Part of Harvey Norman's Super Easter sale.
Good for anyone who has had a bad experience with Seagate. For everyone else, here's still this 3tb hard drive deal from Officeworks.
Part of Harvey Norman's Super Easter sale.
Good for anyone who has had a bad experience with Seagate. For everyone else, here's still this 3tb hard drive deal from Officeworks.
Of course SSD dominate performance and reliabilty.
But 3TB for $99 is really good value /GB for backup storage.
That is a great price for the Toshiba 3TB unit from Officeworks, and you're not supporting Harvey's ridiculous spammy TV ads.
I decided to spring the extra $20 to get a coloured unit, so I can quickly distinguish between my different uses.
$20 for colour?
$20 for colour?
Well … it's a different model, but still only 3TB, so technically, it is $20 for colour, but they'd see it differently.
and you're not supporting Harvey's ridiculous spammy TV ads.
Whats TV (⌒▽⌒)
A sticker lying around the house would have been free? Heck, I would have even taped the $20 to the outside of the drive. Also, does OzBargain have stickers?
My post isn't about the 3tb hard drive though.
Edited the post for everyone who wanted to upvote that deal.
My post isn't about the 3tb hard drive though.
That's true, and if you're looking for a 2TB drive, it may be a good buy.
The 3TB drive, though, is an even better deal …
And you've gotta worry about shock damage.
I wouldn't actually use one of these portably.
I shot over half a TB at the Hunter Valley airshow 2 weekends ago. I'd go bankrupt following your advice.
Msy wd 3tb elements $99
Was about to comment the same
I wish I'd had A bad experience with Seagate. What I had was a very very bad run. When 3.5" 2TB was the standard Seagate was rock solid. After that they went to pot.
Most Seagate hate ("seahate"? lol) actually stems from reliability issues way back in the day. They've actually IMPROVED in reliability in recent years, so your claim of them "going to pot" after 2TB drives is even more nonsensical than people still holding grudges on 10-15 year old data. That said, I still mostly stick with WD, but it has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with wherever your pulled your blanket post-2TB "stat" from.
So I thought when I bought a portable drive (1TB or 2TB 2.5") a couple of years back. Had to send it back when it died in a matter of a few weeks and got a refurb I don't trust in exchange.
My "blanket post-2TB" post comes from having over half a dozen 3 and 4TB 3.5" drives plus this 2.5" drive die. I use to have 8 or 9 segates hanging off my main machine with only 1 or 2 WD drives. Now after about 5 years of Seagates dying I have 2 Seagates and about 12 WD drives. There are a couple of models of WD drive that aren't reliable and that I avoid. (4TB elements portable 2.5" for example) but I haven't had a WD drive die in years and I think I've had a total of 2 or 3 die in the last decade.
Sure this is annecdotal but from my point of view, buying Seagate is a case of fool me once, shame on you…and I use to be a Seagate "fan"
You're still claiming that Seagate used to be more reliable, when the opposite is true. Thanks for downvoting my comment and avoiding addressing anything in it though.
@jenna12: Who says I downvoted? I won't thank you for downvoting mine without evidence.
I have older seagate drives that have been running for 8 years, and older than that for 11 years in my previous desktops. They use to be rock solid.
Who says I downvoted?
Well, this isn't a very popular thread, and I suspect I have an excruciatingly accurate read on your personality as a whole based on the multitude of flags you've provided. However, I'll happily be proven wrong. You can easily support your response and make me look the fool by simply upvoting that comment. Don't worry, you can retract the temporary upvote afterwards if you're worried about dishing out too many upvotes.
@jenna12: I'm really not interested in your ability to read my personality, or tell me my horoscope or whatever other nonsense. And I have no interest in upvoting you when what you're saying certainly doesn't match my experience.
@syousef: Just do it temporarily to make a point, if I haven't in fact caught you amid more misinformation as appears to be the trend with your comments. You spread junk information, downvote rationality, and then continue to lie about it. That's how it appears from the audience side. If that's incorrect, it's pretty easy to start clearing it up by a simple temporary upvote.
@jenna12: I don't owe you proof of anything and in fact, since you're calling me a liar, and presuming to speak for "the audience" if I'm going to make a point, here have a neg. Now leave me alone. You are making a nuisance of yourself.
@jenna12: Oh look what do we have here?
Would it be proof of old reliable Seagate hard drives, just as I said I owned? "misinformation" my ass.
Go away troll.
Free shipping if you have shipster.
Cool was buying two today …. saved myself 44 \o/. Timing ozbargain community….. jbhi price matched :p
I would only buy external SSD or flash bases drives now that technology has moved past HDDs.
For one, HDD are super slow for transferring large files or quick access and use Mich more energy from my laptop while. On the move.
Not saying this is a bad deal Op. Just my opinion.