I recently got a credit card from ING thinking that I could also use it to draw cash from my ING checking account, but unfortunately this isn't possible.
Are there any banks that offer credit cards (NOT debit cards) that can do that? Ideally:
Tap and go or Credit option on POS device = routes to credit account
Checking and/or Savings options = routes to checking account (only need this to withdraw cash at ATMs)
Not after debit cards, because I pay my cards off in full every month so I'd like to have the extra benefits and protections that credit cards offer.
Any credit card from the big banks will do this and really any bank that you have a credt card and chk/sav account with (clearly you can't mix and match from different banks)
My credit card does this
Tap/go is credit card, inserting card, you then select either credit or chq depending on what you want :)