hi , the car concerned is a Holden Rodeo 3litre 4wd itd turbo
I think the internal car lock was activated then door was shut.
The key on insertion does nought.
All suggestions are welcome except the following:
Brick key , star picket , semtec , locksmith etc.
Are there any DIY fixes.
Locked out of Car-----Little Help

Smack the side of the car really hard repeatably as if it's a naughty car
From the rear
Very difficult on an Ra rodeo as they don't have a lock button sticking up. Tried the passenger side lock? Call rac if you have it, or an automotive locksmith will have a break in kit. If you can't wait, break one of the large side windows and replace it with a second hand one, pretty easy and cheap, but very messy.
Put sticky paper on before break. Little mess.
I applied cloth tape firmly to my car window before I broke it the first time. Advantage is it breaks but the pieces are still held in place by the cloth tape so you can peel it off rather than have shards fall inside your car.
break one of the large side windows and replace it
Just wondering if there's any reason you're saying to break a large window instead of a small one? I've always heard that a small window should be broken since its cheaper to replace.
Large ones are generally cheaper and easier to replace. To replace the small ones, in a lot of cases you need to first remove the large window, then remove the track, then remove the small one. Some are a massive pain to do.
The windscreen is probably the cheapest to replace unless you DIY from a wreckers.
Side windows are generally under $50 from the wreckers, and very easy to replace in a rodeo yourself. But yes, if you don't have a rain sensor, or antenna etc in the windscreen, can generally get them done for $200ish.
Often the smaller windows have to be ordered in from the vehicle manufacturer, which means they're less common and cost more. The bigger windows actually are more likely to be in-stock at the auto glass repairers and so cheaper because they use generic brands mostly.
check prices with supplier before break?
@tonsta: Haha not knocking you but just giggling at the potential conversation.
"Errr hi… I'm looking to umm… break some of my car windows and would like to know the price to replace them please…"
We once locked the dog in the car on a hot summer day (dog pressed the lock button while we were saying bye to someone at the airport) and the following week I happened to be at a wreckers for some other parts, and asking about new window prices.
It was pretty cheap, enough to rescue the dog at least
Wait, did you leave your dog in the locked car for a week?!
Seriously? With the price of airport parking?
Do you have nrma roadside , pretty sure they can
Brick key , star picket , semtec , locksmith etc.
Agree not these, but the old metal clothes hanger down the door glass trick should get you in pretty easy. Have you tried it?
Elbow the window. Should do the trick
Oh well, counts me out…
But seriously, an automotive locksmith would be into the car in about 30 seconds with the right tools. Depends on where you are will depend on the price. Metro areas are cheaper than rural. Depends on how far the locksmith has to travel and what time it is.
There is no "quick, easy" entry method unless you have the right tools or the right knowledge or the skills to do it. Easier to just pay someone who has all of these at their disposal.
Alternative is, get a friend or someone to fetch your spare key set and bring it down to you. Unless you don't have a spare key? Then you really do need a locksmith.
I suppose your next thread will be about how to bypass the security code on the radio.
wouldn't the ignition lock be before that? how would you get power to the radio to enter the code?
JIMBO , hit the nail on the head , last time i tried the radio thingy , all suggestions were about as useful as a wooden frypan.
Got any new ideas ?thanks for your replies , were in a rural area , it's easter , no rac and the nearest locksmith is 100 clicks away.
The winner so far is——tape up window , smash side window and replace'
Keep em coming.
ThanksJust make sure it's the normal wind up window and not a silly quarter glass. They are more expensive and harder to replace
Get a rock and smash the front windscreen and climb though. It is the only way really.
I’d be more inclined to go through a side window.
Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but the side windows will be tempered safety glass so it’ll break into little chunks that shouldn’t be too sharp. The front windscreen will be laminated (two layers of glass with plastic in between) so it will take more effort to puncture and then find a way through. Plus, you’ll be reaching over the bonnet and dashboard to get to the door lock - the logistics are harder.
Also, you’ll be able to drive to a wreckers without a side window and you can fix it yourself. Much harder to do that if it’s the front window.
Someone else suggested the windscreen champ. You just happened to be the one I hit reply on.
hire Rajnikanth
What do you mean key on insertion doesn’t work? Does it mean you can’t use the spare key?
Is the car battery flat and does that drive the locking mechanism for your car?
Need more details. What year - is it RA? And you have the key, yes? It's just that inserting the key does nothing? And what sorts of tools do you have?
hi ,how stupid am i , it's a 2006.
The battery was fully charged , inserting the keys would usually open the door ——not this time.
This is a new car for us , not sure what an RA is and the spare key is in the car !!!!!Third gen Rodeo (the RA) is the Isuzu Dmax. Many search results for door lock problems on the Isuzu Dmax, portraying just what you describe.
The battery was fully charged
Could've accidentally left one of the interior lights on.
was in this situation a few weeks ago but luckily we had a spare key back at home just busted up so manual connecting of the contacts was needed.
But yeah if you have no other spare keys or key fobs lying around anywhere that can help this out then NRMA Road Assistance is your only hope and they charge quite a bit I would estimate over $200 for an out call not registered member service maybe even up to $400?
You could try a locksmith maybe but I think they only specialise on other kinds of locks but who knows..
Or you could learn lockpicking on the spot?
Just get it done properly, what you don't want is to try and do it cheaply, have it not work and be out that cost plus fixing whatever you broke while doing it. Plus then the cost of actually doing it properly.
Call RAC, sign up, wait usually 24 hours before doing a call out.
Have you tried every lock?
The RAA in SA is the opposite if you are not a member call them up and agree to sign up they will give you priority as they are signing up a new member. Current loyal members have already paid their membership fee's so no need to rush to them.
Additional charges and entitlement restrictions may apply if Road Service is required within the first 48 hours of joining.
via the boot?
Probably not going to work for a rodeo (Ute)
I'm not sure of this model but you can try to use a large flat screw driver in a twisting motion to pry the top of the door away from the car body then insert a wire coat hanger in the gap to activate the door release button.
Good luck.
Maybe first try jigging the key in and out of the lock as you put turning pressure on it.
This, or even better, slightly thicker wire if possible and just pull the inside door handle
Afew things,
1. Its semtex, and you must be british/from uk if your saying semtex.Try the other doors sometimes one lock is stuffed
If you ring anf join rac(your state) and explain the situation they usually waive the wait to help you out.
Not sure of RAA but in QLD my RACQ member covers any vehicled Im in. Worth checking this out and seeing if anyone you know has cover like this.
Yes you can do this with RAA also. RAA and RACQ are pretty much the same. You can even transfer between the two and keep your membership history.
Replace the car mate. It's cactus.
$77 vehicle unlock: https://www.gotu.com.au/roadside-assistance-services/vehicle…
Credit to phunkydude.
Have you tried disconnecting the battery for 10 minutes, if you can get to it.
As above, using a metal clothes wire should get you in to the car quickly. Then reset the battery maybe.
Didnt get your car mixed up with a doppelganger, did you?
Punch through the windscreen like terminator
coat hanger did the trick
thanks to all who replied——except for MUNKI who is either filthy rich or an idiot or both!!!Two days locked out?
A bit late, but on my old 2001 commodore if the battery was flat and you had to use the key to unlock a deadlocked car you had to turn the key really really hard.
Like it felt like the key was going to snap but that's how it works.
Well done! Who would have thought it was that easy to break into a car?
I'm interested as well, I need to steal the car of the same model parked in front of my house.
The owner often left their car key inside, so once I get in, I can drive it away!Pick the lock by yourself, you can buy lock picks online and learn to use them from online videos. Or real bargain get criminal to open it for free.
Smack the side of the car really hard repeatably as if it's a naughty car