use only" and that's pretty much always followed up by a trade disclaimer of only a few months warranty.

    On the odd occasion I have forked out for a legit "trade tool" they have all specified longer warranties, guaranteed for "trade use" , torture the crap out it it we don't care kinda warranties.

    They have done nothing wrong.

    You sound like a guy I used to deal with every 3 months about a $200 cake mixer…

    He'd come in his work uniform, a pastry chef from a local cake business, and demand his new unit every time it packed it in. He'd scream blue murder, call the ACCC (while in store), threaten legal action, generally be an a### until it was replaced for him. Then he'd take the new one, tell us he'd see us in the near future, and do it all again.

    The guy would have got over 15 mixers in the 4 years I had to deal with him, and he only ever paid for 1. Because he was a pr*** and a cheapa### and refused to by a commercial unit.

    Don't be like that guy.

    • +1

      That's a mixed situation, why did you offer to replace it so many times?

    • No Ryobi tools state DIY use only anymore. And nothing listed with the warranty card. So don’t be that guy!

      • My warranty paperwork (on a drill 1 year old) matches the current online version of the documentation found at…


        states on the very 1st page as the single line, 3rd paragraph…

        "Ryobi Products are intended for DIY (Do It Yourself) use only."

        Then all the terms and conditions start.

        Not that guy, just reading the plain words as the manufacturer has provided them.

  • +1

    I bought a Ryobi 18V tree pruner for home use with the power pass card a while ago. Told there was no warranty. I didn't worry too much as it would only get used occasionally. Then I noticed there was no discount anyway. If I knew that I wouldn't have used the power pass card.

    • If you are not a professional tree lopper you should get warranty anyway. I once bought the top of the line Ryobi petrol snipper only to find nothing other than a 5 corner string would bring down Guinea Grass other than a blade. (not so easy when you work on a steep slope)
      When the spool packed it in and I went to the official service place to purchase a replacement even it was less than 12 months old the staff scolded me!
      The non approved string supposed to void the whole warranty of the snipper! I was not asking for a warranty for the spool that actually had melted because tropical Guinea Grass is even stronger than Roundup!

  • +1

    Power pass isn't just for trade. Various businesses have them.
    Warranty should surely still be apply for those that aren't trade users.

    • +1

      Bunnings PowerPass Trade Accounts are available for customers who hold an ABN for a professional trade (Carpenters, Plumbers, Electricians, Landscapers, Painters, Residential Builders)

      • Yea and the paragraph below it.

        • We also service a wide range of industries including manufacturing, education and government,

          Yes, and non of those are DIY home/personal consumer use.

  • +1

    pickup some paragraphs on your next trip to Bunnings.

  • -1

    What is this power pass card and how can I get it?

  • +1

    Ryobi and Ozito warranty used to say warranty was really short e.g. 30 days or 90 days if used for trade use as their tools weren't developed for this usage etc.

    Powerpass is fine to scan for the discount, but if you buy the item using your trade pricing where you can run into issues. This is also on the discretion of the person of the person you deal with at Bunnings.

    TBH I personally wouldn't care how you paid for the item so long as you have a receipt and it doesn't look like the tool has been mis-used/abused. The way Bunnings warranty works is that Ryobi then pays Bunnings for the cost of the replacement item, if Bunnings replaces it and Ryobi knocks the warranty back they're out of pocket.

    OP if you're buying tools to use more frequently just buy better stuff, I love the Ryobi gear but I wouldn't use it day in and out.

    • +1

      You beat me to it. A lot of consumer grade devices have limited warranty for commercial applications eg.30 days to 90 days.

    • So what are trade use brands then if they're not? I would assume the more expensive brands…like Bosch, and Makita?

      • +2

        @Zachary - They can all be used for trade purpose but some stuff will have a shorter warranty. It's not just limited to power tools.

        Ozito, Bosch Green and Ryobi - DIY/home use.

        AEG, Bosch Blue and Makita are trade use.

        • I have an Ozito angle grinder that is having issues that I bought as part of a power X change kit and at the time of purchase, I used my powerpass to see if I would get a discount (didn't realise at the time the potential issue and it would be no discount anyway)

          I since have been hesitant to take it back due to the issue the OP has faced. It hasn't been used as part of my business (What self respecting tradie would use Ozito products for their job) but not looking forwards to them deeming that because I paid for it with a powerpass card, that somehow equates to being used for trade use.

          Probably also doesn't help that I don't think I have my original receipt so will have to print off the powerpass invoice from online which will highlight.

          Any suggestions on how to best approach it?

        • But the trade use designed products would last longer than a DIY/Home use equivalent alternative?

  • Is there a discount for powerpass holders or do you just end up paying RRP with credit facility?

    • The comment above which you replied to mentions:

      Powerpass is fine to scan for the discount,

      So I assume you get a discount (and I want such a card lol)

      • Discount for items related to the trade with which you are registered, I believe.

        • Discount for items related to the trade with which you are registered, I believe.

          No. Discounts on pretty much everything that averages 5% except for some Powertools (and a few other exceptions).

    • theres a couple of options… powerpass cash is the easiest which is just generally a 5% discount on most items except DIY rated tools. No credit terms just an upfront discount at the checkout. If you have an abn and you agree to the T&C you can get one pretty easily.

      But dont buy things on powerpass unless you get a discount, ozito tools is one example as the warranty drops from the 5 years.

      But its nice that you can see all your invoices in the portal, theres competitions and promotions from time to time and trade events on like the sydney trade expo on tomorrow at the showgrounds.

  • if you have a powerpass, it would appear that you are with a trade, hence should be buying a better tool.

    Probably to avoid going through the process of bringing back a cheapo handyman tool for warranty, consuming time for everyone involved.

    Hardware stores have operated the same way for decades with cheap tools, this is normal behavious

    • My son spent thousands bought Milwaukee. Nice looking gear steady feel but how come their batteries fail faster than Ozito? Sore got warranty but who wants downtime?

  • I find the post good! I went thru a lot of power tools and have only ever made reasonable warranty claims. After my Ryobi set got a bit tired and the small grinder was real hard to use I invested big style into Ozito. I am a semi retired occasional user without Aldi access so Ozito offers an alternative for the casual dabbler.

    Buying longer roof sheets on the dump than my car could handle I got a deal with the council that if I used a very small battery cutter with goggles away from other customers I was allowed to cut. So the small grinder was just perfect. Of course it struggled so I bought 2 large batteries at full cost and slowly the grinder did what I needed to do.
    So I kept on buying Ozito cheap gear to drill the occasional hole and drive in the screw to hang a picture, even blow out the dust from the dogs.

    15 minutes of grinder use the bearing packed up, 12 months and a few days into the 3 years warranty Bunnings told me: You old hobbyist sorry no more guarantee that stuff is not meant to be used by a grey haired with a power pass!

    Bunnings you got to be joking. This grinder looks like brand new just out of the box and all it did is cut a few tin sheets and the bearing has gone.

    Even staff tells me since Masters are gone another wind is blowing at Bunnings. They are now trained to sell not to honor warranties!

  • You don't get any trade discount with Ryobi with your PowerPass which is what i've found buying Ryobi products so there's no point in using it in the first place. The best route is just not to use the PowerPass card when buying Ryobi and save yourself the hassle. Should you wish to argue "What if i'm buying more stuff and have a Ryobi tool aswell?" Well just make two purchases. That simple.

  • I have been scanning my powerpass card for all the purchases, but yet to face any issues with warranty or return! They never asked me what I use the item for! Is it because I scan the card for discount, but always pay with my credit card?

  • +1

    Reduced warranty duration is understandable. But no warranty is not right.

  • +1

    That's odd. I've heard Bunnings' returns policy is ridiculously generous. You may have had better luck trying to simply return it without a receipt nor a reason.

    (b) I acknowledge and accept that, by submitting this application for a credit facility to be provided by Bunnings, I give the Customer’s agreement to be bound by the PowerPass Usage Terms and Conditions if this application is accepted; and
    (c) I particularly acknowledge that, under clause 13 of the PowerPass Usage Terms and Conditions, the Customer, in consideration of Bunnings accepting this application and in order to secure repayment of all moneys payable by the Customer to Bunnings, grants a charge, as beneficial owner and as trustee of any trust, in favour of Bunnings, all of the Customer’s right, title and interest in land (held now or in the future, wherever located); and…

    So, any and all land you hold now or in the future.


    • +1

      Regardless of what they say, they can no longer enforce any unfair contract terms. The laws have changed in this regard, if the clause if fair then it would hold up.

      But when applying for credit anywhere it's always a good idea to read fully the level of personal guarantee you're providing.

  • Bunnings has the best warranty/returns ever. Bare in mind they have a monopoly over the industry.

    It is true though that ryobi/ozito are not intended for trade use and using them for trade generally voids the warranty.
    This things on this:
    Why would you use ryobi if you are a proper tradie.
    You must have met a staff member who gave a shit. Most dramas I've experienced is the staff member stressing trying to find someone with the return authorisation code.

    We do spend about $5-10k a year just on household stuff so honestly why bother.

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