This was posted 5 years 3 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Free - Transistor (Rated 94% on Steam; Normal Price $27.95 AUD) - Epic Games


Another great freebie from the Epic Store!

For some more info on the game:

Do not forget to claim "The Witness" available FREE now from the store:…

From the Epic website:

From the creators of Hades and Bastion, Transistor is a sci-fi themed action RPG that invites you to wield an extraordinary weapon of unknown origin as you fight through a stunning futuristic city.

Transistor seamlessly integrates thoughtful strategic planning into a fast-paced action experience, melding responsive gameplay and rich atmospheric storytelling. During the course of the adventure, you will piece together the Transistor's mysteries as you pursue its former owners.


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closed Comments

    • +28

      Do you see the big blue sign which states "In 14 days"? That is why.

      Still good to know what will be free in 14 days so you do not buy the game until then and then feel as if you wasted money when it is a freebie.

      Click on the link for "The Witness" to get that game for free - that deal is active now.

      • +1

        Good to have the reminder when it is actually free

  • +2

    Thanks Lysander! You are officially my go to person to stay up to date with PC game deals! :D

  • Brilliant game and even better soundtrack.

  • +1

    Really awesome game.
    The battle concept is a bit hard to get, but once you have a grasp, it's fantastic.

  • +4

    Not a fan of epic games and their gross marketing practices. Tencent owns a large chunk of shares and there have been allegations of wildly unnecessary data collection from the launcher.

    • +21

      Please. Can we not have this on every deal from them? I guarantee if this was given away by Google instead of Epic this comment would not exist despite all of us knowing how much of a data octopus Google is.
      I agree Tim Sweeey does not win sympathy prices and is not making smart comments sometimes but let us not forget that Steam did many dodgy things which allowed them to grow big. Plus, their client took years to get where it is now. Let us give the same time and courtesy to Epic and if they do not come up to scratch then, we can blast them.
      And if you really despise Epic that much, simply ignore them and their freebies - really simple.

      Google collects like crazy, Steam does, Microsoft does, Facebook does, Amazon does - effectively all US companies collect like crazy.

      The governments do it like crazy, including the Australian government.

      Why should other companies not do the same (if they even do it)? Do you have any proof?

      Anyways, have a lovely weekend.

      Note: See meista's advice below - problem solved!

      • -4

        Why should other companies not do the same (if they even do it)? Do you have any proof?

        Because it's not their data to use. That has to be the worst analogy ever.

        Brunei recently introduced laws allowing the stoning to death of people for having gay sex. Why should Australia not do the same?

        Saudi Arabia allows legal slavery. Why should Australia not do the same?

        See how dumb it sounds?

        • +13

          Mate, you are missing the point. Plus you are comparing countries/governments/dicatorships with a private company which is not really comparable.

          If your criticism is valid, and let us assume it is just for argument's sake (although proof is yet to be delivered) would it not be right to say that it is unfair to only criticise Epic but not the other companies who do the same or worse?

          If you criticise Epic, why don't you criticise Facebook, Google deals (Google store freebies for Android), any app deal (as they are the worst data offenders in terms of asking for unnecessary permissions), Amazon deals, Microsoft deals (Xbox), Playstation deals etc.

          For some reason it is OK if those companies or Steam do exactly what some people allege Epic does but when Epic does it it is evil and bad and….

          In all fairness, given Steam's history and behaviour, Epic still has a lot of bonus to waste until its overall conduct would be classified as being worse than Steam.

          And I am still waiting for the proof - criticising a company for having 10%(?) Chinese investors is a bit naive. The Chinese invest in many companies and I do not seem them criticised for it.
          Plus deals on many phones here such as Huawei and Xiomi (?) are not criticised at all here and they are 100% Chinese owned - in fact Huawei is accused of spying by many governments around the world and hence excluded form tenders - should that not be the first company to be criticised (and all other companies and products using "spy components" from Huawei)?

          Plus, to keep it short: this is a game deal. This is not a place to discuss politics and go over the same bull again and again. This is posted for people who love games and want to play them.
          If you dislike Epic, ignore the deals and do not get the freebies. After all, that is your freedom to choose to do.

          • +4


            although proof is yet to be delivered

            I don't personally have the technical knowledge to provide proof but many tech blogs have done it for the both of us.

            If you criticise Epic, why don't you criticise Facebook, Google deals (Google store freebies for Android), any app deal (as they are the worst data offenders in terms of asking for unnecessary permissions), Amazon deals, Microsoft deals (Xbox), Playstation deals etc.

            I do criticise Facebook. I hate them with a passion and I don't even have an account. I do criticise Google but they provide a much bigger service and also power 3/4 of the world's mobile devices as well as being only 1 of 3 mobile OSes that are actually possible to use. I do criticise apps that ask for unnecessary permissions but I can also block them quite easily (although I just uninstall and leave a bad review instead). Can't comment on Microsoft or Playstation because I don't know anything about them.

            For some reason it is OK if those companies or Steam do exactly what some people allege Epic does but when Epic does it it is evil and bad and…

            I never once said that. You're just making unnecessary assumptions based on nothing. All of them are abhorrent for doing it but that doesn't mean we should allow other companies to do the same just because they can. Not to mention Steam has not been caught stealing data that doesn't belong to them (ADAIK) and isn't part owned by the same company that implemented the CCPs social credit system.

            In all fairness, given Steam's history and behaviour

            Care to provide reference to what you're talking about?

            criticising a company for having 10%(?) Chinese investors is a bit naive.

            40% and again, the same company that helped implement the CCPs social credit system.

            Plus deals on many phones here such as Huawei and Xiomi (?) are not criticised at all here

            I hate Huawei with a passion and actively tell people not to buy them. Xiaomi I don't but I also don't buy their products.

            • +3

              @Tacooo: So, because Google provides a bigger service it is fine? They just got fined again in Europe. They are the biggest data octopus. Chrome steals data all the time. Google is the worst of the all regardless of what services they provide.
              For me you become credible if you criticise and do not use services or products from all companies that do that. However, given that most companies do it, you would have a very hard time avoiding such companies.

              40% - proof please.

              Steam behaviour: one example: they had to be forced (they did not do it voluntarily as they DO NOT give a damn about gamers and consumers) to have a refund policy
              Another example: 30% cut is an absolute rip-off and is shocking
              Another example: allowing all and every game on there including one called Rape Day that only got banned because of a public outcry.Steam did not take it off because it was a morally horrible game but only because it would affect their balance sheet.
              And it goes on and on.

              What about Apple? Made in China - almost everything. Foxconn etc. They have Chinese spy components. Avoid them too.
              Or Sony with all their stolen data and security leaks?
              Telstra anyone? Plenty of data breaches and published user data.

              Mate, the list is endless as they are all "dirty".

              Can you be certain that not a single component in your PC was made in China and contains spyware?

              Plus, simply do what you say you already do: do not like a company? Avoid them, ignore them, do not take their products even if free etc. Just do not spoil a good freebie for others, especially on a Friday. ;-)

              • +2


                So, because Google provides a bigger service it is fine? They just got fined again in Europe. They are the biggest data octopus. Chrome steals data all the time. Google is the worst of the all regardless of what services they provide.

                Of course it's not okay but it's about being forced into an ecosystem where you have no choice. I've protested their creation of a separate Google for the CCP, I've protested many of their things. It's about focusing resources where you can actually make a difference. Let the governments of the world take Google into their hands with the resources they have. Average people can just avoid smaller companies like Epic much more easily.

                40% - proof please

                Here you go.

                Steam behaviour: one example: they had to be forced (they did not do it voluntarily as they DO NOT give a damn about gamers and consumers) to have a refund policy

                99% of foreign companies don't follow the ACL because it's basically impossible for the Australian government to prosecute them for it. I don't see you buying exclusively Australian made products though because it'd be impossible.

                Another example: 30% cut is an absolute rip-off and is shocking

                30% cut is standard across this industry and many others. If the publishers didn't want to release on Steam and pay their 30% they don't have to.

                Another example: allowing all and every game on there including one called Rape Day that only got banned because of a public outcry.Steam did not take it off because it was a morally horrible game but only because it would affect their balance sheet.

                So they allow free speech in all forms? I'm not saying the game is good or even moral but free speech is free speech.

                What about Apple? Made in China - almost everything. Foxconn etc. They have Chinese spy components. Avoid them too.

                I do.

                Or Sony with all their stolen data and security leaks? Telstra anyone? Plenty of data breaches and published user data.

                Can't comment on these because I don't know anything about it.

                Just do not spoil a good freebie for others, especially on a Friday. ;-)

                I don't think me commenting on company ethics stops others from enjoying it. Just hopefully makes them think twice before sponsoring this POS company.

                • +1

                  @Tacooo: "99% of foreign companies don't follow the ACL because it's basically impossible for the Australian government to prosecute them for it. I don't see you buying exclusively Australian made products though because it'd be impossible."

                  Well, I can buy only national products (they are not Australian though) but I do not have to as the difference between you and I in this respect is that you are pretty extreme with your views.

                  And if you think your comments here matter to Epic you are wrong. Especially since you appear to be a person who really is not the target customer for any company as you seem to avoid a lot of things.
                  Just to be clear: whether or not you take their freebie or from their store is irrelevant to Epic or Steam or Google etc. as the great majority will always go by what is most convenient.

                  30% is standard? Maybe here but not elsewhere. Plus, just because it is standard does not make it right! Remember your first flawed argument with the countries and you keep repeating it: just because other companies do it does mean it is right to do.

                  Free speech has limits too: what if someone went to your work and proclaimed you are a paedophile? Would you be happy with that? Would you say that is free speech? There are limits, both morally and legally and Rape Day crossed them. Plus, Steam did not allow the game because they are a proponent of free speech: it is about money. They want to sell the game and do want to save money by not having to employ curators - hence they allow everything under the guise of free speech.

                  Great that you avoid Apple. Do you have a mobile phone? A TV? If so, you are probably supporting dodgy companies putting spyware in there etc.
                  Only if you live in a shack in the forest and cover yourself with self-made clothes (from plant strings) and eat food you grew yourself you can be sure not to support a dodgy company.
                  Hell, even by being on the internet you are supporting a dodgy electricity company ripping off their customers and likely to have sold their customer data to third parties for advertising and marketing purposes.

                  Now, with me, your attitude has achieved the opposite of what you wanted. If I have a choice between Steam and Epic, from now on I will buy on Epic, and even go out of my way to do so, just to support their fairer business model for game developers and to strengthen competition for Steam which will be a good thing and force Steam to be fairer.

                  • +2

                    @Lysander: You take for granted that people are aware of all of the things you two just discussed. Plenty of people dont know Epic is part owned by the chinese government, or that they've been caught pulling data about your steam friends through the client. Steam itself has a privacy policy which (grain of salt) says they never release any data that could identify you, Epic doesnt. But either way, just because steam does something doesnt make it fair, and i'm just as wary about them as I am about google, apple and epic (although the first 2 on that list arent partly owned by the company responsible for china's recent draconic forays into a social credit system.

                    Sometimes it's just as important to spread awareness as it is to avoid the product yourself.

                    • +1

                      @l3wis992: What has the social credit system to do with a freebie game?
                      Nothing. People come here to simply de-stress and enjoy a free game - no more, no less.

                      What has the ownership to do with anything? Do you think Telstra is better? Maybe do some research about stealing data and data breaches by them - it happens regularly but they are just pretty good at keeping it out of the media. Do a FOI request to the data protection offices or information commission in Australia and the EU - you will find out very interesting things about Google, Apple, MS, Facebook, Vodafone, Optus, Telstra etc.
                      It is not just Epic.

                      If you want to look at the big picture, you have to stop buying everything as human rights etc. in China are atrocious.

                      Of course, Apple phones are made in China, almost all clothes are made there, most sneakers are made there. If you want to be credible, stop buying all Chinese made goods (not just those from Chinese companies) and do not focus on just one company.

                      What you should be worrying about much more is about the ISP legislation in Australia making YOUR OWN COUNTRY a spy state stealing data and info from its citizens.
                      And maybe worry about Australia's membership of the Five Eyes Alliance led by the US (who we all know NEVER spies on anybody and private citizens in particular, right?):

                      I think we should get our own house in order first before going abroad with our accusations and criticism.

                      The attitude reminds me a bit of the practical communism practised in the former Eastern Bloc: they preached communism and how great it is being comrades and not having Western luxury and decadence to the masses but in their palace they enjoyed all that luxury and decadence.

                      If you and potplanty want to have a political discussion, please open a forum thread. It really does not belong in a freebie deal.
                      Plus, these accusations about Epic crop up in every deal and it does not have to: we heard you and you or someone else does not have to say the same thing over and over again in every deal.

                      You and potplanty really convinced me to buy from Epic from now on whenever I can.

                      Note: If one only knows say 4% of relevant information maybe then one should not comment on such subject matter before having done more research, don't you agree? (this refers to the first sentence of your comment).

                      • +4

                        @Lysander: So your argument is that because poor practice is systemic and widespread, we should just allow it because it's somehow hypocritical to focus on one problem at a time? I'd appreciate it if you could stop twisting valid points about a company with poor ethics into a bizarre assertion that I can only speak out if I live in a cabin in the woods and refuse to interact with the system as a whole.

                        Our government has poor security practices, sure.

                        This is a thread about epic games.

                        They're a bad company. I dont have to package that with a disclaimer that steam, google and facebook are bad as well.

                        • -2

                          @l3wis992: This is NOT a thread about Epic games - that is the whole point.

                          This is a post about a freebie game offered by Epic. It is not about their business practices etc. If anything, giving away a quality game for free is a plus point for them.

                          If you want to discuss Epic ethics, open a thread on the forum.

                          Plus, I believe instead of focusing on Epic, a company that has little or no impact on your life and children and future and is based abroad, fix the problems in your own house, namely the country that you live in as that affects you directly and long-term.

                          Thanks to its ISP legislation Australia is almost viewed as a dictatorship and surveillance state among Western nations and put on par with authoritarian states. That is where we should start to protest, not about some meaningless game company in the US.

                          Sure, you can argue one sided: just know that people listen to you more and consider your arguments more if you are fair and not one sided as one could interpret that as an attempt to manipulate an opinion.

                          As I said, before this discussion I did not care one way or the other about Epic but now I will actively support them, thanks to you and potplanty.

                          Out of curiosity: how do you know they have poor ethics? Because they do what Steam did? Well, then it is poor ethics for them too. And really, gaming is a business now - gaming companies are in it to make money and with consoles exclusive are fine too. What makes people gaming on PC so special (don't give me that Nazi term masterrace crap)? If it is good enough to do on consoles, then it is fine for PC too. Equality for all. ;-)

                        • +1

                          @l3wis992: ^ THIS

      • Of all the launhcer releases, epic would be my personal favourite. So many of my wishlisted games for free. Although I think I've become resigned to having another launcher now I have so many.

      • +4

        A lot of people aren't aware about Epic's ties to the Chinese Government. They aren't giving away games for free, they are giving away games so you can trade in your privacy by installing their launcher.

        Side not; Whataboutism is a really poor way to form a convincing argument.

        • -2

          A lot of people aren't aware about their own dodgy spy government. Let's all boycott them and leave somewhere better, maybe Andorra. ;-)
          A lot of people are not aware of the biggest data thieves such as Google, Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram etc.
          Why are you not warning people about them? Why are you not saying they are bad? Are they not as bad because in their case Americans steal your data as opposed to the Chinese? If that is the case, would you not agree that that attitude is racist?

          Do you know how many things and companies are owned by Chinese investors in Australia? Do you boycott all of their products and services (among them many food productions companies and farms as well as other beloved "Australian" companies)? If you think the Chinese are so dangerous why do I not see you boycotting all of those products and protesting in the streets every day? Why do you not lobby the government to ban Chinese investment in Australia/selling out to the Chinese?

          My privacy is not compromised any more by using the Epic launcher than by using any other launcher.
          By the way, do you use Chrome or Edge? If so your data is way more compromised and monetized than using the Epic launcher.

          What I wonder is this: if you dislike and mistrust Epic so much, what are doing in a post for them? What is your objective here? Convincing people not to take the freebie or play the game?

          My impression is this: for some unjustified, irrational reason you are happy to overlook the misgivings of other companies and you just dislike/hate Epic - as it is irrational there is nothing anybody can say or Epic can do to convince you otherwise.

          "Whataboutism is a really poor way to form a convincing argument."

          Are you sure you are not just using this empty phrase because you are caught in your argument and have run out of any convincing counterarguments? Seems to be like that.

          You obviously miss the one important point: if what Epic does is bad and we condemn it, then to be fair, we must do the same with all other companies doing the same. Otherwise you are just playing favouritism, maybe because one of those companies gives you something you really like.
          Sorry, not fair and after all, isn't this what Australia is about: being fair and giving people a fair go. Let's do that then and give Epic a proper, unbiased and unprejudiced chance.

          Have a good weekend.

          • +1

            @Lysander: Please for the love of god look up the meaning of whataboutism.

            • -4

              @[Deactivated]: I am sure this is a word that has long been in the Oxford dictionary. ;-)
              If you use fancy words, better use them correctly and ensure it is applicable. And look up its origin/root.
              Mate, you should ask Steam to pay you some money as a lobbyist given how much you defend them and slag off their competition.
              Just relax-remember this thread is about a game freebie. If you want to discuss morals and politics, open a thread on the forum.

              Have a good weekend.

              • +3

                @Lysander: You can lead a horse to water.

                • @[Deactivated]: How right you are. ;-)

                  • @Lysander:

                    Mate, you should ask Steam to pay you some money as a lobbyist given how much you defend them and slag off their competition.

                    Just wondering if you could help me out and link me to the comments of me defending steam and also slagging off epic, I would appreciate it.



                    • -2

                      @[Deactivated]: Hmm, Epic's great conspiracy with the Chinese government for example?!
                      As if any time an Aussie investor gets involved in a company it means the Aussie spy government has its hand in it.
                      In my book making such an accusation about Steam is slagging it off. And not mentioning a competitor who is equally suspicious is indirectly defending it. Politicians do this all the time.
                      It's best you continue disliking Epic and not take their freebies and do not waste your time here as we will not agree on this. And I have better things to do on a Friday.
                      Either way, thanks to some of the comments here I definitely will buy from Epic given the choice between them and Steam if only in the hope to support competition for Steam forcing them to be less greedy and more developer friendly.

                      • -2

                        @Lysander: That's a very interesting way to say you have no evidence that I have ever promoted Steam and I have made one comment comment about Tencent's influence on Epic. It would really be beneficial to look up "whataboutism", maybe even via the ofxord dictionary link I provided with, because you are relying heavily on it in order to justify your position on why there is no issue with the Epic launcher.

                        Have a good weekend.

                        • -4

                          @[Deactivated]: Mate,you obviously cannot read.

                          There might be hundreds of issues with the launcher. But that is not relevant here. As long as it works to play the game it is fine.
                          Plus, you and other people forget that Steam had hundreds of issues too when they started out. And they were given time to fix it.
                          They now have the same issues with possible data theft and misuse.
                          Tell me then why Epic is not given this time and the issues with Steam at their start are not mentioned? Why do you focus on Epic and forget about Steam? What is your rational explanation for that? Why do you think having a de facto monopoly (in the legal sense) in the gaming distribution market is a good thing?
                          Where does your hate for Epic come from? I could understand it if this post was about something dodgy.
                          They are giving you a game worth almost $28 for free - how on Earth is that a bad thing?

                          Now, ask yourself: is there anything Epic could do to gain your favour? Something that is rational and you would expect the same from Steam or any other company? I reckon there is not as you just dislike them, no matter what.

                          Plus, you already 200% of your quota today to use your fancy new word. I am awed and impressed - no need to use it falsely again as what it means simply does not apply here. There are plenty of good, provable arguments I have put forward. If you like they can be phrased differently but that would still not change their validity.

                    • -1

                      @[Deactivated]: No, mate in the classic book version. What I meant is that the word you used is some fancy new word somebody coined relatively recently ("a fashion word") which you would not find in the paper dictionary (if you remember them) your parents would have, just like many other words some "cool dude" made up.
                      The online version have everything these days but for the book version words have to actually pass test to be included to ensure that they are not just a fab. But of course, you are probably a twenty-something who totally relies on online, mobiles etc. given your "LOL".

                      Good night.

                      • @Lysander: Ah, words that that don't exist in the Classic Oxford dictionary are invalid. That's definitely the most interesting way I have ever heard someone not admit they are ignorant.

                        Have a good hour.

                        • -4

                          @[Deactivated]: That is again not what I said. But just because somebody made up some fancy word somehwere at some time (and yes, I am old fashioned and think long term) does not mean it is valid.
                          Mate, you can make up a word, spread it to some websites, use excessively for a couple of years, include it in Wikipedia and voila you can get it in the online version of some dictionary.
                          Obsessed people with manifestos (for example in Norway) create such new words all the time - it does not mean they are valid or have meaning or gravity.
                          Plus, you used the word when it is NOT appropriate as no "whataboutism" took place as the arguments put forward were very valid.
                          You still have not answered any of the questions why Epic is bad and Steam is.was not when doing the same/being in the same situation? What do you call that then? Have you got a fancy word for that?
                          You really are funny and everybody in the house here is having a great time - you gave them a good laugh with "whataboutism".

                          Have a lovely weekend and please stay away from posts and deals involving Epic - they might give you another free game heaven beware.

                          • +3

                            @Lysander: Yikes.

          • +4

            @Lysander: @Cubist , @Lysander , @l3wis992 , @potplanty

            This is a thread about Epic Games - because the product / deal you advertise - REQUIRES INSTALLATION OF EPIC GAMES launcher…

            Steam did "dodgy things" ? apart from prioritise exclusive First party games to launchers - what in particular ?

            • 30% cut is industry standard, Apple + Google etc…sure it could be a better cut - but hardly anything "dodgy"
            • Steam brought in digital refunds a little over a year after Origin - not ideal - but trickier done for a far more complex system / offering 100x the products… Origin and Steam were some of the first large-scale digital storefronts offering refunds on software online.
              etc etc

            Want to know what Dodgy is??

            -Ruining the landscape of PC gaming by fragmenting releases by being the first company to introduce "TIMED EXCLUSIVES" in PC gaming history with 3rd party games being snatched from consumers who used to have more choices from different platforms.

            Epic games launcher caught harvesting steamDB data without user knowledge:

            Naming western based companies such as Google, Microsoft, FB , Amazon collecting data means nothing, all are majority owned and controlled by people or companies in Democratic countries - even if they DID hand across user metadata/info/db's to Western governments, the consequences are nothing in comparison to communist China / RU / NK… If you understand how various countries governments work and operate - you would see there is a large difference in WHERE YOUR DATA ENDS UP. Are you aware that any large Chinese company ie TENCENT,Huawei etc.. - will be completely under China State operation & control and subject to any directive the PRC state decides to enact….

            "Starting in March 2018, the Chinese government put a freeze on the approval of new games, including all Tencent products. Tencent suffered a stock plunge that wiped out more than $135 billion off its market value."
            Name a western company that can have it's entire product line altered immediately by a law that passes without court ?


            "On March 2, Dutch hacker Victor Gevers revealed that the content of millions of conversations on Tencent applications among users at internet cafés are being relayed, along with the users’ identities, to police stations across China. Just three days later, the company’s founder and chief executive, Pony Ma, took his seat among 3,000 delegates to the National People’s Congress, the country’s rubber-stamp parliament. "

            1000's more cases of Chinese operations through companies used nefariously against the public & it's own citizens, actively using religious / political targeting through spyware and unauthorised global surveillance…
            Understand that Chinese based companies do not work like Western companies due to Government control… regardless of the situation.

            Ideally we all give less data when possible - but when you decide to make exceptions for convenient services - it's best to try and avoid it being harvested through directly by an authoritarian state controlled corrupt government that has countless human rights abuse & disregard for laws,privacy and a disturbing level of citizen control and censorship - not to mention the concentration camps/Xinjiang re-education camps….

            Also RE: China controlled / backed companies… Yes you are right to avoid Huawei , there is a reason every Major Western countries intelligence agencies / 5 eyes (CIA,MI5,DoD..etc) are currently banning / removing and blacklisting all Huawei infrastructure and products…
            Feel free to buy cheap products to get completely monitored through undetectable hardware backdoors though. (This is why the US does not allow sales)

            Many examples of surveillance and backdoors / monitoring being done through Huawei, most recently:

            But yes sharing data with governments are all the same….
            No need to list China's human rights abuses and historical past on how they "use" the data they harvest on their own citizens…

            Everyone loves a bargain here , especially a freebie - but it's important people know the potential "unknown cost" - which is why this discussion is relevant, other people are more informed and choose to help share the information to people who may not be aware of TENCENT + EPIC's potential SECURITY risks.

            Nothing written above is false - most of it is easily sourced information available online - and helps inform the consumer, why do you want to restrict knowledge about Epic?

            All people are trying to do here is INFORM people - before they install a freebie game that comes with potential security risks,
            nothing wrong with free speech? - then let other posters / Oz-bargainers warn others.


            Nothing wrong with many Chinese made products - just be cautious around Chinese backed software with personal data.
            Currently using plenty of great products from China, but none of them have Chinese based software/firmware on it.

            • -2

              @[Deactivated]: One sentence describes the credibility of your post:

              "Name a western company that can have it's entire product line altered immediately by a law that passes without court ?"

              ALL laws in Western countries pass without involvement of courts and if you mean without discussion/assessment then that is is still 95% of laws.
              In fact Australia is world champion in secretly passing laws that in no other Western country save the US would pass such as the law oppressing and threatening journalists for reporting something they do not like or the latest ISP legislation.
              You just repeat all the BS some conspiracy theorists and people with vested interests spread on the net without any real, verifiable proof. So some hacker I have never heard of says something - great. I can make up stories and post them on some website too.
              Plus, you totally missed the point. I do not want my data taken by ANYBODY. In fact, I would rather have it taken by a country or company at the other end of the world in a place I will never be at than by a country or company in a place where it could affect me such as Australia or the US.
              You are comparing a kid (Epic) with an adult (Steam) - give Epic as much time as Steam had and then compare.
              Plus, for me reasons and motivations matter.
              If a company gives a right to refund because they believe it is right - great. Good company.
              If a company gives a right to refund because they are forced to by a court and otherwise would not do it - very bad.
              Sorry, but I cannot take anything of that rant seriously. If only to help competition along and to counter the Steam fanboys, given a choice I will support Epic.

              And this is still a thread about a freebie. You don't like to have it? Fine, then do not. But stop hijacking it.
              You would not go to a Justin Bieber concert just to tell everybody there how badly his singing sucks, would you?
              People here like a good freebie, if you don't just leave.
              If you want to discuss Epic open a thread in the forums - then people who are interested in discussing it with you can go there.
              Happy Easter (and watch out for the Easter Bunny as it also works for the Chinese now and reports back on where the eggs are hidden and how quickly you found them).

              • +3

                @Lysander: Interesting reply,
                You misinterpret a simple fact and ignore every other peice of evidence provided… impressive.

                Incorrect about Laws in western countries as well, Countries that are DEMOCRATIC - ie laws are made through the senate & proper open public assessment, votes etc.. do not have abilities to alter public companies in the same way as China - this is known through basic global business and trade - please read more about how China directly influences and controls the marketplace through Financial shifting, shadow banking + mandated operational , surveillance and intel gathering.

                Nothing posted is a conspiracy, there are hundreds of actual cases of backdoor security holes found in Chinese software, why do you choose to refute the truth about how China's surveillance operation works? Happy to provide more links and 100's of cases around the world of surveillance being done.

                Then again - you seem to want to defend the PRC & ignore every link to modern software that is brought forward, it's more than some hacker - there are countless cases, feel free to go against the advice of EVERY MAJOR ALLIED intelligence agency calling for Huawei / Chinese software control - and that it's all just a conspiracy :)


                You seem to enjoy fragmented / timed Exclusives in PC gaming - which has never happened in 40 years of PC Gaming - the one company bringing it about you support. Enjoy Epic games, just don't be surprised when your account is compromised - as 1000's already have been - but again - you want to ignore any evidence and point to the maturity of the platforms, conspiracy theories and any other excuse you can find.

                It's not about liking something , it's about informing others of potential security risks.


                Happy Easter, may your data be hidden well :)

                • -2

                  @[Deactivated]: Mate, I am at court every week and deal with judges etc.
                  You said courts, not Parliament, public etc.
                  I guess it shows how you take it with the truth.
                  Have you even looked up the legislation I mentioned? No, of course not.
                  The US has many laws affecting how companies do business, in fact all commercial and corporate laws do.
                  One outstanding law is the one where the US government requires all companies, including foreign ones, to give their secret service organisations ANY data they want, without court order etc. That is why many companies relocated their data centres to Europe for better protection.
                  No difference to China.

                  You have no idea what I enjoy.
                  I do not enjoy little competition, oppressive business practices, anti-consumer behaviour, greed, BS, DLCs - oh, I just described Steam and many other companies.
                  I do not care about Steam features as I just want to play the game.
                  So Epic, Origin etc. are fine for me.
                  While 30% cut might be what many companies take that is still not acceptable. It is normal practice to rip off Australians but that does not make it acceptable.
                  And don't get your knickers in a knot about exclusivity. All limited and perfecyly normal for consoles where nobody whines.
                  At least you do not have to buy different hardware to play those exclusives.
                  A business wants to maximise profit and again that is normal. I guarantee if you were given a guaranteed 30-50% boost to your income amounting to many millions I doubt you would say no just so some paranoid and overly entitled people like yourself are happy.
                  You still have not provided evidence. A hacker and The Diplomat website are not evidence - maybe you believe Trump News are accurate.
                  Plus you strangely leave out all the google hits dispelling this myth.
                  Google Instagram - millions of passwords and data sets revealed.
                  Or Telstra. Or Sony. Or all companies active in US that are providing online services.

                  Also, the most important point is missed again.
                  No online service has my real name and data. I am John Zbiri to them and pay with prepaid cards, gift cards. So, they can all have the fake data. If necessary, I use VPN and Tor. All local privileged data (my client data) triple encrypted with 48 long password.
                  So, don't worry about my data and instead worry about paranoia of not being able to play a free game on Epic due to your unfounded fears about Tencent (maybe read Epic founder's statement and some others).

                  And beware of the Easter Bunny - latest news is he now also works for TenCent and will give them your data.

                  And please move the discussion to a forum - maybe if you understood this people just might start to listen to your point as here you just come across as a paranoid Steam fanboy.

    • +2

      Easy enough to not support them if you don't like them. It doesn't even matter what you believe or do not believe.

    • +1

      FWIW I appreciate being told about potential trust issues using the Epic store/launcher and think it is relevant to mention it (yes, even every post as inevitably it would be the first post someone will see).

      Edit: Did some Googling. Found the following:
      * The Epic Games Store is the best thing that could happen to Steam (Engadget)
      * Epic Games deny Store software spying accusations (Rock Paper Shotgun)

  • +3

    Nice, I've been waiting a while for this day.

  • Great game, thanks for sharing!

    If you have reservations about using the Epic launcher, you can bypass launching it through the Epic launcher by launching the .exe directly after downloading it.

    EDIT: Doesn't seem to work anymore :( However, you could try this method instead to try and bypass the Epic launcher.

  • Love this game. Hope to check out Pyre too one day when I have time.

  • +1

    Epic makes $300 million a month from Fortnite addicts, so at least they're giving something back :)

    • Epic makes $300 million a month from stealing IPs and selling them to Fortnite addicts


      • Could you explain what is this about? How can they "steal" my IP and sell it to someone else? And why?

        • IP in this case is intellectual property, not internet protocol address like I assume you're thinking of.

          They stole the "Carlton" dance from Fresh Prince of Bel Air for example and sold it off as a dance in game. That dance is intellectual property and did not belong to them.

          • +1

            @Tacooo: Just out of curiosity: which of the IP rights would that dance fall under in your opinion? Just would like to know what you think since I work in this area.

            • @Lysander: I have no idea since IP rights aren't my specialty and US IP rights even less so. Are you well versed in US IP rights? From my limited Googling it would seem that it's violating the right of publicity that governs the use of ones likeness, name and other identifiable traits.

              • +2

                @Tacooo: Actually I am.
                Right of publicity is NOT an IP right.

                Traditionally the IP rights in the US are:

                • Patents
                • Copyright
                • Trademark
                • Trade Secrets

                Sometimes, design rights are also added. In some European jurisdictions there is a distinction between hard and soft IP rights and there design rights (registered and unregistered) are counted as IP rights.
                What you are referring to is the right to one's image which is protected in some jurisdictions under certain conditions but it is certainly not an IP right. The only exception would be if that the dance was registered as a trademark (which as far as I know it is not) and has not been abandoned (read: in regular use which again I doubt was the case). Hence I believe no exception applies.
                Plus, in the US, privacy is not really that big.

                So, whatever you have read about it, is not accurate. Of course, they will try to sue but in the US people sue for the most ridiculous things in order to make a quick buck. They might settle for money or withdraw after they have had their publicity.
                Based on IP rights there is no chance of winning (if we are solely talking about the dance as (a) it has been published a long time ago and was in public domain and others have done such dance before and after as well, and (c) most importantly there are no IP rights that could be infringed).

  • Thanks for the reminder about The Witness. Thought I'd set a reminder on the OzBargain deal.

  • This game is amazing. I played it on the PS4 when it was a PS+ free game. Definitely worth a replay on PC.

  • +2

    My Epic library will consist of only free games because bloody hell I don't trust them with money.

    This game is great. I paid full price back in the day and adore the soundtrack. Was a great follow up to Bastion. I'll certainly grab another, free copy of this. Thanks OP.

  • +1

    Pro-tip: set the ozb reminder to 2 days after the start of the deal. This is since epic is based in US pacific time and further, the deal doesn't become active immediately at 12am on the day.

  • +3

    Thanks EPIC!! Going to have a nice library of games to play!!

    Best store ever.

  • Excellent game. Not too long, but enjoyable the whole while. IMHO, I liked bastion more, but that's a subjective opinion.

  • +3

    I don't really care to open an account for Epic, but their selection of games has been great.

  • Fantastic game. Do try it

  • 10th free game I've added to my Epic library. Thanks OP.

  • thanks

  • Thanks OP, a good deal. Havent got an Epic account (free subnautica nearly swayed me but apathy won).

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