This was posted 5 years 10 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[WA] LEGO 75192 Star Wars Millennium Falcon $899 in Store Only @ David Jones Hay Street Mall (Perth)


Seen at Perth DJ. Web is still at $1299. Looks to be store-specific special.

Can get 7% cashback through Cashrewards Visa In-Store Merchant for about $62.93 which brings it down to $836.07, only slightly more than this historical lowest price in Feburary.
It appears that this particular DJ is excluded from CR.

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closed Comments

  • +6

    7541 pieces, god oh my! Forever it's gonna take…

    • +3

      .. to open?

      • +3


        • Not too bad, I did 2000 pieces Saturn V last night in about 4 hours. So this will take a good 2 days.

    • +8

      Only 468 pages in the instruction manual.

      • +6

        84MB Wow, you're right. It's like a Novel but more stressful cause your have to build it as well.

        Probably gives you more of a sense of accomplishment than the grinding in DICE's Battlefront 2 though. (Obscure reference, I know)

        • I didn't get it. I assume more nerd stuff?

          • +2

            @LuckyDrew: Nah, it's an old story about the Battlefront 2 game, don't worry about it.

            Also, can't be nerd stuff, cause the only Star Wars I've watched is Solo..and that's it, so yeah, I'm no Star Wars nerd, haha.

    • +1

      Mine took 26hrs.

      Not in one go…

      • Cool! That is some dedication, bruv.

  • +8

    It's got a bit more to drop…If anyone hasn't noticed, buying Lego as an investment in past couple of years is not profitable anymore…And not everyone has a spare $500 lying around, let alone $899 (if you do, you must have saved it all via OzBargain deals on items that you really needed cough).

    All good if you plan to build it, but that's a very big door stopper and dust collector at the end of it.

    • +3

      You're telling me..LEGOs used to be high yield investments in the past? Damn, I wish I'd joined OZB earlier.

      • +5

        Apparently all these people bought the original 2008 Taj Mahal and kept it in the closet unopened and they were worth lots… until Lego screwed them all over by re-releasing it almost a decade later lol. Then Myer caused the price to crash further by selling thousands of them at half price.

        • +4

          I got one. Muhaha. Was even tempted to pay 2k for one at some point luckily I didn't

    • +2

      When economy picks up, so will the lego prices.

      I am a lego collector for 17 years this year so I have noticed the price trend for sure.

      • How is aftermarket sales of Lego atm? Are things selling or are people not spending anymore?

        • +1

          Nothing is moving at the moment. No longer buying everything, trying to get rid as much as I can now. It’s become a burden now.

      • I have been in the game of collecting/trading/buying/selling LEGO Technic and UCS since 2000 and watched the highs and lows (and made and lost money). In the end, sold up everything and it was a great sigh of relief! The biggest issue I see with Lego products these days is a repeat of the same old same old stuff; factoring in the increased production capabilities = bigger supply/availability. A lot of stock doesn’t move these days and 20 - 30% off RRP (almost, a sale every month at some retailer) does bring forward sales at the expense of future sales and stable RRPs.

        • I understand Lego are pumping put the sets with mass production and looks like alot of sets seem very similar. And the discounts of 30%+
          But ive seen as soon as something goes retired the price of it bumps back to RRP and people that missed out (somehow) are willing to pay RRP at the minimum.
          I dunno, I've only been collecting for the past few years but took last year off and wanted to see if it's worth my while to start up again.

    • Yeah definitely happy that I sold my falcon. I bought the original first release and then sold it a few years later (I think around 5 years, I can't remember). Bought it for about $750 using staff discount then Sold it on eBay for about $3,300.

      • Wait, hold on. Does the release year matter? Like, will an original 2006 release sell for higher than it's re-released version that came out in 2016 after it was discontinued for some time in between?

        • +2

          During the time that I sold it, there was no news about any future releases so it was assumed whoever bought the original release had the only stock. Other eBay listings were at around $5,000 which I also listed mine for. But the realistic sell price was about $3,500 and that's why I accepted the $3300 offer.

          • @dysfunktional: Oh, the ol' supply and demand.

            Thanks for the explanation! :)

  • -4

    There’s fake LEGO on AliExpress or whatever. I think it’s called lapin, and this set is around $300. Search for the LEGO model numbers.
    Supposed to be pretty decent too so I’ve heard

    • -1

      unfortunately lepin factories recently got raided by the chinese police. there is a shortage atm but they have other factories opening up

      • +5

        does the shortage mean that Lepin value is going up while LEGO value drops?

    • +4

      Its no where near the quality of Lego. Its literally the Grandma buying the fake version of the console thing to buy.

      Only fake Lego worth buying is the train tracks if you're into the trains and want to build a decent sized track.

      • 90% like lego
        I have bought both.

      • Disagree, having purchased lepin the quality is really good. Brick quality is around 90 to 95%, stickers and manual aren't always that great but you can often follow the lego instructions.

    • Wow I had no idea about this, might look into it!

      Edit, just did a quick search on Ali Express and daaaam, I feel bad for lego but wow 40-50 for the F1 car and the other Super cars in 100ish. I might get some.

      Thank you!

      • yea damn, did not know about this, found the Lepin official website, seems very legit

        • +5

          FYI there is no official website or you cannot buy direct from lepin. No matter ehat the website says.
          Its all resellers. You place you order,they get their stock from lepin factory.
          And you have missed the party they got raided recently

          • @cumova: i see, the website looks very well made and with reviews and stuff.
            maybe when you cut off one head two more grow back :)

            • @t0087669: Just visit Reddit mate
              have discord channel as well

        • +1

          seems very legit

          It's as legit as knockoff designer stuff. The company steals designs and techniques from another one (Lego) to make an inferior product.

    • Yucks.

    • For $300 would be tempted to pay the extra for genuine.

      • Is it worth paying 3 or 4+ (rrp) times the price for genuine though? If it was an extra 30% or so, sure, but this is a massive saving if it really is 90% the quality of Lego.

    • Supposed to be pretty decent too so I’ve heard

      You heard wrong. See this post.

  • +5

    When you turn 100 and can’t play with LEGO anymore…

  • My cousin got this set. Even the damn box is impressive.

  • Only $875 ebay at Hobby Warehouse with 20% off code

    • Hobby warehouse is Sold out

  • Will probably retire soon

  • Cool. Has lots of grey blocks, I’ll buy two boxes to stir into the mixed LEGO bucket.

  • +7

    Can I ask who's buying this?
    I'm not having a go, I'm genuinely curious as to the target demographic and what their intentions are.

    I'm guessing younger males with higher disposable incomes? What happens once you build it? Do you display it in the lounge room (or bedroom because parents/partner would never allow it in a common area)? Do you play with it? What happens in a few months when you buy another big set? Do you pack the Millennium Falcon up in the box again, or do you simply make more room and display them all? When does that cycle stop?

    If you are single, how does a prospective partner feel about the hundreds (thousands?) of dollars spent on Lego?

    Or do you never open these boxes? Is the intent to 'invest', in the hopes someone someday will pay even more than you paid? And then to do what with?

    I'm just trying to understand the thought process/cycle of someone interested in this purchase, and I'd like to reiterate that this is not intended to come across as a tongue in cheek comment.

    I'd love this for myself don't get me wrong. But my logic tells me that if I was to purchase this and walk through the front door proudly carrying it, moments later my wife would walk out that very same door! It would not be seen as a smart purchase by any of my friends or family, so even trying to display it in a common area would be frowned upon.

    • +9

      Male, 38, Star Wars fan, engineer and with some disposable income.

      Once I've finished building, will place it in a custom built coffee table to be placed in my living area. I have custom wall to ceiling glass displays in the house, specifically built for large sets.

      All my Lego boxes are kept well. Although it isn't to invest or to resell, I just appreciate great work. Partner's supportive of this as everyone's got to have a hobby, right? Never understood why people feel the need to bag other people's interests.

      When will I ever stop? Never, I hope.
      My kid loves Lego too, so that's even more of a reason to continue.

      • +1

        Thanks for your answer mate.
        My kids love Lego too… and I grew up with it (had a lego town on a couple of doors placed on bricks in the rumpus room).

        I think it's an awesome product that encourages creativity and imagination. I was just wondering how it all went when its 'ramped up' as an adult.

        And that's actually a really great idea with the coffee table!
        A show piece that isn't 'in your face' hanging from the ceiling ;).

        Incorporating a house design or feature is also something that sounds very impressive!

        Thanks again

      • offtopic, but you might be the person to ask - what's the best way to value and resell used Lego Technic in Australia?

        I have three Lego Mindstorms sets (NXT and two Darkside Developers starwars), and a huge plastic tub of mixed Technic from the 80s… the bucket is my old lego, and I bought the Mindstorms for my kids but they weren't interested, so they've just sat around for years, I have no idea what it's worth.

        • +1

          EBay is a good start as a price guide as it allows you to compare prices according to condition (box and toy itself) and rarity. Do check if your set is available outside of Australia, as some people will be willing to pay for international delivery. Just note the vendor fees however.

          FB marketplace and gumtree, I found - aren't the best place except if you sell it for much cheaper. Try Australian Lego FB groups, search them up and list them if you're allowed to.

          Good luck.

    • +8

      43 year old male IT professional here and I've bought one on a previous deal. I buy Lego because I like building it and this is the biggest Lego set available. Haven't had a chance to build it yet as I've just had my second kid but will in future with my kids.

      This particular set isn't a "play with it" set, it's a build and appreciate it as you build it set and I'll probably display it somewhere for a while until I get bored of it then I'll pull it apart and store it away in ziplock bags. Then on to the next set. Cycle stops when I get bored of Lego I guess, but so far it hasn't looked like it's going to happen any time soon. This particular set will only represent less than 5% of the value of all the Lego sets I have so I guess you can say I have a large'ish collection however it pales in comparison to a lot of other collectors I know

      If I was single, I doubt my prospective partner would care all that much or they wouldn't be a prospective partner of mine. I'm pretty sure that my current partner(and all my previous partners) doesn't care, they know it's just a hobby of mine. Some people spend their money on expensive cars, bikes, boats, alcohol, drugs, partying, eneloops. I wouldn't criticise anyone for their choice of hobbies, I've had my fair share of unorthodox hobbies along with more "normal" ones. And if I can afford it, why not? There are worse things I could spend my discretionary spending money on and it doesn't impact my ability to pay rent or put food on the table.

      I don't buy to invest, I intend to build all the sets I buy, I may sell some of them in future once I start running out of storage space but that's some of the beauty of Lego, you can usually resell them for a good % of the price you paid and in a lot of cases, get back more than you paid for it, especially if you're judicious with how much you pay for it in the first place, which would go hand in hand with being a keen Ozbargainer, With this particular set, the lowest I've paid is about 700 bucks for it brand new. Sometimes when I spot a good deal on a Lego set, I'll buy two of them, one to build, and another to sell on later to help offset the cost of the one I bought to build and this has been quite helpful in lowering the overall cost of my Lego hobby.

      Most of my friends and family know about my Lego and while a small minority may tut-tut about it, who the fk cares about their opinion? I don't particularly care when other people judge me and they're not benefitting whether or not I spend my money on Lego or not. I don't live life trying to make everyone happy and as long as my wife and my kids don't suffer because of it, everyone else can fk right off and live their own Lego-less lives for all I care. My wife has been very supportive of my hobby because why not? I don't criticise her when she comes back with her 100th pair of shoes or bag, or when we go out for some fine dining occasionally. Some friends of mine think it's a waste of money but they are also tend to be the type of people who think about nothing but money and the opportunity cost of it. Yet they will think nothing of spending 100k+ on a new car which is their prerogative. And as someone who has previously spent the same on a new car before, my Lego hobby is a lot cheaper than that :)

      • +1

        Thanks Kenb0.

        I completely agree with you in regards to hobbies and costings. People spend thousands on other interests so you're right… why not Lego?!?
        And I'm guessing any prospective partner would either support that or not…. and if they didn't support your hobbies then why would you be with them?!?

        Maybe my resistance is the price? I don't have a huge income… and with the kids and household stuff there's nothing left for ANY expensive hobbies.

        I know deep down I'd LOVE something like this, but I guess it comes down to what people can afford.
        Now that I think about it more- I think that's the deal breaker for me. Not so much the concern about what others think because its Lego, but because I'm not in the position to afford such a luxury. I'd get the same (worse!) reaction if I came home with a motorbike or new car without discussing the financial implications of such a purchase!

        People save their money for all sorts of reasons. At the end of the day its just stuff. Of course important things like food, clothing housing etc. is a priority, but at the end of the day I could think of a lot of hobbies that would be far worse and far more expensive.

        Thanks again for your detailed answer, very much appreciated. I completely agree with your sentiments.

        • +2

          Regarding the price, you can make 50% back selling it after assembly. Cost per hour spent building becomes pretty reasonable.

          I don't really have the space for displaying big sets anyway.

          • @doheedo: This is what I do :) sometimes if you buy at a good price (like this) you can get 60-70% back from someone who knows they just want to build it or equally has a lower income and couldn't dream of buying new.

        • +1

          Lego isn't cheap by any means, that's obvious. But for all my hobbies, I divide them by the numbers of hours I think I will spend on them.
          And as Kenb0 said - it depends also on what you think it's worth and ultimately, it's a want and not a need.

          This is an awesome set and one that I will rebuild when I get the time, with my young one once she's of age. I think being a Star Wars fan hasn't helped dissuade me from spending money on their merchandise!

          I hope you get it someday, if that's what you want.

    • +1

      Others have already covered this issue but here's my two cents. As an adult you should not care what any of your friends and family think of your purchases. Life's too short to worry about that. Enjoy the things you enjoy and forget what people think. Similarly, is someone else spends thousands on a handbag or some golf clubs that is not for us to judge. What makes spending a mint on a guitar acceptable but Lego not acceptable? They are both unnecessary things that people buy for pleasure.

      As for your partner that is a little more tricky if you are already committed. Best case is to find someone supportive in the first place. If they love you then they would want you to buy something that brings you joy and even 'let' you display it. Relationships are give and take though, if you don't have a lot of spare income then your partner might be right in not 'letting' you buy a $900 set when that money could be used for other things the family needs/wants. And what is displayed in the common area of your joint home needs to take into account both of your preferences. Neither of you should just get to control what gets displayed with an iron fist. Compromises need to be made on both sides.

      I personally have only one block set on display but various other nerdy collector statues on display in glass cabinets. And a large life size metal sword from a video game. All in the main living area of our home. Married with 2 young kids. My wife and I discuss things before purchase and display. In fact sometimes I ask her in the hopes she will stop me from purchasing something only to be disappointed when she tells me to buy it. So much harder to have to make the decision not to buy myself!

  • crap or worthwhile?… heard they got busted last week

  • Can get 7% cashback through Cashrewards Visa In-Store Merchant( for about $62.93 which brings it down to $836.07, only slightly more than this historical lowest price in Feburary.

    How exactly?

    The page you linked doesn't even list David Jones Hay Street as a participating store and the the special terms mention nothing about this applying to all products. More to the point this Cashrewards offer seems to have expired:

    Special Terms

    Offer “Save 20% on a range of full-priced women’s, men’s and kids’ fashion shoes and accessories” is available on the 2nd of May only.

    • The 7% rate is still valid but you are right this store out of all Perth stores is somehow not on the list 🤔

  • I would love this set but I don't think I can justify to myself or the wife spending that much on the set

    Plus I have nowhere to display it and do it justice

  • Yess! I love laygo!

  • Picked up one.

    There are 9 left as of 2:30PM (AWST obviously).

    There's only one sitting on the shelf in the Lego section and it's a tattered old box, so ask for stock from the back.

    You can get it delivered free if you have a David Jones store card (otherwise the delivery charge is $10) but you still need to come in-store for the purchase, as this is a store-specific deal and not available online.

    • Or buy it over the phone without needing to go in store (unless you’re paying with gift cards) …

      Source: ex-DJs employee

      • Well it didn't bother me as I did want to pick it up ASAP, but the salesperson neglected to mention anything about ordering over the phone (they specifically said "in-store only").

        • Considering they’d process the sale in store right then and there when you call over the phone, I don’t think they can deny you the promotional price.

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