• expired

Exetel NBN50 Unlimited Data $59.99/Mth - 12 Month Contract (Free Activation and Modem, for New Customers Only)


Saw this on Whistle Out. Seems like a good deal for those looking at a well priced 12 month contract for NBN50. The Exetel NBN50, 12 Month contract includes Unlimited Data for $59.99/Mth with Free Activation and Free Modem.

*Total min cost $739.88
*New customers only

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closed Comments

  • Overall happy with it, especially since I'm also getting a perm IP and free DID VOIP line for the price.

    I moved to Exetel after Telecube went down, though they must have had an influx of customers since then.
    While its not something I can pinpoint with speed tests, it sometimes seems more sluggish in peak times now.
    For one thing, they now use CGNAT instead of perm IPs, so their customer base must have grown a lot.

  • Been with Exetel since first getting on NBN. Been great for last 6 months. Good seeds even at peak times for me. Torrents all good. Had massive issues initially, but all NBN fault. Found Exetel support to be good. Easy to get through and talk to some that has half a brain. Million times better than Optus. Their free Router is great as well. Better Wireless than the expensive one I had. I also still need a landline. So free calls to UK and USA is great although that is another $10. Several people at my work also use them and say better than MyRepbulic. Sure this will all depend on your area and amount of people though

    • Which Exetel plan is that one you have?
      Can I assume the one they are pushing - Unlimited nbn50 for $59.99/mth ???
      They dont seem to offer basic nbn12 or nbn25 plans.

  • Not a joke question - but how is this compared to ADSL2+??

    I remember hearing rumours that sometimes ADSL was faster than the NBN.

    • +2

      If the NBN is actually 50/20 proper, you can generally get 47/19 (down/up) speed - in Mbits/sec. You cannot get that kind of speed with ADSL 2+.
      Things that you can notice the speed difference:

      • Download of large files (i.e. Microsoft Windows 10 updates, esp. the big feature updates; Linux ISO downloads; XB1/PS4/Stream games)
      • IPTV (changing channels should be quicker)

      Basically, NBN should be faster. However, the fact that we now get a single choice in most cases is bad (we used to have a choice of cable and ADSL, now it is just a next iteration of either one of them).

    • Sometimes ADSL was faster than the NBN.

      Depends on many factors such as:
      * Amount of devices connected
      * Connection type
      * ISP
      * Your Modem
      * Quality of the lines
      * Congestion
      * NBN Speed tier

      If you live in the city, you should be able to get speeds that are way better than the ADSL2+ Speeds.
      Reply with what type of NBN you are getting. You can check here

    • This is me. My ADSL speeds and reliability was better prior to switching to Exetel NBN. Now on most days, youtube videos takes ages to load and defaults to 360p based on the line speeds. Practically unusable unless you want to watch videos with pauses every few seconds.

      • Then, it is best to contact Exetel and get it sorted (it could be a NBN issue).

        For the switch to NBN, I decided to switch from TPG to ABB, one of the reasons is my area is HFC (cable - which I am not really a fan coz. I had bad experience with Telstra when I had cable years back - they never solved it so I left them). I wanted an ISP that knows their stuff. Yes, I am paying more per month, but it can be very frustrating talking to TPG's tech support (as their level 1 tech support simply are clueless).

        Some people do have issues with NBN, but if you are having issues with youTube and your experience with NBN is worse than before, then it is not normal. I know people on Exetel with no issue (and are happy with it - due to the low price and static IP). Even if you go with a better ISP like ABB, it doesn't guarantee it will be trouble free (and ABB use CGNAT by default). Your youTube experience should be better than before (i.e. when you skip a portion of the video, there should be close to no delay and buffer quickly). Otherwise, it's not normal.

        One thing though, my mate was/is having issue with his NBN. However, when he told me the details, it appears to be a wifi issue (the wifi just isn't stable enough in his room (furtherest away from the new router). His old router provided by the old ISP actually had better range. I did ask him to get a new router and in the mean time move the router a bit.

  • FYI Tasmania. New Customers FTTP 12-mth contract Min charge. $979.88 = $79 PM for a Hobart NBN Connection Location.

  • +1

    I’m already with Exetel for their ADSL service. My area is due to getting NBN next month. Am I still eligible for this?since I’m not “new customer”

  • This is their standard plan, been this way for months.

  • I churned over early this year, after a rocky start - they churned my service 5 days before sending my modem out or activating my service, which was fun… Helpdesk is not really any more than a script reader but that is OK, I don't generally call my ISP anyway. They do have CGNAT by default and I ended up having to email support twice to get my static public address (security system/servers etc), but apart from that can't complain. I can only get 34-38 ish on a good down anyway so 50 is good. Haven't noticed any slowdown or latency issues either.

  • +3

    I wrote this in a previous exetel thread. Still relevant…

    I went to Exetel after Telecube folded. There's been some small issues but they've been resolved. Their provisioning for new connections is slow, my experience was connected 3 or 4 days after sign-up and I'm on FTTP.

    I had evening slow-downs with high ping a few months ago, can report that while slow to respond via email (they're clearly all offshore and took maybe 48 hours to get back to me) their support people were able to help out and the problem has been resolved. They asked me to manually select their DNS in my router and change my IP. It seems to have worked and the last few nights have been back to normal low ping and around 43/18 speed. I think I have a decent level of tech knowledge, I reckon if I didn't I would have struggled with their instructions on how to diagnose the problem. Perhaps if you need a high level of support Exetel is not for you.

    I think they're very well priced (probably one of the cheapest) and worth a go for anyone looking. I would recommend taking the month-to-month option for $5 more. That way you can leave if it's no good.

    When I signed on you could begin the sign-up process, leave it for about 3 days, then check your emails as they would send you a $20 off code carrot for you to complete your sign-up.

  • nbn 50 - Exetel or Aussie BB?

    Been with Aussie BB (FTTN) since 2 years, no service issues. My data use is just under 500GB monthly. But saving with Exetel is substantial.

    Thoughts from experienced Exetel nbn users would be appreciated, thank you. Not super comfortable with change, hence seeking user advice.

    • +6

      Well here is a link to the latest, feb 2019, ACCC internet speeds report.


      Better to go to independent statistics of thousands of results than a few internet user comments.

      • +3

        Thanks Cloudy, my decision is less cloudy now, lol. Genuinely, thanks :)

      • Based on that report it shows TPG on par, if not better than Aussie Broadband. Anyone have experience with TPG for NBN?

        • +1

          My point of that report is so your opinion isn’t swayed easily by a few loud internet voices, Savas for example regularly says he is with TPG and has brilliant speeds. Equally I know there are many who say ABB provides great speeds too.

          I can also find bad experiences posted of both, if not all, ISP.

          That’s why a independent report done with thousands of volunteers with boxes connected to their modems seem to be the best independent information we have.

          Sorry I’m on a anti fake news/info crusade lately lol

          • @cloudy: Great point.I see so many positive comments for ABB but it comes at a premium. Based on the report i think i will be happy with most of the carriers as it still beats my current ADSL.

        • +1

          Note that the average speed is on par / better than Optus & Telstra (as per TPG advertising)
          IF you check the statistics in this doc, you'll see that this is because the lowest speed customers (12/1)
          have the lowest standard deviation on their download speed vs night time. Due to the sheer volume of these customers,
          this drags up their overall average compared with the other ISPs.
          I think WhistleOut's night stats, (which ISPs use as their 'Night time speed' in their advertising) is more of a telling factor.

          Of course, as illustrated by commenters here, User Experience varies by other factors.

          • @Draxxx: Well also to be fair, it can only report on what the ISP average customer base is like. So if a ISP has a greater portion of low speed users it’s hard to get the numbers for a 100mbps test.

            So is it fair to critise a firm for being a discounter and attracting lower value customers? I think not. I think if you are a premium firm, offering high prices, you have higher expectations set up and that’s what you should meet. And if your a discount firm, with lower prices you should have lower bars to jump. My thoughts anyway

    • +1

      I am in the same boat! Aussie provide a decent service but I feel as they grow their service is slipping. I have missed 2 'refer a friend' and it just got too hard so I don't refer anyone now. I currently have 100/40 but question if I 50/20 would be fine for me which would make this a $20 a month saving.

      • +4

        I was on the 100/40 ABB plan for a while, decided to save $20 per month and go on their 50/20 plan, have had no issues. Now debating about whether to save an extra $20 per month with Exetel..

    • +1

      The samples used by that report is not constant across the RSPs. Interestingly enough, the Exetel and TPG samples had less under-performing ones.

      If you looked at cooni's result for Exetel, I would be concerned about the peak hour drops. On a 100/40 plan, a peak hour drop to 13/31.9 is a concern.

      That said, I did check with a colleague and he is happy with Exetel NBN.

  • So, I got this deal about 7 weeks ago. 1 month to send out a technician(from Telstra), thought great finally. But no it didn't work. Over next two weeks and dealing with their tech support I have spent many hours(140 odd people in line, although they do have a call back which takes 3 hours). They scheduled another technician (from Telstra)who tested the lines etc and said all is fine and that it is a connection problem with exetel……back with exetel and another repeat of procedures to no avail. They then had me contact modem provider (which I got with exetel) and running more tests who also concluded it was exetels issue. So after 7 weeks I still have no internet. Everytime I go through a stage exetel says they haven't heard back from the previous technician and will contact me within 48 hours.
    Don't know if this is common or just related to Exetel but someone is really not doing their job!!

  • +1

    Been with Exetel NBN on their 50/20 plan since Nov last year and have nothing bad to say about them. Actual speeds on HFC are 44/18 during peak times. There have been a few times where the speed has dropped off and I had to restart the NBN modem which fixed the issue.

  • +2

    Very bad reviews on Productreview so will give it a pass. Wouldn't mind paying extra $20 a month for a peace of mind.


    • +2

      Do you worry about anything else? Pay me $240 and I’ll hekp you deal with it on the odd occasion you have an issue.

    • The reviews do sound quite horrible, yikes!

    • +1

      Dont know why anyone would put much stock in those reviews. Really, how many people do you think get a good service and then think "I wanna tell the world!" and go around writing reviews? People go on those sites to bitch because theres no one else to bitch to and they gotta let it out, or think "this'll show em". Then look at how many give one star because of one thing that annoyed them. Look at the second review, one star! Why, because his voip aint working and support is horrible….but hes getting 44/18 on hfc, that should be worth 2 stars yeah?
      Better, pay the extra 5 a month for no contract, get it for a month (without disconnecting the old service, for peace of mind) and try it out.

      • With these RSPs/ISPs targeting value for money (e.g. Exetel, TPG), it's fine in most cases (when everything works), but when things play up, that's when the pain could set in. That said, I had horrible experience with Telstra before. My mate had a subpar experience with Optus recently.

        When my mate told me ABB support are great, I was cynical. However, they are. The difference is that they get straight to the point and answer your questions right away. The tech support can talk in pure tech terms with me and fulfill my requests on the spot. The wait queue to talk to ABB tech support can be long though. Also, on the tech side, there are a couple things from ABB which are not so good (their online e-mail system - both in terms of features (lacking) and security; the default CGNAT).

        Basically, a lot of ISP's tech support you talk to only have a checklist, don't have much tech knowledge and very limited power. They just notify L2 tech support to look into your issue later (could be days). Problem(s) won't be solved until later. Whereas, for ABB, you talk directly to a L2 tech support equivalent which can modify things and fulfill your request on the phone.

        The rating is the result of the problem wasn't solved quickly and the lack of real effort. Customers don't complain for no reason.

      • Put much stock in these reviews?
        Maybe because 100 people gave Exetel a five star review but 600 gave it a one star review with horrendous stories of their bad experience, giving Exetel an average score of 1.9.
        Whereas Aussie Broadband had 1600 five star reviews and only 150 one star reviews, with an average score of 4.5. Mind you, this level of satisfaction comes at a price, Aussie Broadband could be up to $20/month more expensive than Exetel.
        But this definitely shows that people will give good reviews for good service.
        You can see how other ISPs fared by going up a level in productreview, at https://www.productreview.com.au/c/internet-service-provider…
        The idea of running the two services side by side for a month is attractive, but I don't think this will work if you want to churn your existing landline phone number to VOIP, it would just make the transfer too complicated.

  • I've been with them now for 4 months..no issues.. works great.

  • everytime i move it takes a month at least to get connected to a provider. not much incentive to switch unless it’s gonna save me like extra $50 a month.

  • $25/month extra if house is in a new development.

    • +1

      Or $300 upfront. Regardless, this applies to all providers. At least you have the option of splitting it up over 12 months.

  • I tried switching over the ADSL to Exetel while waiting for my area to become NBN ready. Waited for 20 days for the installation before cancelling the order. Customer service was just horrible. Now switched over to NBN with TPG and it has been great so far.

  • +1

    I've been with Exetel for a few years on ADSL and in the last few months on FTTP NBN100.

    I posted about their performance last deal and was having major congestion in the evening peak (with excellent speeds during off peak, ruling out equipment/configuration faults on my end).

    It seems this has been rectified by them as of about a week ago, so happy days.

    Speed test history here, showing dates/times

    (Using their provided ZTE modem)
    (In my area their wholesale provider is Optus. This was a nightmare when originally getting connected as support requests would go from Exetel pleb to Optus tech to NBNCo tech and take forever. My building wasn't wired properly and we also all had mismatched NTD serial numbers)

  • +3

    Just got connected with Exetel today on this plan; HFC installation. Was previously paying the same per month for ADSL2with TPG on ADSL2+, so no downtime involved. Technician came around this morning (I know Exetel and the NBN technicians are two seperate entities but for what its worth, the technician called me the night before, confirmed my address and advised he would be around at 8AM - and he was there 8:00AM on the dot). From sign-up to being online took 18 days (signed up 30MAR, got a message advising NBN technician would come around on 13APR, but I had to reschedule so next best was today 17APR). Technicians took 45min. Once they were done, tested to see if the connection worked with Exetel's provided ZTE router and from there it was relatively hassle-free to get NBN working with my own (better) router.

    Did a speed test and was getting 45 down/18.6 up so pretty happy with that

  • +1

    Exetel are literally the worst ISP I have ever been with.

    Lived in a residential area with a private opticomm 100 fibre optic network. Speeds actually hit 100 for most users. Brother lived a couple streets away with 100 connection via iiNet

    Connected with Exetel thinking it was a good price and save some dollars. Exetel connected at 35ish on a 100 plan with huge connection drops. Their tech support were useless. Ditched them and went with iiNet and got 100

  • There is a reason they persist with 12 month contacts while many of their competitors offer month-to-month.

    If they didn't, nobody would stick around.

    Don't lock yourself in with these guys for 12 months just to save a few bucks. I made that mistake with Exetel. Never again.

  • I happened to sign up a few weeks ago and got connected yesterday. 45 down, 18 up at night from Ringwood East, VIC. Happy with the service so far.

  • +1

    How come they don't offer nbn25?

  • I was with exetel for years. Moved away because they didn't offer a plan that suited my needs. Moved back when other mob folded. Great rating for netix. I won't change again unless they fold. Good value and service.

    • Almost the same story here… Only difference is that, since this offer is only valid for new users, I will move somewhere else for a month or two and then move back.

  • Note.
    Looks like an additional 1% credit card surcharge, unless you sign up with Direct Debit.

    Any alternatives to avoid the fee?

    • +1

      Why not sign up with direct debit on your credit card? What is the disadvantage?

  • +1

    2 months free, free modem and free installation sounds too generous
    What’s the catch?

    • Yeah I was looking at that with the ADSL plan… Suspicious.

      I’m paying $89 a month right now on Telstra and it’s no better than Belong was. It seems according to product review, all ISPs are awful.

      • I look at NBN co as a scam that can’t deliver what they promised. Then All providers selling the same product for different prices. Just like car dealers sell the same cars.

        No nbn in my area yet

  • In the website, they are having 1st 2 months free promotion. That makes this deal even cheaper.

    Free month(s) offer
    The free months promotion is available to new customers ordering Premium speed tier, unlimited and 500GB data plans only. If you order an Unlimited Premium Speed nbn™ plan on a 12-month contract the first 2 months broadband monthly plan fee only is free. Your free month(s) will be applied as a credit to your account on your first (and second) invoices. Call charges and excess usage charges will still apply. Promotion is for a limited time only.

  • +1

    what happens if you move houses?

    • I asked the same question but didn't get a straight answer.. so I might hold back for now or just sign up to the month to month to give them a trial run.

      Thank you for your inquiry.

      Kindly note that we do not have a relocation process for fibre services, if the service is on a contract the Early Termination Charge will apply to cancel and you will have to submit a new application for the new address.

      However, we currently offer to waive the ETC for the existing contact if you're signing up on a contract and on a plan similar or higher to the current monthly cost.

      But we cannot guarantee that this will be offered in the future since the plans and the offers are bound to change with time.

      Please provide us your complete address in order to run the pre-qualification checks and inform you about the plans that qualify for your location.

      Please do not hesitate to get back to us if you have further clarifications.

      Please call us on:13 39 38
      Email us - [email protected]


      Jennifer Bandaranayake
      Sales Consultant
      Exetel Pty Ltd

  • +1

    Been on this $59 plan for 7 months now… been with exetel since 2004….yeah my customer number is a single digit.. had to call them 2-3 times in15 years… get around 42mbits any time i test… all good

  • that 12 months contract really sucks, don't mind even 6 months…..NBN likely to decrease wholesale price in near future too to increase uptake of faster plan I heard?

  • I'm on Kogan NBN Silver (no contract) which is 50/20 package, using their default modem (2 external antennas). Worked fine for the first 2-3 months, now i'm seeing drops A LOT, & keep having to reboot the modem or disconnect/reconnect wifi from devices. Speed when connected is acceptable even though no where near 50mps on wifi. Kogan doesn't have a portal where you can lodge issues, only emailing the bills monthly.

    So how does this Exetel deal compare to Kogan? Should I change?

    • Well you can certainly lodge issues with Exetel, either call back or email.

    • I’m with Exetel, and I get drop outs too, rebooting doesn’t work, gotta just wait, as long as 14 hours once.
      Someone no this forum said it might just be NBN issue, you’ll never know. But the times I call Exetel, they can’t help anyway, just gotta keep waiting. So even if you could lodge a fault I’ve found them to be useless

  • 30$ more for NBN100?

  • I've been with Exetel FTTN 50/20 for 3 months now without any problems. Speed is a consistent 43-44 and the ZTE modem indicates a line max of 89 Mbs and connection speed of 54 Mbs. I initially signed up for the $54.99 500G plan but quickly realised I was in danger of going over. Netflix streamed so well it went to full resolution and started using lots more data than our old Vivid Wireless connection. I rang up and was answered fairly quickly and they changed me to the unlimited $59.99 plan. The only other time I had to contact them was via email to clarify my website user ID and they emailed back with a few hours.

    • I'm about to do the same and buy the 500GB only option. Was there any charge changing to unlimited? Thanks.

      • +2

        There was no charge. When I tried to do it on the website it only gave me the option to re-contract for the $69 unlimited plan. I had seen someone complain on Whirlpool and GlennW replied "have you rung and asked?". So I did, and it wasn't a problem at all to change to the $59.99. All they did was remind me I was still on a 12 month contract.

        For the extra $5, just go unlimited. No more data usage anxiety.

        • Nice, will give that a try.
          Wouldn't even mind if I had to go on another 12 month contract as I have had no issues with the service.

          • +2

            @OzB123: Well, I made the call. First off got told it only for new users only so advised I would go elsewhere for a month or two. After that they checked and came back saying no problem, can get the $59.99 price on a twelve month contract.

  • +3

    I’ve been with Exetel NBN FTTN (Fibre to the Node) for 3 months in Perth northern suburbs and I’ve had a mixed experience with them.
    I’m on the 50MBPS and 500 GB plan at $55. Only getting 32MBPS downloads (10MBPS uploads) due to line limitations but quite happy with that. Only using about 100-200GB per month so the cheaper plan is good for us, but Exetel would let me transition to the unlimited $60 plan if needed for nothing. We’ve had occasional short dropouts in service but it’s generally very good.
    Exetel is cheaper than other ISPs but there are some drawbacks.
    Getting NBN from Exetel was fine (after being on ADSL with Dodo), but I wasn’t terribly impressed at Exetel’s efforts in porting my existing telephone number to VOIP.
    Exetel sent out a pre-configured modem very efficiently, and the NBN service started when they said it would, and is reliable.
    But they didn’t tell me in the start-up email that the VOIP wasn’t provisioned and I messed about for a couple of hours trying to get it to go. Eventually I called their service line to be told that the VOIP wasn’t ready yet.
    Two weeks later and I still hadn’t heard anything. I had to call them again, and the guy made the VOIP work while I was on the line. Why didn’t they just get it working when it was ready, and let me know? I would regard that as poor service.
    And they don’t tell you about limitations with the ZTE H268A modem/router that they send.
    Their brochure tells you it has a USB port – but it doesn’t work! Unbelievable that such a useful facility is crippled. On our old modem, we plugged a USB stick into the port and used it for file sharing and back up.
    Fortunately, I was able to network the old modem to the new one and use it to share the USB port. But this is not an easy thing to do, I thought I knew a bit about networking, but it took a lot of time and effort for me to get it to work.
    Another limitation is that that you can’t select DNS servers at the modem/router.
    If you select DNS servers such as OpenDNS, you can protect family members from adult content and phishing. I regard this as a major flaw in Exetel’s offering.
    I’ve had to select DNS servers on a per-computer basis – i.e. go around every device in the house (including iphones) altering their DNS servers to point at OpenDNS. But this isn’t as secure or easy as simply setting the modem/router.
    But the VOIP is working out really well compared to the stupidly expensive Telstra plan that we had before.
    At present, I’m just paying per call on the VOIP. If my usage increased, I could go on a $10/month plan which gives unlimited calls.
    And one thing I really like about Exetel is the ability to block incoming numbers on the VOIP. I web-scraped a list of 2500 spam and nuisance callers from https://auareacodes.com and blocked them all. Now I get one nuisance call a month (which I add to the list) instead of two or three a day. So that was quite a pleasant and unexpected bonus. Something else that was unexpected was a Porting Fee of $8 from Telstra. Thank you Telstra, you’ll never get another cent out of me.

    • There is new firmware availabile for the ZTE modem where they have enabled the USB port for wireless dongles. Might be worthwhile checking the thread on Whirlpool to see what other advantages it has.

    • Yeah they are particularly slow getting land lines ported for some reason (and in my case was VoIP to VoIP)

      With the cheap unlimited mobile plans these days there's not a whole lot of need for an unlimited voip line as well.

      I finally convinced the in-laws to switch to PAYG plan and use the mobile for Australian calls. (they use it for a few international calls which are on top of $10 anyway, but would only make a few local calls a month.)

      However since you can't select the PAYG plan from the control panel, trying to get an email response from support to do it isn't going well so far. Looks like it'll be a sit on the phone for an hour or two job..

    • It seems to me that some of the limitations are also on other branded products. For example my Telstra modem doesn’t let me put my dns. The USB stick thing though is annoying.

    • WOW great idea! How did you 'web-scrape' the spam numbers? any chance of sharing the list?

    • Did you plug your regular phone into the ZTE H268A modem for your VOIP calls or plug another VOIP capable modem into it?

      It says on their nbn page:
      "Exetel Home Phone (VoIP) service. As a VoIP service, your calls will be made over the internet rather than the PSTN network. You will require a VoIP compatible modem to connect this service."

      • +1

        I just plugged the old phone into the ZTE H268A modem that Exetel provided, and it worked fine. The modem comes preconfigured with all the settings for VOIP.
        I only connected our old ADSL modem to get access to a USB port and a USB memory stick that is useful for file sharing around the house. Disappointingly, the USB port on the ZTE H268A modem is disabled by Exetel.

  • There is nothing special about this deal.
    Its not even a deal. Its Exetel's everyday price.
    Has been for months

  • BTW, anyone know how long it should take to switch speeds?

    The in-laws were on 12Mbps/100GB for the last year, but since getting a streaming box had to up the quota.

    No more 12Mbps plans so had to go to 50/500GB. Toolbox shows plan and quota has switched as of mid month cycle but still syncing at 12mb after a modem reboot. Have to check again next time I'm there.

  • Exetel having giving me a 4 month estimated date of being connected, is this normal?

  • When you churn from ADSL to NBN, can you still use your ADSL right up until the NBN is fully hooked up and ready to go (ie no downtime?), then cancel?

    • We're with Dodo for ADSL and looking to switch to Exetel for NBN. Rep for Exe said we could keep using the ADSL during the (up to 15 business days) time that the NBN gets hooked up. Rep for Dodo said the opposite. Who's right?

      Dodo's also talking about "maybe" price matching their 50/20 plan, normally $75, to Exetel's $60 per month version. Is there any reason not to stick with Dodo given that fact? I mean, besides customer service, the end user experience would be virtually the same, right? They also said their churn time could be 15-20 biz days (ie a whole month potentially), based on it being an HFC connection. Is it going to be the same amount of downtime no matter who we go with or whether they're the existing provider or not? Or do dif companies have dif turn around times based on technician availability?

      • If your new nbn service is HFC, you won't need to disconnect your adsl until after your nbn is up and running. They use totally different cables coming into your house. Don't trust a company that only 'might' match a deal.

        • REALLY?!?! That's fantastic news!

          I thought we'd be internet-blind for a month, or at least reduced to capped 4g.

        • Actually, not true with my case. Was on ADSL with Exetel, put in change over to NBN with Exetel. They removed my ADSL codes (hence no internet anymore), all the while still in provisioning. Been without internet for almost 2 weeks since plugging NCD and their new modem. Issues somewhere (not sure Exetel, or NBN side).

  • If I relocate and the new place has NBN do I need to pay any installation cost?

    • If you are talking about FTTP and the NTD is already there, you won't have to pay again. Whoever you choose for NBN service may have their own setup fee though.

  • Can a rep please confirm the 2 months free offer on the 12 months 50/20 umlimited deal? Deal states min payment of 739.88 which is 12× 59.99 plus $20 for modem shipping. Is the first 2 months actually free also or are you spreading that first 2 months out as $10 off each month for 12 months? Also if I dont want the modem can I not get it? I dont need it and dont want to spend the 20 on shipping.

    • I think the two months free is only on the 12 month 100/40 unlimited plan.
      It drops to one month free if you select the 12 month 100/40 500gb plan.

      Edit - it is little confusing though as the graphic doesn't change or disappear if you select the 50/20 plans.

      • Yeah exactly. If i select the 50/20 and switch between the 12 and month to month it goes between 1 and 2 months free. So seems to suggest that the offer is valid for either speed then. Will have to contact them. Been with Tangerine since dec for a holiday house but their 6 month $10 off deal ends this month for me so will look for a better value deal. $59/95 for 50/20 is better value than 12/1 with tangerine.

        Sucks there just is so little under the $55 a month price point these days. A basic 12/1 unlimited(or even a 1 tb/month plan) wold suit us. Struggle to justify what im paying when we are only there twice a month.

      • +1

        Terms seem to suggest it isnt speed tier specific :

        Free month(s) offer

        The free months promotion is available to new customers ordering Premium speed tier, unlimited and 500GB data plans only. If you order an Unlimited Premium Speed nbn™ plan on a 12-month contract the first 2 months broadband monthly plan fee only is free. If ordering an Unlimited Premium Speed nbn™ plan with no lock-in, or a 500GB Premium Speed nbn™ plan on a 12-month contract, the first month broadband plan fee only is free. Your free month(s) will be applied as a credit to your account on your first (and second) invoices. Call charges and excess usage charges will still apply. Promotion is for a limited time only.

  • Can anybody advise what HFC speeds are like and is it possible to sign up for the get a free month on 100/40 and then change plan after that to the month by month 50/20 plan?

    • same question.

  • The worst customer support is real.

    try calling now. you are number 58 .. waited 70minutes, hello… hangs up

    Calls again press for sale, and you get in straight away lol

    All i wanted to find out was my connection status that is still pending for over 5 days now.

  • If you check the reviews on productreview.com.au there is one common theme amongst all of the and that is VERY LONG WAIT TIMES when you call support.
    They also complained about useless uncaring support staff.
    Its one very good reason to stay away from Exetel.

    Its not how good the product/service is when its working that counts.
    Its how good the customer service is at time of need - especially with telecommunications!

    After carefully reviewing both I decided to stay with Spintel.
    Identical product but much better customer service and with a much cheaper Basic NBN 12 / 500GB option at only $45/mth. Gotta be the cheapest high data option in Australia. If you are single or a couple thats all you need!
    Same plan available for ADSL users!

    • Spintel doesn't exactly have the best reviews on productreview either… Bearing in mind that most people only bother to leave negative feedback on the internet.

      • Been with Spintel since 2012. I think I know better than most others.
        They are no worse than anyone else and miles ahead of Exetel whom I have also used.

    • +1

      Identical product but much better customer service and with a much cheaper Basic NBN 12 / 500GB option at only $45/mth.

      Only if you go on an 18 month contract or else it’s only 200GB. Hilarious as only a few days ago you were singing Exetel’s praises 😂😂

      If you are single or a couple thats all you need!

      Yeah, nah.

  • +1

    From my comment to a forum post:

    Apply but don't finish/pay
    Wait a couple of days for $20 credit email, which will offset the modem delivery fee
    You have to call Exetel if the link won't work for the $20 credit. Ask the rep to apply the $20 credit now. They'll ask you to email the proof email of the $20 credit. Don't worry, the Sales line has a very short wait time
    Don't cancel AB until the churn is done
    Your debit card will be charged a dollar, which will be credited on your first bill
    Modem will be sent to you. The modem is already setup
    Mate received the modem on the same day the fhurn was done. So you could be offline for half a day
    If you're tech savvy, you can use an old modem and set it up using the details sent by Exetel
    For some reason, some of the games we play with AB suffers a connection server issue. Never had that problem with Exetel. Also, no drop outs experienced with Exetel so far. AB connection will have 10 drop outs a day.

    • Looks like the $20 credit E-Mail doesn't get sent out anymore.

      • How long did you wait?

  • Used to get about 85-90mbps with Telstra, with this mob getting 35-40mbps on the 100mbps tier lol. Glad it's 2 months free and will be reverting to 50mbps plan, still cheaper then telstra

  • If there is only 1 or 2 of you living in a place and have no requirement to stream 2 movies at the same time then Spintel has a much cheaper plan for you at only $45/month.

    In any case you can always download any movie and watch it at your convenience instead of streaming two at the same time.

    This Exetel plan is good for a family with teenagers who all want to get on at the same time.

  • +1

    This plan has NOT EXPIRED

    Its an ongoing offer

  • +7

    My experience:

    $55/mth for 50mbps 500gb
    $20 for modem delivery preconfigured
    $15 cashback from Kickstart computers (paid day after connection)

    Signed up 29/5
    Modem delivered 5/6
    NBN Connected 7/6

    Downloads at >40mbps

    Overall pretty happy

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