Went to logon into my acc to check usage and found this gem. Unsure of end date so put till Monday assume Easter Weekend Sale ?
Get your 1st month of nbn™ FREE using promo code 'TV1FREE' at check-out. Applicable for plans up to $99/month
Went to logon into my acc to check usage and found this gem. Unsure of end date so put till Monday assume Easter Weekend Sale ?
Get your 1st month of nbn™ FREE using promo code 'TV1FREE' at check-out. Applicable for plans up to $99/month
$50 each for referrer & referee apply afterwards.
Good find but this offer is still ongoing and might be better for some
Hypedup20 also works for 6 months of their 50 plan with unlimited data.
I'm due for hfc connection in 2 weeks, so I hope that their service lives up to their reputation.
Does anyone have suggestions for the best way to get it installed in a different room to the current POTS/adsl service?
just tell the tech that comes to install which room you want the socket to be installed in.
i've just signed up to their connection and i'm happy with it! also hfc
i had my hfc connected and activated yesterday afternoon. when i asked, it didn't seem like the tech would've been willing to run the cable to a new location. but thankfully the existing telstra port that he reused was where i wanted it anyway.
Existing/Expired deal that keeps starting. Great deal, best internet. Can't say anything bad about it/them.
Happy user here. Aussie has some of the best customer support
Currently with Optus cable getting 30Mbps/1Mbps. NBN HFC planned for April, should I bother with NBN100 plans or settle for NBN50 plans?
I'm on HFC 50/20 getting speeds of 46mbs during peak it's fast enough for 4k streaming and gaming so I'm happy! used to have 100/40 That was pretty good for large downloads like torrents or new game downloads but couldn't justify the extra cost.
50/20 is more than enough for general use. i wouldn't bother with 100/40 unless you can really afford the luxury or need it for some specific purpose
What? 50/20 is so slow. I'm stuck with it because my isp couldn't handle 100. When you live in a family all consuming content and heaven forbid one is a gamer having to install ONE of the latest games say, rainbow six (that's 80gb btw) or proper hd content not compressed down bs, or needing to upload something big 20mb up is nothing. 50 down is nothing. 100mb is ok for now but not in the near future as content is getting bigger and bigger. Heck i get better down speed on cable at my other place and how old is that tech? We needed a network that had stable 100/40 with a 1000 ceiling.
if they don't specify a family then i'm going to assume that they're living by themselves or with a partner. going to 100/40 doesn't make a big difference if someone's maxing out the connection, which shouldn't really be a common occurrence anyway. for most people, it DOESN'T matter if they upload their icloud photos twice as fast, which is why i specified that you shouldn't bother with 100/40 UNLESS you need it for a specific purpose. yeah even 100 down still sucks in the grand scheme of things, that doesn't mean it's not a significant cost increase for the vast majority of people that's not necessary. the OP has been able to live on 30/1 cable for who knows how long, and has not had (or not expressed) any specific concerns with that speed.
I am gonna refer a friend who would get first month free, will I get referral credit $50? If yes, how to sign up and put both promo and referral code?
From 12 April 2019, promo codes and referral codes are no longer stackable…
Great comment by managenent in that thread on their culture and what they are trying to do in this industry.
Great comment indeed, seems like a great company. I've just recently signed up.
ABB or Tangerine NBN?
ABB is excellent choice if you want reliable internet with no slowdowns/dropouts. They have (from my experience) the best customer support for an ISP.
Not sure about Tangerine NBN. Their plans are cheap (especially with the 6 month offer running atm) and have good reviews.
How i can apply.
Check out yoor plan deal and try and get a referral if that helps as well. Only have good things do far to say about them. Been with them for 9months HFC. Great CS. Some maintenance issues nbn. HFC such a dud.
is there any contract? can i just use one month and cancel?
No contract, but they have started some discount contract versions to lock users in for 12mth
The ones I know of (and used) are prepaid for free months. Can cancel & refund at any time.
Just wondering how long do I need to be away from ABB before I could be considered a new customer on re-sign up?
6 months from what I have heard
Is it possible to get a free month then port out and not get charged for a second month?
Curious about this also. Have signed up and NBN appointment to be installed at my address in a week, but unsure if I've picked the right ISP now. Used this promo code to sign up and don't want to delay installation.
The other question I have is whether it's pro rata billing when you cancel
I got charged $0 for first month, you only get charged for second month later in the month…
@tranter: Reading on WP, as long as you stop service before next invoice, you should be fine. This was confirmed by ISP reps too.
Hello guys,
The code isnt working anymore. I tried and gave me invalid code.
Still ….
This still works, signed up yesterday
FREE19 also does the same.
tried today doesnt work :(
And the code above?
Tried both..doesn't work.
Thanks OP! Signed up tonight and was connected in literally 20 minutes LOL. Cancelled myrepublic which was garbage. Already a massive difference! Still cant believe that turnaround time…. LOL so good… and a free month!
No worries mate enjoy !
Received a flyer with SAYNOMORE for first month free, a couple of days after signing up and they agreed to apply retrospectively.
does the flyer says when does the code expires ?
The aussie broadband refer-a-friend is better. Well you get $50 and your friend gets $50.
Can we setup something here mods?
does it stack with 1st month free ?
Unfortunately doesn't stack :(
Tried online plus had a sales person call me and they confirmed it doesn't.
Have to pick one or the other…
If I am referring my parents address / home to AussieBB , can i still put myself as the main contact at that address and still get the referral credit as i have always looked after the IT / communications needs at my parents house as they arent very good with that stuff.
Confirming still works, signed up yesterday, rep said the code expires end of August.
Purchased router at 3PM, called up at 4PM to sign up, internet was ready at 5PM. First time setting up internet, new property.
FTTP 50/20 Option, speedtest results show consistently 5ms ping, 47down, 17up. TP-Link Archer C9 AC1900 (router only model).
Ok updated the date till Aug cheers mate
I spoke to someone on the phone that suggested if you leave for 6 months or more you are considered a 'new customer' and are therefore eligible for these codes. I've been without NBN for months and now have it and was able to use this code. I might try and signup to Superloop and get a month free from them as well and then transfer back to ABB in another 6 months!
Has anyone signed up to an expensive plan for the first month then downgraded without incurring a fee?
How did you apply the code?