• expired

Up to $55 Cashback (Was up to $25) on amaysim SIM Only Plans @ ShopBack


Shopback has again increased the Cashback on amaysim's SIM Only Plans.

As of 14.3.2019, Cashback is only available once per ShopBack User

UNLIMITED 10GB - RRP $30, - Use Promocode TRIPLE10 to bring down to $20, (Cashback = $40). Effective Cost = -$20
UNLIMITED 20GB - RRP $40, - Use Promocode TRIPLE10 to bring down to $30, (Cashback = $55). Effective Cost = -$25
UNLIMITED 40GB - RRP $50, - Use Promocode TRIPLE10 to bring down to $40, (Cashback = $55). Effective Cost = -$15
UNLIMITED 60GB - RRP $60, - Use Promocode TRIPLE10 to bring down to $50, (Cashback = $55). Effective Cost = -$5
UNLIMITED 1GB - RRP $10, (Cashback = $5). Effective Cost = $5

Referral Links

Referral: random (3585)

$30 for referrer, $5 for referee after referee qualifies.

Qualifying requirements for referee: 1. Made a minimum $20 online purchase (below exclusions apply), 2. Received a minimum $10 confirmed cashback online, 3. Added banking details to account.

Users will need to fulfil the referral criteria within 180 days from referee's sign-up date to unlock cashback. See all terms

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closed Comments

  • +10

    Just be mindful of this:
    As of 14.3.2019, Cashback is only available once per ShopBack User

    • +2

      Anyone knows if Cashrewards have the same terms too now?

      • +5


        As of 14/03/19, Cashback is available only to new amaysim customers, purchasing a new SIM, and limited to one per Cashrewards account.

        • Thanks!

        • Does this mean we're excluded if we bought one through previous (CashRewards) deals, ie not a new customer?

          • -4

            @JohnHowardsEyebrows: Can be the same CR account, just needs to be a new Amaysim account (new email).

            • @spiff:

              Can be the same CR account, just needs to be a new Amaysim account (new email).

              No you won't get cashback if you've gotten it before.

      • Yes, they do
        As of 14/03/19, Cashback is available only to new amaysim customers, purchasing a new SIM, and limited to one per Cashrewards account."

  • +1

    Who else is doing this just to make $25?

    • How long till they reimburse the cashback?

  • Finally, it's been a while!

  • -2

    what if one has got the cashback before 14/03/2019? do I still get 1 opportunity?

    • +4

      If you had cashback from amaysim prior to the 14th then you no longer get the opportunity.

      • Caskback pay out or cashback pending ?

        • I think it just means you can only ever get 1 and only 1 cashback from Amaysim per ShopBack account?

  • Great to see it's back!

  • Nice!

  • So am I eligible if i already have a few amaysim legit services
    Never used shopback for amaysim before and I buy a SIM, and just a activate it?

    • Yes you'll get cashback tracked to your account - and you'll just need to activate your SIM.

      As it is an offer for new amaysim customers, the onus is amaysim to approve/reject your cashback. We don't know how much stricter they've been towards their 'new customer' requirement ever since they requested us to impose this one per ShopBack account rule.

  • thanks, just registered for shopback, lets see if this works.

  • Do we just have to activate the sim to be eligible for the cash back offer, or do we have to continue to use the sim?

    • +1

      Only activation within 30 days is required.

      • The app didn't track, I raised a ticket a few days after, and still havne't got an update. Is it likely to be approved, if no update has been given in 16 days?

  • +1

    I didn't see any minimum period to maintain the service to receive cash back, so I'm assuming this is based on cancelling or porting out before the end of month 1 (despite the triple10 code being for 3 months)?

    • I purchased the 20gb for $30, if all goes to plan $25 profit. Never used shopback before seems too good to be true.

      • +1

        I'm so tempted to do it too (I'll never actually use the sim.. will just activate it), but $25 extra in 75 days seems so tempting

        • Haha yeah me neither, but $25 is $25 👌💸

    • +2

      There's no minimum period indeed - although make sure you do activate your SIM within 30 days of purchase.

  • so do we need to activate the sim to get the deal?

    • +1

      Yes - within 30 days of purchase.

  • how do i check if my shopback is still elegible for it- also can i have 2 shopback accounts?

    • +1

      If you've never purchased from amaysim via ShopBack before then you're eligible. You shouldn't have multiple SB accounts either, especially to redeem multiple amaysim deals.

      Accounts that engage in fraudulent orders/activities to game/cheat the Cashback system will be banned and Cashback forfeited.

  • last time i ordered an amaysim they Pre activated it so essentually i lost like a week of usage!

    • +1

      I ordered mine in Jan and they reset the period automatically from the day I put the SIM in my phone, which was a week after the preactivation.

    • Can't we order the sim without activation while ordering? I hope there's a way as most operators donot activate before dispatching.

  • OK!I've been a customer of amaysim years ago using the email I have linked to my SB account! Do I need to take this offer using a new email(not used at amaysim b4)? & if I do that using the SB app will it still work? Or is email used to trace it?
    Sorry I'm new to this cash back stuff I gave up last time I tried from constantly having to chase every transaction with cashrewards a few years ago! Thanks for your help :)

    • +1

      You need to create a new account with amaysim to be eligible - so using a different email address will do the job. The email address you use on ShopBack does not need to match amaysim's. amaysim does not know what email address you're using on ShopBack, nor do we know what email address you use with them.

  • +3

    Like most people I have taken advantage of this each time it has come up but leaves the question which is still unclear:
    Does this new requirement begin fresh from 14/03/19, or is it retroactive IE do previously claimed sign ups strike you out?

    • +7

      If you have earned cashback from amaysim through ShopBack prior to the 14th of March then this will strike you out unfortunately.

      • Thank you!

      • +1

        Exactly my question (and answer I'm looking for) too - thanks for clearing that up.

  • Hey Rep,I claimed cashback through cashrewards for Amaysim couple of months ago. If I use a new email to sign up with Amaysim and use the same details to activate the SIM, will that make me eligible for this offer?


    • +1

      This would be a situation like this one - you're eligible, but whether amaysim goes stricter on their new customer checks to approve/rejected your cashback will be up to them (we're unsure if they're doing more stringent checks since the 14th of March T&C change).

      • Thanks rep!

    • I am in the same boat. I ordered a SIM and was unable to verify my ID (using Medicare card and NSW driver's license) so I cancelled my order using amaysim chat

  • +1

    I just attempted to take up this offer using the 40gb plan & it seems the TRIPLE10 code only works for the 10gb & 20gb plans :( I need at least 30gb per month so I'm gonna have to rethink! Ifsomething goes wrong with cash back $50 is crazy for me!
    Hhmmmmm decisions decisions lol

  • +1

    Shopback page says "Deal expires in 23 days" What are the chances deal will expire sooner than this?
    I want to delay getting this deal for 10 days but don't want to miss out.

    • +1

      "23 days" refers to the coupon code expiry - not the cashback expiry. Cashback expiry would be 15th May 11.59PM AEST.

      • I’m new to SB, and finding it confusing, things seem to change randomly..
        Anyway, can I clarify that if I purchase one of these sims next Wed 15th, and as it may take a week to receive the sim, that I will receive the cashback? So long as I activate it within 30 days, which would be 23 days from today in reality according to your reply above? 🤔

        • Yes as long as you activate it within 30 days from the date you purchased it then you would be eligible for cashback, unless you have broken other T&Cs which are listed on our page.

          • +2

            @gotyourback: Ok, thanks for the fast clarification, it’s like you’ve got my back! Cheers

  • If I sign up for a sim etc using a new email and card on amaysim will it still work on my shopback as I have already used shopback to get 5 dollars back when I got a sim last time

    Thank you

    • +1

      Logic says no.

      • Why not .. it's a new email.. new account

        • +1

          Refer to comments from @gotyourback

  • +1

    How long does amaysim usually take to track? When I took the catch connect deal it showed up the next day even b4 I activated sim ect?
    I ordered on the 10th 3am & I cleared all cookies b4 I started the process, I have screenshots of every step along the way to cover myself but just wondering what the usual process is?
    Thankyou :)

    • I purchased today and it tracked within 2 hours

      • Purchased. Thanks OP. Tracked in 20 mins.

  • Considering 15th May'2019 is the last date for getting Cashback (upsized), does it mean that the latest we could activate the SIM is on 14th June'2019?

  • In case you run into the double-billed scenario like I did:

    Wait until it tracks. See what the reference number is (should be a seven digit number starting with 3). Look at the TWO emails you got. The pdf is named with both the client id (this is the reference number that shows up on Shopback) and the invoice, something like client-3XXXXXX_inv-4XXXXXXX.pdf. Copy the client id number from each pdf filename, make absolutely sure to notate which one was tracked and which one was not tracked. Jump on chat, explain what happened, tell them which one you want to keep because of cashback (the one that tracked), and which one to delete (the one that did not track). They'll verify some stuff, then confirm which one they're cancelling/refunding. Make absolutely sure this part is correct, also click the link to email the transcript of the chat to yourself as proof.

    This happened to me in the past with Cashrewards, except I didn't have the benefit of a reference number. Luckily they were able to get it worked out (or I just got lucky and they deleted the correct one purely by chance).

    Wife had zero problems with hers, just the single charge, tracked fine, etc.

    Edit: You may think you can jump on chat right away before it's tracked, it'll seem obvious because one client id is lower than the other (i.e. one is 3123456 and the other is 3123457, so obviously 3123456 is the one to keep), but that didn't happen to me. The one that tracked had a higher client id number than the non-tracked (by one single digit) but an invoice number several numbers lower. You have to wait until it tracks to know for sure.

  • Does this deal end today? Any reference on the deal page?

  • SB buddy on my browser was showing Green when it landed on Amaysim page but during checkout it turned Red. I hope cash back is tracked.

  • As rightly pointed out by Store Rep @gotyourback here this deal expired 23:59 AEST on the 15-May-2019. I picked it up at 23:45 AEST and Cashback was tracked within 5 minutes.

  • I ordered on the 10th at 3am & it tracked on 15th not sure why? I activated my sim later that day!
    $55.19 pending! Extra 19c Whoop Whoop lol
    Anyone know how long they usually take to become available?
    I still have my joining bonus, catch Connect (I've joined for a month and moved now) & now this pending! It says 9th August but will it really take that long?
    Thanks Guys for info :)

    • Yes, it takes 75 days (different for each merchant). Your Cashback history will show the date when it will be available. Cheers for the extra 19c.

  • Hi, I activated my SIM 4 days ago now. The click is tracked in my account. When can I expect the cashback to come through?

    • +1

      Mine says expect confirmation to come through by 24th of July 19.

      • Thank you, I'll stop compulsively checking now :)

      • Sorry - where exactly do you see that message? In Shopback?

        • +1

          I click on the account icon thing next to the notifications bell in the app, then click "See Cashback Details".

  • for some reason another $21 came onto my account from this deal.

    • Your Shopback account or amaysim account? If Shopback, is it another "Cashback Activity" of $21? Does it still mention merchant as amaysim?

      • +1

        on the shopback, cashback activity, exactly the same description;

        amaysim Mobile, date 19-05

  • 5 weeks has felt like 5 years, it kinda lessens the sweetness of this deal

    • Been watching the Shopback App daily, although it clearly states will be confirmed only in 75 days. Probably, the operating model of such Reward Apps. Also, in this course of 75 days, we will end up buying even more (other) stuff, and that will have another 60 / 75 / 90 days to be confirmed. Consequently, the money stays stuck in Shopback (instead of our bank account). Multiply this by he several hundred thousands who use it and we clearly see the amount of interest they'd be earning.

      Of course, we may withdraw part of the amount once at least one of them gets confirmed, but yeah they have already done the math on all this and that's how they have arrived at the 60 / 75 / 90 days for the deals.

      Anyway, agree that it is a win-win for both, the user (at an individual level) and the company (at an organisation level).

      Happy Shopbacking more.

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