I'm currently living in Sydney. I wanted to become an electrical apprentice. Everytime that I mention I'm 29 years old, the employer would say that they are looking for someone younger. I understand that $14 vs $21 per hour is a big difference. What can I do to increase my chances?
Mature Age Electrical Apprenticeship

Last edited 11/04/2019 - 10:30 by 1 other user
Definitely agree with that, I'm doing my elevated work platform, forklift and working at heights course to be more competitive. Also done my pre-apprenticeship years ago.
good to hear. I'd hire you if I was in Sydney, and looking for a mature apprentice, and were a sparky, and had a business,
Thanks mate, maybe you can start an electrical business in Sydney.
NECA is the National Electricity and Commuications Association. They are the peak body for this industry. their website has a section on Training, and also links to your state. I’m not familiar with NSW, but I know the Vic site has links to some trial aptitude tests, along with employer and job seeker links. I would recommend that you spend some time examining their page, particularly doing the testing, and contact them for support / more info about job seeking as a mature age apprentice.
https://necaeducation.com.au - vic site, but there will probably be one relevant to your state with similar information
I recently applied, and received an email being place on the reserve list. "Due to the vast variance between the wage rates for adult apprentices and junior apprentices, NECA Electrical Apprenticeships will only offer employment to suitable adult apprentices if a host employer is willing to employ and pay the higher wage rates"
Glad to see that you are aware of this resource - most who are looking to move into electrical have no idea.
Sorry that they have not been able to assist in finding work for you, although you are on the waiting list.
Government have a strong campaign towards employers promoting the employment of mature apprentices (and older workers in general). Hopefully this will bring results for you.
My next suggestions would be to contact recruitment organisations who are also RTOs and see if they can advocate on your behalf with prospective employers. If you were here in Vic I would recommend Skillinvest, but I'm not familiar with those in the NSW market.
Sounds like you have done all the right things in terms of tickets/training. It's now up to networking and leveraging your contacts. Good luck with your endeavours.
try to get one through government. My brother did one in his 30's, the only way possible was working for government.
Which government website? Was it for linesman or electrician?
Energex, I think he's a linesman.
I thought so, I've seen it for linesman, but only have an genuine interest in being a general electrician.
Join the defence force
Funny you mention that, I'm in the ADF. Trying to get out for location stability.
A mate, aged 35, was a financial planner in Sydney and hated it. He did the electrical pre-apprenticeship course part time and then contacted all the major electricity suppliers (poles and wires/ generators) throughout Au. He got an apprenticeship with SEQEB (now Energex??). They (him & partner) moved to Brisbane. She got work easily (Project Management). He got qualified in HV in addition to the standard elec qualifications. They've never been happier.
You need to approach bigger companies and get some self-funded training (CertII in electrotechnology?) to show you are serious. You'll have to network too. Maybe work a week for free to show that you are more independent and productive than a 17yo.
Consider getting your First Aid Certificate & Construction white card as well. If you do these separately then you should get RPL for a couple of the subjects in the CertII.
Good luck. I wish I'd done Elec rather than mechanic
I hear you,I'm an Aircraft Mechanic. I do have my white card and already done a pre apprenticeship like 8 years ago. Maybe first aid is something I can do when I have some free time.
8 years ago is probably no longer considered valid?
First Aid can be knocked out in 4hrs of online & 1 day in class. It's ~$100 IIRC.
Pre-apprenticeship is a Cert II in electro-technology. I don't think certificate would expire? I was looking at the online first aid course but seems dodgy to do learn first aid through a computer only?
Check out the mining companies my son is late 20s and doing one with them does 2 on 1 off and gets over $100,000
As an apprentice.I would love to do it, but my wife is pregnant and her family is all living in Sydney. So my location choice is limited to Sydney and outer surburbs.
Also when he started looking he was offered a few in country locations like broken hill but went for the mining $
Are you thinking domestic or commercial? Probably have more luck with a group training company like neca,frontline etc. If you are wanting to do domestic then I'd reccomend asking mates or friends of friends if you can tag along with them for a week or so, even if it's for free.
Get your head around cable sizes and rough ins etc so you don't look like a spud on your resume.You're only advantage as a mature age is that you'll pick things up quicker and be more useful, so you need to show them that.
Good luck!
I've been applying for both, whatever gets me through the door. I don't have any electrician mates or anyone who knows one. But definitely willing to work for free to get some experience.
start off as a site labourer, make genuine relationships with other trades and companies, then use those relationships to get your foot in the door. you will make more than $21 an hour this way as well.
To work in the electrotechnology industry minimum age would depend on the state regulator. A person of minimum working age can join the apprenticeship if the employer is willing to employ them as an apprentice. There is no upper age limit. I found aN Article that gives you a clear understanding of Electrotechnology, check this out https://www.ausinet.com.au/electrotechnology-courses/
Generally now when we are recruiting for Electricians, the new norm is at least having a Pre-apprenticeship in Electrical. However, some companies only want mature age apprentices due to having more "life" experience and some want younger apprentices as they are easier to train and mould into the company.
do some courses that are relevant to electrical work to show you have initiative and are not some washed out 29 year old who hasn't a clue about what they are doing with their life and are just giving electrical work "a go".