This was posted 5 years 10 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Hack] Free Hamburger or Frozen Coke + 10 Hamburgers w/o Beef Patty @ McDonald's


Food hack found on Reddit. Similar to this deal, when you remove a beef patty from a Hamburger, it deducts $1.10 from the order, netting -$0.10. Can apply the hack on any other menu items by varying the quantity of meatless Hamburgers if the system allows (not sure of limit).

  1. Add 10 x $1 Hamburger.
  2. Customise the burger by removing the Beef Patty (and/or everything else if you don't want meatless Hamburgers).
  3. Add 1 x $1 Hamburger (or $1 Frozen Coke if you prefer a drink).
  • Freeze the burgers and you have the next few days sorted.
  • If you don't plan on eating the meatless burgers, remove all other ingredients so that the burgers don't get made. Food wastage is bad.

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closed Comments

  • Should be Freebie

  • +73

    So get 10x as much food waste to save $1? (profanity) this shit off.

    • With you on this one mate (well on most of these "hacks") .. lol

    • Deep McDonalds ethics

    • +1

      I mean, I'd eat the 10 buns

  • It worked :D

  • This won't work now it's public.

  • +2

    What if i do 50 hamburgers an i get a free big mac?

    • +44

      Do 50,000,000 and get the store for free…

      • +20

        Why would i do that? Then people like in this thread will come and get free hamburgers. No thanks. Ill stick to a big mac

      • +1

        Then sell the store… McDonald's is all about real estate, so you'll profit handsomely there…

  • +6

    Just, no. Stop.

    • -4

      DAE la redditor irl?

  • +5

    Those animal rights activist at Flinders Street now would so love this

    • +1

      It's not Vegan

    • +1

      You can give them the sauce sandwich and enjoy the real burger. It's a win-win!

    • Soon we will have food waste activist

      • Good idea.

  • +8

    This is just gross

  • +28

    As much as I enjoy cheap food, I'll have to neg this deal - There is no chance that anyone will actually eat 10 meatless hamburgers, and hence massive food waste.

    • +14

      cheap buns to make burgers at home with real beef.

      • -1

        They're soggy tho :/

      • +16

        steamed hams?

        • +3

          only if I can see the aurora borealis.

        • +9

          An incredible luncheon!

      • +7

        Legit point, I'll totally bring those buns home, add my own costco beef/chicken patties in them, and put the rest in the freezer for future burgers

    • Agreed

    • Yeah. A bargain for something you want is a deal, no problem. Something that is just wasteful is poor. Even if you want a $1 item, generating 10 buns worth of waste isn't right.

    • +1

      It's free bread though…

    • +5

      This is the kind of blatant order hack that will have someone actually reporting it up to management!
      Then the app features will be cut, and we'll all lose in the long run.

  • Which subreddit was this on?

    • +2

      I saw it on /r/australia

    • front page now

  • How come you have to add that extra burger/frozen coke to the order?

    • +2

      Otherwise you've wasted your time getting $1 credit. Apply it to what ever you like.

      • Ahh got it

        Thought you needed a paying item to make the deal valid

  • +19

    Cheers. Already doing this. The kids' school lunches are sorted for the next year.

    Just remember to bring a garbage bag if you're doing over 100 though. It's a bit embarrassing to ask for one from the back the second time around.

    • Lucky kids.

    • +5

      Is food waste in developed nations not a valid concern?
      Imagine explaining this to someone who hasn't eaten a proper meal in months. so you could save a dollar, in one of the highest earning per head countries in the world, I believe they may be the ones saying get a life.

      • +1

        how is getting 10 extra buns food wastage? You can eat those buns later instead of throwing them away?

        • People worried about food waste get a life .

          Direct response to this, no need for the whole devil's advocate angle.

          Edit: And to add to this, if you're actually getting use out of all 10 of those buns then this comment would not even apply to you anyway.

        • If you really need bread dumpster dive …can get a whole loaf at the end of the day at some outlets …

    • +3

      People spending time getting 10 meatless buns to save $1 get a life.

      • +1

        Nothing else to do on Centrelink allowance probably ..

  • +5

    The 10c profit Hack was posted a month ago.

    This is 1 of many variants. And changes with every new $1 Burger deal.

    Do we need new deals for every one?
    Who's posting a free Big Mac Hack…😱

    • Yep, already linked in the original post (original revision).

      • +1

        Oops - Skipped that detail😀

    • +1

      That was a app deal with a limit of 1 per account/order, this is a kiosk deal where you can order more than one per order, hance build up the 10c, as seen in the video.

      • Same process - just the better availability of $1 hamburgers used & number to get larger credit is different. Single 10c credit wasn't worth the hassle.

        So a deal could be made for every product in Maccas menu, just with different number of burgers ordered (if system allows that many).

        • +1

          Well while I'm not a fan of these hacks being posted, the other deal has expired and what other menu items can you edit to get into negative territory?

          • +1

            @sss333: Nah, you'd still be using meatless Hamburgers but you can apply it to any menu items by varying the quantity (if there is no limit on the system). Eg. $5 Big Mac = 50 Hamburgers w/o Beef Patties, $2 Chicken Patty = 20 Hamburgers w/o Beef Patties. That's what Infidel is implying.

            • @ronnknee: As Reddit post used only 10 hamburgers - my guess is system limit is 10. Otherwise there would be heaps of posts showing what people got free.

              Likely limit of $1 credit towards any purchase & a stack of free buns… I'll pass.

  • +7

    Can we get a new category for these "hacks" so that I can hide them from my feed?

    • +15

      Feature already available to OzBargain Premium users.

  • Nice Infidel , people can use their imagination and come up with some formula's LOL .

  • How stupid. Negging this crap.

    • +1

      I think you forgot to actually neg.

  • This is just stupid. Anyone who actually does this will just throw away 10 perfectly good buns just to get a $1 hamburger….

    • +6

      Why would YOU throw away 10 perfectly good buns?

      • +2

        No BUT the only people who are really going to try this won't eat 10 buns and a hamburger. They will do it for a laugh and throw out the remainder which is a complete waste…

        Sure this is a "deal" but its almost never going to be used to get 10 buns that actually get eaten so we SHOULD discourage these types of deals.

  • Pathetic 'deal'

  • +1

    Curious to the neg guys is there any deal that betters this ?

    We know the answer that why Ozbargain sometimes dysfunctional due to personal beliefs/assuming food waste in this case . First comment stands .

    • -1

      This isn't a 'deal' though.

      • It is if people are planning to use the buns at home (i.e. make their own burgers with it)

        • There is a difference between a deal and using an oversight in either programming or design to exploit a system.

          • +8

            @Dswal: Pffft OzBargainers exploit pricing errors for vouchers all the time and change regions for coupons/cheaper prices on Amazon, eBay, Spotify etc. How is this any different? It's not.

            Double standards today!

            • +4

              @Clear: I think it's mainly because one of the top comments assumed food waste and then herd mentality/negs followed.

              • +1

                @ronnknee: Herd? Is Cheapies leaking in again? Yeah only takes one person to neg with their opinion or 'bad experience' and everyone follows.

            • +1

              @Clear: The difference with that is that those companies can honor or decline the availability of those issues. People using this there is no way for the employees let alone the managers to deal with this 'deal' as policies generally indicate to please the customer and move onto the next service.

              I'm not sure many people here have worked fast food service, or any kind of service that has had to deal with customers trying to game the system it's an unpleasant experience for all.

              • @Dswal: Nothing stopping Maccas stores from not honouring this deal - they have before. Besides all this publicity will just have them patch it.

                • @Clear: Depends if you get a buzz from giving a school kid behind the counter a bad experience …..if you can order and pay at kiosk great ….if you need to get a counter person to put through the order I'm sure karma will get you.

          • @Dswal: double standards much. You never called out people exploiting Spotify's different regional pricing systems.

            • +2

              @waterbottled: Regional pricing is an entirely different ballgame to people exploiting the local fast food enterprises. Which I am not going to get into on this thread as it's not relevant.

      • +2

        I agree not a deal

    • +4

      There sure is a better deal. Save time and food by paying $1 and not being an idiot.

  • this is just complete food waste but can you use to get other free things like a mc chicken when getting rid of lots of beef patties.

  • +6

    Know what, I'm having a barbie on Wednesday and this would save me a few on buying a bunch of bread rolls and shit.

    But still, it's just not worth the effort.

    Would absolutely love someone to GoPro this or whatever and chuck it up on their YouTube.

    • +2

      Someone already has taken a video. See the Reddit link in the original post.

  • +1

    Is this kiosk only? Tried with the app and it doesn't take $1.10 off. And can't you also just remove the buns so that there is no food waste?

  • +6

    I mean it's a stupid hack, but hack nonetheless and is a deal.

    It's up to you whether you choose to use it and then consider the ethics of wasting the buns/using them.

  • +7

    This is just taking advantage, I get McDonalds is a large company but imagine if this was done to a small business. I get its a glitch in their system and if it saves a couple dollars im all for it but this is straight up exploitation and not a deal.

    • +1

      What 'small business'? Every store has a big business name. Should we worry about every potential poor person affected by a big business?

      Some examples: "Oh no, don't do it to <business>, it'll affect poor retiree shareholders. What, 90% of company shareholders are filthy rich?" "Oh no, don't put restrictions on pokies, they won't donate as much to local community. What, they donate 1% of pokies to community?"

      I'm going to do this hack now, thanks.

  • +1

    This is a waste of food

    • +3

      Not if you eat it.

    • +1

      Not if you eat it.

    • Not if YOU eat it.

      • +1

        Anyone who thinks they will take home 10 sets of buns (per free hamburger) and eat it later is kidding themselves.

        • +1

          Tell that to my household of 5.

          That's a bun for lunch and a bun for dinner.

  • +5

    If you are going to do this I suggest you do it around 3:30pm. As your local maccas is getting inundated with school kids just hand out the pattyless burgers as freebies. They will love them. Just have an escape plan for when they realise there is no meat.

    • +5

      Offering free treats to school children at Maccas… This might not end well😱

      • +3

        …all he wanted was a free burger and instead hes been placed on the sex offenders register

    • Chorus: Where's the beef?!?!

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