This was posted 6 years 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

LEGO 75192 Star Wars Millennium Falcon $831.97 Delivered @ Myer eBay


Great price for this set, probably an all-time low?
Wish I had the cash to buy it… Not sure if Myer will up the price or remove the listing when the deal goes live, so get in while you can.

Thanks to r0xy for posting the original 20% Myer deal

EDIT 27.02.19 - Back in stock for those that missed out. Myer have added the listing again but under a new listing. The post has been updated with the new link.

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closed Comments

  • Once upon a time this set fetched north of $5000

    • +4

      a quarter of a bitcoin?

      • +2

        More than 1 BTC now…

    • +3

      Was this in a galaxy far far away?

    • +3

      That is/was the OG Millennium Falcon - this is the new version.

    • +1

      It never did

      Maybe around 2g after the initial release to VIP members

      Are you sure you’re not thinking of the old set?

      • Sorry, my bad. I was thinking about 10179 set.

  • +1

    Thanks OP, got one

    • -1

      to swap or sell?

      • +19

        To hide from the misses ;)

        • +2

          Good luck hiding that. Glovebox? Under the bed? Behind the sofa? :)

        • Tempted to do the same

          • +1

            @Mr Snrub: @TheSwede. Please stay on earth mate. We need you.

        • I don't have a misses so I can fill up my whole house with legos :D

    • Only one? Should have gotten 3 at such a deal.

  • +1

    Actually bought one, wow, glad i didn't pull the trigger when it was $900+

    • +2

      Probably won't see a price like this again, soooo tempted! But can't hide this one from the missus…haha

      • +1

        Quite the contrary, I think it will only go down. Due to the size this thing is slow moving. I've always been reluctant to get one since the storage and postage to sell it at a later stage would be a nightmare.You'd be better off buying 3 sets of Modular city buildings than one of these.

        • +7

          What do you mean slow moving, this thing made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs!

      • I .almost pulled the trigger on Friday night when it was around $900 something. Glad I didn't now ! Don't worry about the missus, do what I'm doing and have it delivered to the office. :-)

        • I hope you drive to work, this isn't a small box of bricks you would want to take on the train.

  • Thanks OP, been waiting for it to be less than $900.
    Fingers crossed they ship and not cancel the order

  • +2

    I love me some star wars
    I don't mind lego
    but can't bring myself to spend close to $900
    I'm sure it will be fun building, but then is there much to do once it is assembled?

    • +2

      No, if you play with it it'll probably lose pieces. At least that's what my imperial shuttle is like

    • You'll need to figure out what to do with it once assembled. I seen a guy who just left it under his coffee table as there was no space in the house for it.

      • +3

        Works well if you have a glass coffee table

  • OOS - you can add this to cart, but can't check out.

    • I was able to buy it, got the confirmation email, maybe Myer have removed it from the sale?

    • +2

      Try again. Ebay doesn't work that way. You might have click and collect selected by mistake, which could possibly run out of stock

  • Thanks. Don't know if I want this or not but didn't want to wait for it to be cancelled or run out of stock then kick myself for missing an all time low

  • +11

    Need to factor in cost of house extension to accommodate.

  • Tried twice to buy one just now. Error both times
    "Something went wrong. Please try to check out again."
    "Order service temporarily unavailable or invalid parameters in the request URL."
    Was using pick up from a store.

    When I changed postage to standard delivery it worked

    • I've been refreshing the page, they still seem to be selling ok.

    • Yep. Had the same problem. When I changed to delivery rather than pick-up it all worked fine. Bought one about 10 minutes ago.

  • Bought. Thanks Shads!!!
    No issues buying through mobile app.

  • Wonder how many upvotes are "This is a great deal, wish I could justify it"

  • +1

    My cousin got this. Even the damn box(es) are impressive. 10/10 would be jealous again.

  • Apparently these take about 30+ hours to build

    • It took two of us all eight Star Wars movies plus Rogue One to build :-)

  • +1

    hope it gets delivered whilst wife is @ work ^_^

  • -2

    thx op
    got it for $707.17

    • how?

    • How so? Do share.

      • Probably discount ebay cards from a previous deal

    • Difference is exactly 15%

      • bingo! true ozbargain always have 15% off giftcard standby

    • -1

      i didn't use my gift cards for this purchase as chances this could go pear shaped :)

  • +1

    Love me some LEGO

    Unfortunately not a fan of Star Wars otherwise I’d grab it

    • Never heard of some one not a fan of Star Wars.

  • +3

    Gonna be some hurt butts if Myer do their favorite trick of selling stock they never had.

    • +1

      I saw box on display in Myer Brisbane CBD today whether picking up something else. Might just be an empty display box though of course.

      Also, box is huge. Only reason I noticed it. Makes sense considering price I suppose :)

      • There’s a YouTube video where a guy can’t fit the box in his car.

        Not on the back seat and not in the boot.

        He had to call a mate who had a van.

        • He could have just opened the main box and put the 4 sub-boxes in separately. But i suppose the “guy successfully puts LEGO in his car” video wouldn’t get as many internet points.

  • -6

    just waiting for someone to post the comment about being able to buy the Lepin version (identical) on aliexpress for a third of the price, and that comment being shot down in flames.

    • Hahahah, in fact someone already did :)

    • +1

      Wouldn't call a Lepin set "identical". It's similar but as someone who pas purchased Lepin sets to see what they were like and compared, the same you get with Lego, you won't see with Lepin. Bits and pieces don't fit as well, etc

  • -5

    Still got 200 max of 3 per order .

    Lepin for dummies buy it say 33.34% of price use it no liquidity to sell it , don't use same . Equals lose dough both ways .
    75192 use it would get more than this price , new even more .

  • +1

    Had decided not to get one of these (too big, waste of space and money)…oops!

    • +6

      Yeah. Lucky it's an adults toy! ;)

        • +3

          Pretty sad for an adult not being able to use proper grammar.

        • +1

          And sitting around on the internet and judging other adults’ hobbies is better?

          But if that’s what makes you happy, go for it. You do you, mate.

  • +4

    What a piece of junk!
    7541 to be exact

    • +1 first Star Wars pun in this thread.

    • She'll make point five past lightspeed. She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid. I've made a lot of special modifications myself.

  • +1

    How much would it cost Lego to make this on a cost price basis, just wondering?

    • +2

      Design and License is where the money goes.

  • Thanks OP!

  • The want is strong with this one.

    • +2

      Actually, we got the Taj Mahal some time back when it was ~$250 with Myer. Still haven't built it. ~5,900 pieces in that vs ~7,500 pieces in the MF, but $250 vs $830. I guess the pieces are more varied with the MF though, and probably a much more interesting build.

      Still want one, but wife would skin me alive. Doesn't even know about the Taj yet.

      • +2

        Taj is an extremely boring build. Very repetitive.

        This would offer much more variation, much like the Technics sets which are great builds.

        • Hmmm…maybe if I buy this, and sell the Taj…

        • Also a lot of the pieces are just 1x1 clear white bricks

  • Shame
    Death Star not in , would have been $512 .

  • Based on the number sold in the last 24 hours Myer's have now added over $250k to their turnover of little plastic bricks… fingers crossed they can deliver. I've had too many bad experiences of Myer's over selling on both their own website and on ebay and then refunding me 2 or 3 weeks later. Shouldn't be that hard for them to just sell the stock they have surely!

    • current sales are well under stock available. There are people manually watching this one.

      • Thanks for confirming that. After having had so many fails from ordering from the Myer website/Myer eBay, it's good to see that Myer have finally recognised there has been a problem in the past and are at least trying to not repeat the fails.

  • -2

    No wonder gen y can't afford to buy a house when they buy $900 lego sets.

    • +2

      I couldn't afford land so I'm building a house out of lego.

      Yeah, a dumpster was cheaper, but the feng shui was all wrong. I'm still stuck in the alleyway though.

      • Wouldn't want to ever be barefoot in your house.

        • Mind the rats. Being Lego, they hurt like hell when you step on them

  • Would this sell ok?

    • +1

      Too big. Too heavy.

  • Has anyone got a shipping notice yet?
    I have a funny feeling the next email from Myer will be a cancellation email.

    • Hopefully not, current orders do not exceed stock, please follow up with customer service if you do.

  • +1

    currently marked as out of stock while all orders are reviewed.

    • Myer clearance?

      • NopeNopeNope can confirm, but I would say definitely.

        There was only one set yesterday with a discount: The UCS Millenium Falcon.
        250+ orders yesterday "didn't exceed stock".
        Today there is only one set with a discount: The Death Star
        They simply must have been clearing stock of the falcon and now the death star. It's clever of them to pay enough attention and resolve the problem on an item-by-item basis. Good job!

        PS: Ok, there were some sets with RRP < $30 on sale both days. They're insignificant though so I don't really count them.

        • Not clearance, but the second part you are correct just very cautious about stock, the issue with sets like this is they are so popular they can run away with sales from multiple directions, keep in mind ebay isn't the only shop front.

  • +1

    Death Star is on the same deal now.…
    $799.95 retail, $639.96 @ 20% off, $511.97 @ Further 20% off Ebay.

    • Hi NopeNopeNope,

      How do you get the further 20% discount to get $511.97. The best price is $639.96 during checkout?
      The PMY20 code wouldn't work for me

  • +3

    FYI my order has just dispatched

    • +2

      Mine too. Just got confirmation that it’s been packed and is ready for auspost pickup.

  • +2

    @NopeNopeNope - thanks for the info. Nice for an employee to chip in and update us.

    I know that I had been wondering what was happening given I was an early order and have not yet heard anything.

  • +2


  • Still waiting for shipping confirmation. I had a second small lego set in there for my daughter, I hope that doesn't push me to the back of the queue (I was about 75th of the 250 odd orders) and end up being cancelled.

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