Just helping a mate digging some info. He's in a 6 month contract with his new job with guaranteed 20 hours per week for his shifts (written in his work agreement). He's planning to quit after 6 months cause I advised him if he quits now, the employer can ask to payout his remaining hours due to the 6 months has been broken. His work agreement does not state any probation time period, but I advised 6 months is usually the norm with probation and prob that's why he's on a 6 month contract.
But… what if the company terminates him for non-illegal reasons such as not performing well, for example if the employer terminates him at 3 months. Can my mate advise the company owes him 3 months pay?
This depends what is stated on the contract. But normally they will only be paid for a notice period ie 2 weeks etc for terminations.This can depend on whether you have worked for a minimum period etc as per your contract.The guaranteed hours do not come into play as that only describes the hours provided while employed with the company.