My debit card was found and used for up to 1050 dollars in transactions, will the police be investigating this?
The bank has already offered to cover the amount.
Debit Card Was Found and Used up to 1050 Dollars Taken, Will Police Investagte This?

It has been a week and I have heard nothing..
Hang tight.
Detectives and other police, erm, people are typing up reports as we speak.
Could be any day now."The bank has already offered"
This. One of the basic rationals behind the judicial process is that the state takes action, rather than it being a matter of personal retribution. The police will communicate with and prosecute on behalf of the bank.
i heard they only investigate if its $1051 or more spent
Asking for serious answers.. but thanks for your input.
The bank is on total control of the situation
What kind of action will be taken? I have read alot on these forums aswell that unless the amount is extreme they generally do not bother.
The banks on the other hand will and have repaid it already.In effect, you have made a complaint that an unauthorised person has accessed your credit/debit account with the bank. The bank has released funds for that unauthorised transaction. They obviously believe you are not responsible for the transactions, and you have likely fulfilled all their reporting requirements within the required timeframes to be protected. The bank was responsible for releasing the funds, not you. They have reimbursed your account for any monies taken unlawfully.
As such, the bank is the victim and it is the bank that has lost the money. You are just a witness in the matter. As a matter of course, you are not entitled to know anything about the investigation. As perverse as it may sound, the offender has a right to privacy, and is assumed innocent until proven guilty. Releasing information about an investigation may jeopardize a future prosecution. In much the same way that car insurance companies work — the matter is between them and the other driver. You are told nothing more than the outcome.
It is up to the bank whether they wish to proceed with the matter. If the police can easily establish who it was or have someone in custody, a bank would likely authorise the prosecution. Otherwise they may not. The matter will likely be assessed and investigated by their internal teams and chased up that way. In the grand scheme it is only $1000 to them and the cost of chasing it up could well exceed that amount in a matter of minutes. The offenders may be spending from overseas and the complexities of enforcing Australian law in other countries makes it problematic at best. It makes better economic sense to write off a bad debt than throw more good money after bad. In that case they are better off wearing a $1000 loss. If it is part of an organised international racket or persistent offenders using multiple cards, then it may well be in their interest to spend more money than their losses to date to stop re-offending with many cards.
Regardless of what action is being taken, you are highly unlikely to be updated daily regarding the investigation. You have done your required part and been reimbursed, so just try and forget it now. Even as a potential witness, your evidence would be next to inconsequential — you weren't present at any of the crimes, you didn't see anything and all you will be presenting is that you are the owner of the card/account, and that it was locked or hacked, all information that the bank can provide. More than likely the case will just become another of many thousands of open cases worldwide that don't progress any further. If need be, you can cancel a compromised card and be issued with a new one. Usually the bank will suggest this immediately to protect the account from further exploits, but you should do this anyway even if they don't mention it.
Good reply, both legally accurate and empirically correct, I would say.
Can we have the short version please.
Perhaps summarized in 3 or 4 lines as a guideRead it. Do the summary, quickly as you can as I'm waitin, and we'll know.
yeah but are the cops gonna get invovled mate??
Police have more important stuff to do, even you have footage from the bank, identified the person, police still wont take action
You have no idea what you’re talking about.
I had the same experience.
Even when the police know who it was, they never take action to arrest the person committed crime.
Do you have other example of the oppsite?
Yes. Each and every day at work…
@Casbon: Go to a station and report it, give a witness statement and copy of transaction history for the relevant period. Police will chase up CCTV at the offence locations, obtain still image of offender and send a BOLO, offer interview to suspect and commence proceedings if a prima facie case is established.
@Casbon: Police can make requests to eBay for the user details of the person making the transactions. If you know where you lost your debit card, Police can check for any CCTV in the vicinity and obtain footage of an offender.
@Downvoter: But will they, almost seems like a waste of government money.
I am only on here asking out of pure curiosity tbh.@Casbon: Will they - yes. Should they have to - well at the end of the day an offence has been committed by someone, but you have your money back. IMO Police would rather resources be detailed towards preventing and investigating other offences such as assaults, domestic violence etc
@Downvoter: If you're a policeman, kindly knee the offenders in the nads. You'd be doing the human race a favour.
@[Deactivated]: Not a policeman, are you ha!
Anyway, realised also some of the transactions have also been refunded so I need to now contact the bank.
I appreciate the replies by the way. Have been super stressed.
@Downvoter: Not in my cases, one lose DD card and a break in.
Both got the footage and no arrest had ever been made, given up chasing after 6 months.
I tend to agree, even after calling 000 to report what I suspected was a criminal looking through cars, and later a tradie reporting lost tools at the same car park at approx. same time, and me having video footage of the person I suspect. The police did not a lot.
The police literally needs the crim to walk into the station and hand himself in (preferable not around lunch time) for action to be taken, I suspect.
Still need to report the crime so your cards fraud insurance can cover you. I agree police are pretty useless when it comes to a lot of things, but your card issuer will want a report to refund the credit.
The bank has already offered to cover the amount.
Then it's no longer your issue. The rest is a criminal matter.
To answer your question more broadly though, it depends on a whole host of other factors including the evidence that is available. There is no point for police to investigate and bring a case to court only for it to be thrown out. That's a waste of their resources.
Ok, the bank has given me no information on what will happen next.this is why I am asking others.
Basically they offered me a refund and have sent me out a new card. But as it is all online transactions an investigation was to be had. 1 week later, have heard nothing.
They have refunded you and sent you out a new card. That's all they can be expected to do. Any investigation they do is not for you, but for their own internal sake.
What exactly do you want to happen?
As mentioned before, it has been 1 week since all this happened. I feel like I should of heard something if some one had been caught.
I am just curious about the course of action that would be taken.
And rough time frames.
Just want to know how it all works because I have been extremely stressed.@Casbon: Try not to stress - you have your money back. The matter now is for the Police (and bank?) to look after.
Any reason you're concerned? It's reasonable to be worried about the person having your personal details, but honestly this stuff happens more often than not.
Lastly if it happens in the future - I believe most banks allow you to temporarily 'lock' your card in the App, then unlock if you find it or close/cancel to have a new card number reissued.
I feel like I should of heard something if some one had been caught.
This is a criminal matter and no longer your issue, or are you intending to pursue a civil case against them? If not, why do you care?
I am just curious about the course of action that would be taken.
You are already refunded.
Just want to know how it all works because I have been extremely stressed.
Stressed about what? You got $1050 stolen, you got $1050 back. What's making you stressed out?
Police are required to investigate it and use resources, but like you said; there’s a myriad of reasons why it may not proceed to the point where they commence proceedings against a person. Police only need to create a prima facie case, they do however need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt rather than just the balance of probabilities in order to obtain a successful prosecution.
What did the police say when you called your local police station?
Just filled in a form, left them with transaction history and my details.
Also went in, didn't call.
Did you have Two-factor authentication on your Debit Card?
When ever I would use it online I would use the card number, exp, and cvv.
Sure, but that doesn't safeguard you if someone finds your card with the card number, exp, and cvv.
Why don't you talk to your bank about if you can get a 2FA active.
Honestly didn't know that was a thing
I always memorise the cvv and physically removes traces of it from cards. At least the run of the mill thief won't easily be able to use the card.
That's a good idea!
What bank? sounds like good service
Um, well any I have to use…
Westpac Protect™ SMS Code…
A SecurID® token…NAB:
Activate two layers of security…I was asking OP, impressed by his bank.
ok :+)
sms services are useless when you're overseas and can't use your number
sure, but the OP wasn't OS…
My debit card was found
Where did they find it? Did you lose it?
Naughty TB 😀
Did you forget again?
Member Since 9 hours 55 min
Last Seen 6 hours 37 minTB is a sucker for new posters… May be genuine though, because OP has actually made some replies…
Dang. I need to write a script for ozbargain to filter out the new member posts.
@[Deactivated]: or you can go old school
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I must check users membership details before posting…X100
In finest handwriting 🖊🗒
You’re actually unbelievably lucky your bank refunded you on your DEBIT card.
That’s one of the major benefits of credit card - it’s not your money. Debit is. Usually you have to pay and hope police catch whoever is responsible.
Do Debit cards not have the same Visa/Mastercard type of protections?
For CNP, yes
Yeah but not for “I lost it and took too long notifying bank so people used it”.
But does that not apply regardless of debit or credit card?
My wife's credit card details (not her physical card - presumably it was "skimmed") were used to buy meals at Chinese restaurants, buy a couple of TV's from a Dick Smith store, and even to pay for parking. All this occurred in the Chinatown area of Sydney. She was alerted by the bank and the money refunded. Given that the thief would have been physically present during all these transactions I would have thought it would be easy to trace the perpetrator or at least have some sort of police investigation but AFAIK nothing was done by the bank or police.
Same kind of thing happened to me.
I never thought to involve the police as I felt they had more important things to do and the bank would have some kind of insurance package for their own business of giving people cards to spend money, so they can refund money which is stolen through these things. They would have their own experienced investigative teams which determine whether or not claims are legitimate or attempts to defraud them, and I am sure they come down heavy on individuals who try to fool them.
I originally thought that also,that it would cost too much for the police to go investigate a pretty fraud crime instead of focusing on something bigger.
Hence why I was saying, would they actually investigate, or just leave it to the bank.I guess unless you are a cop or some one who works for the bank we will never full know.
Hi welcome to the forum.
DisabledUser123469 in 3.. 2.. 1..
That's why I limit my card to a few hundred dollars and when buying big I readjust it on the banking app.
Paranoid this is happening to me whenever I cant find my wallet.
Yes I can confirm the police are already on top of this.
Investagtion is well under way.