• expired

[Backorder] Obins Anne Pro 2 60% USB & Bluetooth Keyboard (Kailh BOX RGB Switches) $34.88 AUD GST Inclusive Delivered @ Banggood

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Saw this on reddit and thought some of you guys might be looking for a similar 60% keyboard.

Excellent price for this keyboard that sells at 120 AUD on ebay and Aliexpress.

Deal has expired and the workaround no longer works.
It is currently sold out but here is how to back order it.

  1. Add keyboard to wishlist
  2. Head over to the wishlist over on the top right
  3. You will see an add to cart button available there and pay via Paypal for maximum safety :)

Enjoy guys

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closed Comments

  • I have the first generation for work, surprising how good it is for a cheap mech. this is insanely cheap and a good buy!!! not sure what the Kailh keys are like but I've heard good things

    • Yeah, I read reviews and I immediately jumped on board :) These keys are very similar to the cherry ones, unless you're going for a specific key type then Kailhs should be alright.

  • Does not work for me? :(

    • Try doing it on PC, I've heard of users having problems with the mobile website. I just checked and it's still working fine.

      • Got one. Thanks a bunch. Hope they will honor it :)

  • Thanks - ordered. Hope it goes thru.

    I have one that I bought earlier via the Cashback at ~$80, so this deal is insane. My one is paired with a TV connected Raspberry Pi in the lounge and I hope I can get a 2nd one to pair with my personal phone/tablet in the office.

  • I've been interested in these for a while, this deal was too good to pass up.

  • What are the differences between the different types of switches on this keyboard?

  • Method doesn’t work in the Banggood app, might have to try the website.

    • yup, apparently it only works on PC atm so hurry!!!

      • I bought one using Chrome on my android phone. Just selected "Desktop site" in the Chrome settings.

  • Worked on PC, got 2

  • +1

    Oh man, I literally just got mine in the mail and I paid full price, ozbargainer in my is very disappointed for not waiting…

    • +4

      odds are this is going to get cancelled tbh

      • +4

        Yep I reckon so. adds to cart

        • thats the spirit my man. the ozb spirit

    • +1

      Order another an bring the average cost down :)

  • bought one last year for $120 with cherry

  • Works on Android, just request desktop page :)

  • Orders one… are the brown switches the way to go?

    • Browns are good for quiet and tactile.

      I use them at work and no complaints.

  • We will see if it shows up, orded the reds
    currently have a Anne pro 2 with Gateron red switches.

  • Sold out. Missed it by minutes QQ

    • I can still get to the checkout part, did you follow the steps in the deal? (Desktop site is needed)

      • Yeah, that was added after I commented ;o) Cheers

    • Did you do the add to cart trick?

    • Are you following the instructions in the OP?

      • I'm attempting to follow the instructions by the OP and it isn't working for me either.

        When I first clicked the link and opened it around 15 minutes ago, I could change options like colour and switch type and it said something like "on backorder. Processing time 17 days".

        Now all options are greyed out.

        If anyone can tell me how to get it working to put in a preorder I would love that!

        • Same here, I think its done

          • @burto16zz: We missed the boat.


            Not that I need yet ANOTHER keyboard. I justified it to myself as it being perfect to travel with my Surface Pro… totally 100% unnecessary buy though, given I have to sell 2 other mech keyboards already :)

  • Thanks OP - the boy has had this on eBay watch for weeks waiting for a 10% off site wide coupon.
    Let's see if they deliver!

    • Not worth a + vote?

      • +1

        Fair point!!!

  • Damn, didn’t work for me.

  • Debated and it sold out. Oh well

    • +1

      Are you following the instructions in the OP?

  • Agrh, missed it :-(

    • +2

      Are you following the instructions in the OP?

      • Oh you're right, Im illiterate

    • Apologies - shoulda read the instructions!

  • Thanks OP. Ordered with white switches.

  • Thanks. Ordered a white keyboard with red switches. :)

  • Add to wishlist then go to card and make an order, I just ordered one even though I don't think I need one.
    Edit: aah, its in the description as well!

  • +4

    Still works. People saying sold out have no read OP

    • Agreed, just got a black with browns 30 seconds ago.

      • +1

        Just got the same too!

    • +1

      To be fair, OP should have [BACKORDER] in the title and instructions at the start of the description in bold.

      • +1

        To be Fairrrrr

  • So Kailh Box White are like MX Blues?

    • Similar, yes. They have a lighter activation force, and I don't think they have a 'bump', just this modified version that results in a 'click bar'.

  • +1

    Cheers. Guess we’ll see if it gets cancelled with an out of stock order. Mine came to $35.57 with tax

    Did some reading: people have had some issues with the keytype starting to click after some use. It appears there was a new version released that fixed this called ‘retooled’ keys. Someone asked on the product page whether these had them, one commentator said they are. Take that for what it’s worth. I guess for the price you can’t complain either way.

    • Actually, the $35.57 price has the $0.63 of shipping insurance that Banggood always has auto-selected and sneaks in, remove that and you get the $34.88 inc. GST price

      • Thanks for the heads up. Those sneaky bois - I didn’t even noticed they’d tacked that on. I was just trying to get the order in quickly.

  • Still works, got 2. Thanks OP

  • Hopefully they send them out. Thanks.

  • +1

    Considering this was on the /buildapcsales/ reddit, I expect cancellation e-mails shortly but still placed an order nonetheless.

  • +1

    Cannot order, "this item has become unavailable"

  • I get "add to cart fail" via instructions :(

  • +2

    Yep, they've stopped the workaround now :(

  • cancellations will be coming…

  • +1

    Shout out to the person who fixed my post. I think it's all ogre now.

    Crossed fingers for those who got in!

    • +1

      Damn those ogres!

    • You are welcome. The Expire deal button is to the right of the expiry date. Press it and the label EXPIRED will appear in the title. Please use it instead of writing a comment. Press it again to remove the label in case when you did so by mistake or if the deal comes back. Press the EXPIRED label in the title and you can change it to OUT OF STOCK, and vice versa.

  • Just made it before that stopped the workaround. Hope I get it as I was wanting one to use with work laptop. thx OP

  • Heck, I missed out.

    If anyone is in Melbourne and ends up wanting to sell theirs please let me know :-)

    (or any other mech. w/ brown keys)


    • Same. Also welcome anyone to sell theirs in Syd. Thanks

      • Same, also in Sydney

    • Dang, I missed out too. If anyone wants to sell one with red switches in Melb, im keen.

  • +3

    Now remember people if this gets cancelled by Banggood the only thing you're entitled to is a refund and nothing more ;) Fingers crossed it's honoured :)

  • Damn been wanting a mech keyboard. Thought is was some cheap crap one and I wouldn’t be able to reprogram keys on my Mac. So skipped.

    Seems I stuffed up!

    • +1

      You haven't stuffed up just yet, the orders will most likely get cancelled

    • Lesson learned, always check out the comment section LOL :)
      But do not worry, we will all get canceled anw so you did not miss a thing :)

      • Haha… When I looked at it there were not comments yet!

  • +2

    This keyboard has been having orders cancelled and put on backordered well before this sale went up, which is ridiculous. So good luck if you get one from here. Not really a site we should support, but if there's no urgency whatsoever, it's a great deal.

  • +1

    good luck all cause currently banggood are really really crap

  • -5

    Anyone in Melbourne wants to sell their impulse buy keyboard, I'd be more than happy to buy it from you (brown switches).

  • Has anyone had their order cancelled yet? Got a white one with reds at 9:38AM haven't heard anything back, hope it doesn't get cancelled.

    • Not yet, but considering today is Sunday, we would know tomorrow :)

  • +1

    Users with expensive custom keycaps beware: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=96323.0

    Yes the newer, retooled version of the box switches are better but they can still cause some stretching. If you intend to use GMK keycaps or ABS you'll probably need the Cruciformer to trim down the nibs on the x-axis stems.

  • +5

    Someone on reddit said they asked Obins and Banggood, and that they were told the keyboards should ship no problems! https://www.reddit.com/r/MechanicalKeyboards/comments/bl7wm9…

    • I ordered Black case with brown switches. Someone is saying the shipping date for those is June 1st.

      • I ordered that too and it does say that in the 'order details' section:
        "Expected Shipping Date: 2019-06-01 18:45:41"

        I remember that it also showed the shipping date if you selected the keyboard options on the page itself (although you couldn't order this way anyway), rather than in the wishlist. If you tested the white and black options, the page would state that white keyboards would ship on May 17 vs. black keyboards on June 1st.

  • Soo, these are coming through with no cancellations?

    • I assume so, might take a while for them to secure stock

      • I imagine this was an impulse buy for most so no one should be in a rush lol

  • Did anyone receive a confirmation email/invoice from Banggood after payment? Only got one from paypal

    • Same here, only from Paypal.

    • I did get a confirmation from Bangood pretty much straight away after ordering

  • I too ordered black with brown switches and Expected Shipping Date is "2019-05-21 19:39:26"

  • +1

    White + white expected ship 21 May. Thanks op!

    • Same expected ship date for me but Order Status is still "Processing". Not sure if we're in the clear yet

      • According to the Reddit post above it's been confirmed banggood will fulfil all orders. I'm hopeful.

        • Oh true! Did not see that - Can't wait to get mines!

  • I ordered a Black one with white switches and I just logged into banggood to check my order. It says that the estimated shipping date is 2019-05-15.

  • -1

    Uh oh…404 when trying to view the product page…I'm getting nervous now…

    • yeah nah mate you think too much.

      • And now?

  • I missed out on this deal by a mere 1 hour … Very sad, any idea when deals like this will pop up? I'm in need of a new keyboard

  • +3

    Just received a cancellation email.

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