Looks like tomorrow is the last day. Not much left but still quite a bit of sci-fi (and other fiction)
Borders Sth Wharf (Melbourne) All Books $2 Each or $1 Each for 10 or More

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how much exactly is quite a bit? tempted to go..
Borders Brisbane City has 3 days left. Lots of 1 dollar books. Much cheaper heat source than wood :P
"quite a bit" is probably ~200 (as at 5pm)
It's possible the South Wharf store is moving because nobody can find it using the Borders store locator map?
I've never been to the store, but I'm guessing it's not where the map shows!
Thanks for the detail about it being within DFO. I wonder if we are seeing different maps on the Borders site though - my map shows it next to Victoria Barracks in St Kilda Rd, down near the Shrine. Do you get a map showing the correct location of DFO?
Tomorrow's the last day for the Geelong store too. There were still a few good books left this morning, but I bought most of them :P
Stuff was selling really fast and people were buying everything that wasn't nailed down. I don't know how much is still left but I think if there's anything worth getting it'll be gone early on in the day
what scifi/fantasy books did they have remaining ?
if you're looking for popular authors forget it, you might find 1 or 2 books where they still have 200 copies left, at least thats what I saw (not sth wharf)
Sports biographys was the other thing they had most left.
Why do I get the feeling ebay is going to be straining for weeks?
yeah, like a big ebay poo
Dam, wish I could go.
Cheap heating for winter.