this is a great bargain. hope u like it very much
FREE- Smoking Quit Kit (NSW residents only)

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You will only receive an email, so why do they want our addresses?
"Complete this form and a Quit Kit will be emailed to you."
i would say to verify that you are a nsw resident and not interstate, but curiously, if its just a e-mail, whats so hard about sending it to anyone that asks?
Too much personal info like D.O.B. is required for free email info to kick the addiction, and why is it NSW only anyway?
Have you ever tried to send emails interstate? Takes FOREVER and is very expensive.
The NSW Department of Health doesn't get anything out of interstate smokers quitting their habit! Perhaps it's things like this that compound the need to reform how many levels of government we have.
God this is the funniest thing I've ever read on the Internet.
an online service of the cancer institute NSW
good way of finding out whos trying to quit (failing to…)
reading the "life" stories is just sad. not boo-hoo sad but OMG AYS!! sad.
just quit and shut up about. have some will power.
emailed kit?!?!? forget it.
anyway have to refresh ozbargain as it has been 20 seconds since the last refresh and someone might have posted a new bargain.
AYS -Are You Serious (get behind it people!! the new vernacular.
what is this?
So that's what you would've got anyway? Really bad deal then
Wouldnt consider it a great bargain. Just free info O.o
If its just an email, you'll probably have to print all the pages to make the most of the quit kit- but thats ok if you've already have the $2/ream of paper.It's killed more people than all the tragedies combined (excluding the ice age maybe), but the government doesn't seem to mind as it helps fund any short term issues well enough.
If you need a pdf to quit, then u really are in trouble.
Here is my free quit kit to anyone in the world…. Stop paying the government thousands to kill yourself slowly…. they are doing a good enough job on their own without you funding them further.
Ans stop sucking your life away ….lighting up like 50 times a day and think "na, it wont happen to me", or "i"ll give up when i"m ready", save the money have a holiday or buy new bikes and have fun with the kids… it sure beats watching them crying in hospital everyday for 10 months because "mummies sick inside and gunna get better, she's tougher than the cancer !"Don't hold back there jd4free. Seriously though I do agree with most of what you say although "lighting up like 50 times a day" is a bit of an extreme example.
Lets all pay to get closer to our inevitable deaths! Or spend the money on life.. Easy decision really.
Not a bargain, this is just a giveaway pamphlet kit.
Not a deal. This is crap like the Asthma Kit etc they send out. It's just a handful of token common knowledge and advertisement.