This was posted 5 years 9 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Stokke Xplory Stroller V5 (Beige/Purple/Red) $510 (Reduced from $1,199) @ David Jones


Noticed this via Pricehipster - crazy price for a Stokke pram (if you're into that sort of thing).

EDIT: looks like only purple left, might want to be quick.

EDIT 2: all gone now. Must have been a good deal!

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David Jones
David Jones

closed Comments

  • +3

    Prams are soooo over priced!

    • +4

      They are, but they are priced according to how much a good one is worth to a parent. Wasn't much of an issue when I had one child, but now that we have two the good pram we got previously is worth every cent. Excellent mechanics on the wheels, good modular storage, adapts to the different size child, has the attachments for a car seat etc etc.

      So I agree with you, but it's one of those things that a good one pays for itself.

      • +2

        Yep agree with that, we paid about $800 for a City Select pram which we've used for the past 4 years. It's been through hell and back with 2 kids with various seat setups (bassinet, seat, capsule + seat, double seats)… now we are expecting a third, so we'll get a couple years more use out of this pram.

        It's still in excellent condition so we'll still be able to sell it once we're done with it.
        No regrets with spending to get a quality pram.

        • +12

          Are you having kids just to get as much use out of it as per the OzB way?

          • +3

            @Ti-au: Deal concept: Catholicism. Save on contraception, get maximum use out of each pram. Free to join. Offers regular servings of red wine and wafer bread, posthumous rewards scheme.

            • @Morven: Damn… go(o)d benefits.

              Isn't it like costco - you have to get membership?

    • Yes but they are on sale all the time. These "genuine" accessories are actually overpriced. I remember bag/cup holder/extra liner cost us over $200 and best deal we can find is 10% off. (mine is a bugaboo)

  • +9

    As a soon to be new dad with no idea what the hell I am doing, is this a good pram?

    • +1

      Owned a V3, A+++ will buy again even at full price back in the day ($1599 plus the bassinet which was only used for….couple of weeks).

      • Ha ha same here. My wife got it from the UK and it (Inc bassinet) was something like $1300 landed. Bassinet was used for about two months I think. A good pram though.

      • +1

        Again my ignorance here is showing but it looks very featureless compared to the typical pram I'm envisaging. I've sent the link to the wife anyway to see what she says!

    • +6

      "Dont care. It's a deal!! Buying now and thinking about it later! After I find a girlfriend…." =D

      • +6

        now there's a chat up line for you. "i've bought a great pram".

        • +1

          Could work. I once dated a single mum who dumped me for a guy who bought a car that would suit her kids better. (Epilogue: I'm reading this pram thread because years later I'm married to someone else and we're having a baby. Come to mention it, I upgraded my car last year…)

    • +1

      Stokke is like rolex

      But if you need lightweight + cabin size - Go with babyzen yoyo+

      • Do you have the yoyo? Don't suppose you have ever compared it to mountain buggy nano?

        • Dont have either but ive been doing a bit of research about them and the nano really felt so much more flimsy/basic. Wife has decided we are going to go with Baby Jogger City Tour for that same price range. The yoyo is really quite expensive for a travel pram.

          • @basicerno: Look at Valcobaby Snap. Was the lightest when I bought a few months back with decent features.

        • buggy nano still too big / not compliant with carry-on / cabin size

          • @dcep: I’ve been on about 5 international and domestic flights with my Mountain Buggy Nano, all carry on. It’s the best being able to stroll up to the gate and stroll from plane back inside with a sleeping toddler. It’s the only travel one I’ve found with full recline for that purpose. It’s also taken prescendence over my Bugaboo Cameleon at times because of its convenience.

        • From playing around with them and lots of review reading/watching, in the mini sizes the best are:

          Top of the range: Babyzen Yoyo, Silver Cross jet, bugaboo Bee 5 (though arguably not a proper compact, more a mini full size)

          Middle of the range: GB Pockit (and maybe Qbit) / Baby Jogger City Tour Mini / Mountain Buggy Nano

          and below that of course a smattering of mothers choice, safety first, umbrella strollers etc.

          My recommendation - pick up a YoYo knock off from eBay or Gumtree - there is heaps of options out there at the $100 to $200 mark.

      • I have the babyzen yoyo+ can vouch for it. Very convenient for travel and fits in cabin storage (don't have to check it in).

    • +4

      Congratulations and good luck!

      Sending 10 hour nightly sleeps your way


    • +1

      It's a minefield. You'll get it wrong first time. Honestly. Then you'll flog it on gumtree and get a good one. It's what we did.

      Ability to adapt to 2/3 children
      Basket size

      They are all factors.

      Our first was a single seater 3-wheel Valco. It's ok. Thankfully it was only $400 new.
      With a second kid my partner said that at the end of her research there's either a city select or uppababy vista. We have the vista purely because the right deal came up on gumtree ($550 with the second seat but not the skateboard attachment). It's good enough.

      I don't think there is a perfect pram due to size constraints. This includes the vista. The kids always get squished in around each other and if you have tall kids I dunno how long they'll fit. My 2 year old looked as tall as the Vista's seat would allow but somehow she's still fitting in at 2.5 years old.

      Some parents seem to just use a stroller at the shops. NFI how that works outdoors (probably not well). At intermittent times of my kids life we used the pram to get them to sleep. IIRC the uppababy bassinet is actually an approved product for a child to sleep in whereas others are not.

      TLDR: Try hitting gumtree for a Vista and you can't go too far wrong. It'll allow you to have multiple kids only a couple of years apart. Get a 2015 model or newer IIRC as that includes the key design changes and differences between 2015-19 are aesthetic.

      IMHO anything that takes a single kid is pointless unless you're only having one kid or you want them 4 years apart.

  • Potential pricing error?

  • unable to add to cart…

    • try a different colour.

  • Tempting but not a fan of red.

  • Sold out, no colour (aside from full priced black) can be added to cart.

  • Why does it looks like the baby will be at eye level? lol

    • +2

      That's the whole point.

      • +2

        Just staring at you….. :|

  • +1

    I can also vouch for these. We had a stokke for 3 & 1/2years. Best money we ever spent.

    We spent up big and bought the fly net, clear rain cover, seperate bassinet and lambs wool inlay.

    Endded up getting $750 on gumtree when it was time to go.

  • I did consider this pram but ended up with a bugaboo buffalo. This design looks sleek though. Anyone managed to buy it?

  • +2

    Looking at the price of these I can see why some kids in strollers look like they are about to go to school. The parents paid a shite load of money for these and they are going to get every cent of value out of them.

  • +3

    trolley from coles is cheaper

    • And if your kid will tolerate it, the trolley is genuinely better.

      • +1

        if i slam it on 20" rims + neons with a big spoiler i think they will like it a lot more.

    • Might even appreciate the value of the trolley pole when he/she gets older.

  • +1

    Don't buy prams based on aesthetics. A pram for us was a sleeping tool for the baby, as mine sucked at sleeping and a trolley, lol. We tried to find a happy medium between portability (easy to fold and not too large, but then allowed for ample luggae as we could load it up whilst walking to the shops).

  • Thanks ordered one

    • How did you manage to add in cart?

      • +1

        Ordered when this post up. Tried to check out Red colour but failed then tried Purple and managed

  • Must be because too many male babies

  • Gutted that I missed it as was checking out

  • These are great, until you try your friends bugaboo…

  • I've been eyeing strollers at DJs since click frenzy. This one must have been a sudden one :(

  • These are expensive, but can be found for a fraction of the price on gumtree etc.

    Sure it takes a little effort, and you may possibly have to decline a few in poor condition before finding the right one.
    But unless your time is worth $200/hr, you are in front. And if it is, why are you here?

    I did buy a fancy toddler+baby twin pram at one stage, but hardly used it. Baby Bjorn carrier (eBay) plus a $99 umbrella stroller was much more practical.

  • oh no!! i missed it, was still available when i checked it but called the wife to check and she was in the a meeting and after that, its all gone :(

  • +3

    I'm just here to rep the Uppababy Cruz.

    • I’m here to rep the Uppababy Vista. When we were shopping for first pram in a large baby store, I was rolling the vista around as a trial, nek minnit another dad with his wife comes over with:

      “Buy it. We have one and it’s absolutely amazing”

      Sold me

  • -3

    Each to their own but anyone who pays more than $600 for a pram is more about appearances than anything else.

    • -1

      Down voted for the truth.

    • +1

      the harsh truth…

  • -2

    I just had a baby and with my 6 kids I’ve never purchased a pram over $200!

    • -1

      Down voted for the truth.

      • -1

        I know aye!

  • -2

    honestly i think all babies are ugly

    • Down voted for the truth.

  • I dont even have kids and I would've bought it just in case that day came

  • Thanks op, bought 3 as that's how many kids we want to have.

  • Real bargain hunters know the condom is much cheaper :P

    (Reference for those who don't get it)

  • -2

    Great deal but a bit ugly

    To the negative Nellys or the $200 pram buyers

    How about buying this with discounted gift card and cash rewards. Use it for 3 years and sell is for 50 profit or loss

  • +1

    This is actually an awsome pram, one of the few that would allow your baby to sit at table height when you are in cafes and resturants, instead of under the table!

  • Don't have kids, just saved you a lifetime worth of money

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