Harrolds at Crown Melbourne selling these for $345 at 70% off.
Black and white available and various sizes when i went there yesterday afternoon.
Harrolds at Crown Melbourne selling these for $345 at 70% off.
Black and white available and various sizes when i went there yesterday afternoon.
Average income here is 300k and the most popular deal ever is a tesla deal over 150k.
We got a whirlpool Forumer here!
Is that really true? That’s so interesting, is there more information about it?
You made me choke on my $1 7-Eleven coffee.
fresh banking graduate see luxury cars as a long term investment
Wtf is that , do people actually wear these
Looks worse than the $30 fila basketball shoes and $315 more expensive
hey dont make bring my dope Fila kicks into the conversation
Will have the same look of I wrap my $15 sneakers in newspaper
I would rather walk barefoot for the rest of my life than wearing this ugly newspapers.
Looks like its been wrapped in today's Herald sun
The Daily Telegraph
Dude, enough with the joke posts…. honestly
The deals that you dont buy are joke posts? Who are you?
I saw it yesterday when shopping, its a good deal, i bought a pair and posted here to inform others.
The only 2 deals you posted in 2019 is a box of coca cola and kirks. I dont drink soft drinks but they are still deals cos others do.
with all due respect, this does look like a joke post to me, and im enjoying the laughs…
thank you op (seriously)!
@Lionking48: https://stockx.com/reebok-instapump-fury-vetements-doodle
im going to be rich!!! I saw heaps of these at my local kindergarten
April fools bit too late isn't it?
definitely some fashionable asian will buy this and walk them to street.
Bend the heel part into the shoe and step on it to wear them.
They pay you $345 to wear these, right?
Tax deductible if you are advertising you business on them shoes
Farout, great deal OP. Pity I'm in Adelaide! Good post regardless.
Thanks OP. Got 10
Oh wow. That looks different. In a good way I suppose. I can remember back in the day when it seems I was the only one wearing white sneakers in school when just about everyone one else was wearing those fugly desert boots. Used to get different comments about them.
I don't like to judge… but man, if you're going to tempt me…
why so expensive if its just a reebok? They have exact same model without the writing on for much cheaper. Is it just a status thing that mostly chinese buy?
Mainlanders are gawdy AF
gawdy? Meaning?
because it's vetememes vetements collaboration
Wow they're so ugly & have no style at all I just vomited
Are they some rare collectors item? Or just bullshit Harrod's prices?
If they didn't sell out immediately then they won't hold any value on the resale market.
1 x flake and min chips with chicken salt, thanks.
Thanks OP! Went in and got a Tom Ford Tie for $15 which was originally $335
Oh yea they also have tom ford leggings for $15
if you can read this, you're too close to my foot.
Who buys this crap?
The OP bought one
No he didn’t. He just thought it was funny to post this.
What in the wide world of sports is a Vetements?
your 2ndeffort should be to learn French
need to be over 90% off if you want someone from ozB to buy them.
they are hideous