Same as previous years
All Mums receive free entry to Perth Zoo on Sunday 12 May.
Opening hours are 9am-5pm.
Regular price for an adult ticket is $32
Same as previous years
All Mums receive free entry to Perth Zoo on Sunday 12 May.
Opening hours are 9am-5pm.
Regular price for an adult ticket is $32
Usually, child needs to be with mother and child needs to pay regular price.
In Melbourne, kids go free on weekends.
Whoop de do
This deal is not applicable in Melbourne.
Does the mother need to be accompanied by her children to access this deal?
Does the zoo ask for proof of motherhood?
Unfortunately the page only has brief details, so I decided not to tag as a freebie just in case there were certain conditions (I was unable to find any T&Cs for the offer).
If anyone wants to double-check before going, I'd recommend getting in touch with Perth Zoo here
I'd recommend getting in touch with Perth Zoo here
Just call: 08 9474 0444 (9am - 5pm weekdays)
and ask to speak to Ms. Allie Fent
she does Public Relations there…
"Motherhood" "No strings attached".
That will be one busy day at the zoo. will be packed i guess.
School holidays isn’t the beet time to go to the zoo, if you don’t like crowds of kids and motherhoods.
What if you identify as a mother ?
This deal is unfair to stay at home mothers
I'm a trans-mother, and so is my now-same-sex wife. Two free tickets please.
What are the kids?
gender-neutral until they decide which of the 27 genders they wish to be.
If I offered this to my mother, she would say "why would I go to the zoo? If I wanted to see a monkey, I'd just look at you".
Does the mother need to be accompanied by her children to access this deal? Does the zoo ask for proof of motherhood? There is a reason why I am asking this question. If there is no string attached to the deal for the mother, then it should be tagged as a freebie.