New Fast Food Chain, No Longer Getting Shifts - Am I Fired?

Ok first up, I know I should contact my boss, I have the only way possible, email (seriously its been 3 months and they still don't have a phone number).

so TLDR: I got a job at a new American burger joint which was opening up, they hired approximately 180 people for this store which at capacity would really only need around 18 people for a shift, so 30 people over all not including managers. I worked for like two months than I stopped getting shifts, and about 3 weeks ago I stopped getting emails entirely. So have I been basically fired?

PS: don't get the sundaes or the thick shakes, the ice cream is pre-scooped and refrozen.

Update I have been officially let go.

Update….Kinda 10th May

Got an email this morning saying this, I emailed initially 3 days ago, so yeah slow response.

Hi Apple96,

Our apologies that no one has gotten back to you yet with a response. We appreciate your patience with the matter. Our rostering manager J******* will be in later on this afternoon. I will inform them of the situation and ensure they follows up as soon as they gets in, as they handles our employees shifts, and hiring/terminations.

Thank you, we will in be in touch shortly.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

Now my initial reaction was, who's J*******, because when I was getting shifts it was a S*****, my second was noticing that it wasn't signed off by anyone, but as of writing no response regarding this, hopefully I will. I just want this chapter of my life to close so I can move on. On the plus side, this forum post made the front page, so there is that.


  • +1

    Yeah happens a lot, most of the time they don't bother emailing back.

    • +1

      Worst thing is its my first job in years, I guess the managers got their favourites.

      • +2

        Yeah it's happened to me in the sector as a casual, ensure they've paid your correct rates etc and contact fair work if not to get what is owed to you paid out. I've always been in the LHMU in hospo so many shonky operators

        • +1

          The money was nice, but the dictators managers eh, found out the ice cream sucked because of the whole prepping thing, on the thick shakes you don't taste it, but the sundaes are horrible.

  • +9

    The joys of casual employment

    • I know right, the joys of trying to find employment is even better…

      • +6

        Hang in there, it took our son 8 months last year to finally land a full time job, and that's with I.T. quals too. His first job wasn't a nice experience either so don't get discouraged and try to put the time to good use , learn something new etc.

        You could try this to see if it floats your boat? My advice is look towards skills and knowledge that will see you able to stand on your own feet at some point and not just be an 'employee'. Plenty of books out there too and easily accessible these days.

        • +7

          I’ve been jobless since 2016…

            • +111

              @EightImmortals: well, for one thing studying. as for hair, I keep mine short, I'm not a huge fan of long hair. Oh and I'm also not a dick to people online.

              • +1

                @Apple96: You're not really jobless if you're studying full time - "jobless" kind of implies you need a job. Eg you wouldn't call a 5 year old jobless

                • +6

                  @Quantumcat: Some people go back to studies while they look for a job.

                  Also, some people need a job to continue studying.

                  • @[Deactivated]: I would go back to studying but the course is quite expensive in up front fees

                    • @Apple96: Try Coursera - they offer pretty good online courses from what I can see
                      I'd like to do some of them and but just couldn't find time.
                      You need to pay a small fee to get formal qualification but you can just do the course for free without qualification
                      In Australia, try hard enough and you'd find a good employer who values your potential, determination and attitude more than a piece of paper.

                      • @aboogee:

                        In Australia, try hard enough and you'd find a good employer who values your potential, determination and attitude more than a piece of paper.

                        Isn't that just any decent employer? Also I know, I was born here and raised here…

                • @Quantumcat: Well you could, technically it'll be true :)

              • +8


                Oh and I'm also not a dick to people online.


                Good one.

                Good luck with your job hunting. When things seem the most hopeless, a job might just be around the corner so don't give up hope.

    • The joys of an oligarchy set up by the neoliberal Laberal Parties.…

      • Yep same thing happens with both major parties though and come the 18th either tweedle dum or tweedle dumber will get voted back into power. People get the government they deserve seems to be true, pity for the rest of us though. Google 'The Jones Plantation'.

        • Ancaps can't smell their own stench.

          • @fantombloo: get a 5 star rating though…

          • @fantombloo: Smells sweeter than the stench of what I've been accustomed to over the last 50 years. (Had to google ancaps, so cheers for that!)

            • -2

              @EightImmortals: The state is like poison. Capitalism is like cancer. Neither are good for the body but given people are so stuck on them I'd rather be subject to a life of chemo than the alternatives.

        • +1

          Diji1, is that you?

        • +5

          "Both parties are the same"

          How to spot an absolute numpty.

      • +3

        Or get a job like Diji1 promoting the Greens at online forums

    • Even part timers are effectively used as casuals. Employer gives 3-4 hour shifts and expects them to be available all the rest of the time…they are on a contract but with "flex agreements" due to business needs.

  • +3

    so when i worked and then managed maccas when i was 15-20 we had 15-18 people on when it was busy and around 8-10 when it wasn't.
    but we had over 120 people to roster for, it was upto management who would get more shift and who would get less, if you were only good when it was quiet you'd get less shifts.
    if you were good you'd get 5-6 days worth of them - this also depended on your age, if you were young (cheap labour) and good you'd get heaps if you were older (expensive labour) you'd still get a reasonable amount but not as much as a young person.
    if you were just practically useless - you'd be surprised how many 15-19 years actually are, you'd get zero.
    the useless people who got zero had been always been performanced managed prior to not getting rostered work.

    • We are paid an award wage, so age not much of an issue, (atleast that was the impression we all got from the "we don't discriminate" speech)

      the useless people who got zero had been always been performanced managed prior to not getting rostered work.

      I was quite good, it was just awful having 4 different managers tell you to do 4 different things at the same time, than get up you for nothing having finished all 4 things at the same time.

      • 4 different managers tell you to do 4 different things at the same time, than get up you for nothing having finished all 4 things at the same time.

        this is why i worked at maccas, when i left i did a small management stint in kfc (because i wanted to see how it was before starting an office job) and the SOP's were horrible, it was like managing a preschool of workers rather than people who somewhat cared about their work.

        • I didn't mind the job, just the conflicting orders, I can't clean the restaurant, make ice-creams, empty the bins and take customer orders out at the same time, you see I'm only one person. Not the first person I've heard complain about KFC.

      • +5

        If you go to fairwork's website, you can play around with the award calculator. It is significantly cheaper to hire a teenager than it is for someone 21+.

        Walk in to your former workplace. I bet you most of the workers are teenagers.

  • Whats wrong with refrozen ice cream for thickshakes? How old are you btw.

    • Depends on if you get ice build up.

    • I’m 22. And they do trays up, each sundae tray is like 40 cups and each thick shake tray is like 20 cups, and they don’t like you taking one tray back at a time so you have to do multiple trays which leads to the ice cream to melt. And also ice build up is very real.

      • +2

        Salmonella City!

        • I thankfully rarely ate there, if I did It was a chicken burger, the chips in my opinion suck

  • +1

    Have you considered seeing your boss in person?

    • The main manger I’ve only ever seen twice, so I don’t know when he’s in to talk to him.

    • +3

      I misread this first as prison, haha

      • +1

        If my manager is in prison it would explain why I rarely saw him….

  • yep you may have pissed someone off and now they're cutting back your hours, to hint at you to get another job as you're not wanted here anymore.

  • I've never been fired from a job… but the first 2 jobs I had did stop giving me shifts. Apparently what a lot of places will do is hire more staff than they need, and then after a couple of months they will only continue to give shifts to the employees they like the best.

    If they're not responding to emails and don't have a phone number then you should go into the store and chat to the manager on duty. I think it's worth going in to ask if one of your managers can be a referee for jobs you apply for in the future, and get their contact details to put on your resume. It's absolutely awful the way a lot of these places treat casual employees, but at least you might be able to salvage some experience and a good reference out of it.

    • It really sucks cause I was saving for a car, and now all those savings are gone due to life…

      • +2

        Glad you're able to say it is due to life and not blame political parties and corporates.

        The car can wait but you've learnt a valuable lesson - casual employment means zero security, and to look out for signs of overstaffing/redundancy.

        • +2

          I actually hate that people made this political. I never wanted that.

          • +2

            @Apple96: I think many of us here are so used to these topics ending with - who can I blame and how can I get something out of this.

            I noted a distinct lack of this in the title and body. Refreshing.

            • +2

              @[Deactivated]: New title

              New Fast Food Chain, No Longer Getting Shifts - Am I Fired? And Who Do I Blame?

              • +2

                @Apple96: Too blatant. It typically goes

                Not getting shifts. Is this legal?

                The post will generally tell the tale of the ideal worker, completely faultless in their operation, perfectly blameless in their situation. They've made grand plans (usually involving financial liabilities) and now they're stuck.

                It ends with how the new liabilities are predatory and the employer behaving illegally.

                Study how the question of - how do I get the monies - is all but implied but never asked.

                • +5

                  @[Deactivated]: Yeah, I'm not a fan of blaming other people for my problems.

      • +1

        Just for clarification for those who've disliked my comment:

        Life = food, bills, public transportation.

    • +1

      If you stopped getting shifts you were fired.

  • +22

    Carls jr?… its Carls jr isnt it?
    i think hes talking about Carls jr.

    • +3

      Worst burgers I've ever had. It's like they came in without doing any research on the quality of burgers people here are exposed to.

      I give them a year before they're gone.

      • No, Getta Burger surely takes that crown.

      • Yeah not that great. I guess they never learnt from Starbucks

      • +1

        Amen. My expectations were moderate and even the crappy fish and chippery down my street makes a more decent burger.

    • +2

      I’m not confirming or denying this comment.

    • Must be the Logan Central one that's recently opened

      • I’m not confirming or denying this comment.

      • If it is, it's not the first report I've heard of this happening.

  • +8

    The proliferation of the casual worker turns humans into commodities that can be used and disposed of at the whim of the boss. There’s a place for casual workers, but not as the main employment arrangement.

    • +10

      Mindless drone number 200833 reporting for their shift.

    • +1

      I guess you haven’t read my post, they don’t have a phone to call. Not even joking.

      (seriously its been 3 months and they still don't have a phone number)

      • +2

        Ah…sorry Apples. missed the brackets…selective reading sorry.
        What about just popping in and finding out? Someone has to have a number to someone that can give you the answer. Or someone there might be able to understand that you want to know whats going on and find out for you. A store manager or the like.

        • +1

          My plan is to do that with a friend tomorrow,

          • +1

            @Apple96: I imagine not giving you shifts is the safe way to fire people so that they are somehow protected. Sadly this is the world you are growing up in. People can't be upfront about things for fear of being sued. And if it is….appreciate that there is a job and workplace out there much better for you that will appreciate what you can offer.

            All the best.

            • @Lv80: I agree the complete lack of courtesy from management is very frustrating.

            • @Lv80:

              I imagine not giving you shifts is the safe way to fire people so that they are somehow protected.

              Exactly. They probably have a clause in their contract that if a shift isn’t worked in 3 months it automatically terminated the contract.

              • +1

                @jjjaar: How is that even allowed? Complete discourtesy and any contract terminated should involve personal contact…be that phone, email or in person.

  • Which town are you in?
    Don't be jaded - take the thing as a learning experience, I've been fired by 3 seperate bosses for bullshit reasons.

  • There’s absolutely no way there is no phone line to call. Try and find the ABN and do some detective work and find a number to call. Maybe they don’t advertise it, but I assure you it exists.

    • I can assure you there was no phone when I was getting shifts, the managers used their mobiles.

  • tip from someone who does a lot of hiring: have a simple, easy to read resume that doesnt look like it was thrown into a blender

    you wouldnt believe the amount of resumes i get which read so poorly written, have the worst formatting and are just full of jargon and fluff. i would say 70% of the resumes i get read poorly.

    be simple and to the point. if you worked the cash register, just say that, dont try and fluff it up by saying something like you were the "first point of contact in reconciling customer cash flow to ensure monthly overheads were met"

    • be simple and to the point. if you worked the cash register, just say that, dont try and fluff it up by saying something like you were the "first point of contact in reconciling customer cash flow to ensure monthly overheads were met"

      Yet almost every job agency I've had says the exact opposite. I mean its not like a resume is a 1000 word essay and you've only got 900 words so you need to fluff it up.

      • +5

        the job agency is the "text book" answer. let me give you the "real world, speaking from many years of experience" answer:

        i have my day job (except today i am home sick which is the only reason im posting to ozbargain at this time of the day). i am flat out from the start of the day to the end.

        we need to hire someone, so an ad is placed on seek. i might get anywhere from 20 - 170 applications depending on the job. now to login to seek, look at your name in the list, click your name, download your resume, open your resume, and read through/try to make sense of it, i might take a minute, maybe two.

        now times that by lets say 100 applicants, thats 100 minutes, or roughly 2 hours of my day, which i didnt have spare to start with, to spend reviewing resumes.

        now lets say youve posted the "job agency resume", if i see a wall of text, your so called 1000 word essay, do you really think i am going to spend a full 5 or 10 minutes reading every single line of text you have? no. i want to skim through and decide in as little time as possible, to shortlist you or not.

        to be brutally honest, some resumes will get 15 seconds of my time, you start to get into a rythm after a while of spotting the legit ones from the fluffed up ones.

        keep this in mind: the person reviewing your resume, doesnt just sit and spend 8 hours a day doing that. they have their regular day to day tasks, and reviewing resumes is an additional task added on to an already full schedule.

        . key dot points
        . telling me
        . you can do
        . what i want you
        . do to.

  • Very common, we do this all the time instead of just firing people. It's better if they leave on their own.

    (Family owns a chain of franchises)

  • +5

    they hired approximately 180 people for this store which at capacity would really only need around 18 people

    Little off topic but i bet the Government counts all 180 of those as employed on their skewed statistics.

    On topic, get a forklift license, easy job & plenty of positions for forklift drivers.

    • From what I've heard they are currently classed as a "small business" and apparently they can get money from the government for taking job seekers on. And a lot of the applicants were and still are job seekers on centerlink. As for a forklift license, that would heading to a career path that I'm not really fit for.

      • +3

        As for a forklift license, that would heading to a career path that I'm not really fit for.

        What makes you think you aren't fit for it? At the moment you don't have a career and it will bring you money in the short term, doesn't have to be your career.

  • Had Carl's Jr in Japan was really good haven't had any from Vic yet

  • +1

    As soon as you get a new job, your old one will start giving you shifts again.

  • I feel for you. It is really tough for the young ones these days. Sure, some are bludgers, but many are not.

    A significant amount of these low end jobs (checkout operator, fast food staff, taxis, hospitality, etc) have been turned into life long careers essentially. It's very hard to compete these days. No doubt the cause of some homeless as well.

  • +1

    Unfortunately it is what happens when you are a casual

  • Carls Jr(if thats who we are talking about)was dead empty at Knox Ozone yesterday at 12.30, it should be busiest time of day!

    They would need half the staff these days if that's how it is, and its only 6 months down the track

    • I can say where I worked it was never really at the busyness that I've seen McD at. I wouldn't be surprised if they don't last 5 years

    • I've eaten there also. Was dead as well.

      • Burgers taste horrid- even a quarter pounder taste better, and thats half the price
      • Onion rings were so oily I felt sick after eating a few
      • Chips were average
      • Very expensive
      • Even though I was only one of 2 customers there at the time they STILL got my order wrong.

      my positive is the soda fountain, with the slightly nicer ginger beer.

  • If you are looking for jobs and having no luck try local timber yards(not Bunnings), there's a few around your area that always look for staff. Slinging timber isn't the most joyful job but its money in the pocket.

    • Bunnings, ugh like facebook, too big to compete with…

      • i just said not Bunnings?

        • I meant it as besides from bunnings, I really can't think of any timber yards in my local area.

          • @Apple96: 5 Star, Woodstock, Bretts, Finlaysons, Hudsons, Wilson Timbers, Big River

  • Are you fit ?
    Try your local Removalist for never ending work.

    • I wish… one day.

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