• expired

Amazon Australia 10% Double Cashback (Uncapped, Starts 9PM AEDT, Ends Midnight AEDT) @ Cashrewards


Hi all. We've doubled Amazon Australia Cashback to 10% uncapped (up from 5%) from 9PM to midnight AEDT tonight. Have also included some handy links below that may be helpful for some. Thank you as always for your support. Enjoy :)

A few handy Amazon links:

A few handy Cashrewards links:

Amazon Cashback terms:

  • IMPORTANT: Items must only be added to your Amazon cart after clicking from Cashrewards. Ensure your Amazon cart is empty before clicking from Cashrewards, as items added prior to clicking will not earn Cashback.
  • You must return and click through from Cashrewards to Amazon every time you make a new transaction/purchase.
  • Purchases made via the Amazon App are ineligible for Cashback.
  • Purchases paid partially or in full with gift cards or Amazon credit are ineligible for Cashback.
  • Gift Cards, Vouchers, Charity, Non-Profit items, and Amazon Prime memberships are ineligible for Cashback.
  • Use of coupon codes not listed on Cashrewards may invalidate Cashback.
  • Multiple items purchased in a single transaction will report into your Cashrewards account on a per item basis on their individual shipping dates.
  • Orders will be tracked & processed automatically into your Cashrewards account as pending within 4 days of purchase.
  • Cashback is paid on eligible purchases, excluding shipping/delivery, taxes and GST.
  • Pre-orders are eligible for Cashback only if the item is scheduled to be shipped within 60 days of purchase.

Referral Links

Referral: random (3751)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

Related Stores

Amazon AU
Amazon AU

closed Comments

  • +2

    Bummer, just bought some stuff yesterday, with only 5% :(

    Good increase regardless, thanks :)

  • If items are in your 'Save for later' list then added into your cart after clickthru cashrewards, will we still be eligible for cashback?

    • +4

      I'd say yes, they have to be added into the cart to be credited to CR so you get your CB :)

      • +7

        You beat me to the answer. Yes, the important thing is adding the items to your cart after the click. Thanks.

  • +1

    Brings the Galaxy S10e down to $881.1 - best it's been so far. Done it again TA!

    • Not sure if you're aware, but it's been a little cheaper, @ $839.30 Delivered before, if you can find someone to buy it for you.

      Still not a bad price if you'd rather go with Amazon! :)

      • Didn't see that! Too bad I don't know anyone working for those companies

        • Ah, bummer. If you don't know anyone there then you may as well just grab it off Amazon, for a $40 increase you don't have to worry about finding someone to buy it for you. Enjoy! :)

    • Ah this might push me over the edge. Going overseas soon so would be able to claim TRS.

    • Keep in mind - cashback doesn't include GST. So remove GST, subtract 10%, then add the GST amount on again. So around $890~

  • Damn. I keep forgetting to do Cashrewards with Amazon.. sigh

    • If you've just recently made the purchase, you should be able to cancel the items unless they've shipped already, and re-purchase with cashback!

      If not, or otherwise, you can download the Cashrewards browser extension here, to get a little pop-up on the top right of your screen anytime you visit a website that CR offers CB for. It's pretty handy when I visit a site I haven't been to before to purchase something, and get a pleasant surprise of Cashrewards popping up, telling me that I can trust this site and get some cashback too :)

      • Yeah.. too late.. Been shipped. :(

        • +1

          Ah, well. Next time! :)

    • -2

      make sure you go with cashrewards and not shopback when you do

    • I use the cashrewards browser plugin for firefox :D, it reminds me all the time at the top right when pages load.

  • +1

    aw man
    just bought some stuff yesterday =(

  • Will cashrewards apply if the item is originally from Amazon US,
    e.g. Link

    • Only if it's available via this link on Amazon's Global Store.

      • +1

        Yes it is thanks

      • It's a shame some products are hideously more expensive than what you can buy in the US Amazon (and have delivered to a freight forwarder).

        Case in point - a 128GB DDR4 3000MHz kit - $879 USD (approx $1200 AUD) - through Amazon US… same kit in Amazon AU, $1700.

  • +11

    My inability to make a decision has finally paid off.

    • +1

      Well hopefully you decided to buy this round lol

  • Can it apply for the $79 spend = $20 back?

    • +2

      That targeted offer expired last night.

      Mod Edit: Refer to comment below

      • all good and thanks for the post :)

      • Ah, bummer! I completely forgot about it and spent ~$50 last night. Ah well :/

      • My partner was sent the $20 offer, it doesn't expiry till tomorrow.

        'The transaction on Amazon Australia must take place between 29th March 2019 and 11:59pm AEDT 5th April 2019.'

        • You are correct. Please see here.

      • Target offer has not expired:
        The transaction on Amazon Australia must take place between 29th March 2019 and 11:59pm AEDT 5th April 2019.

        • +2

          You are spot on, my error. Just been told by our marketing team that we sent out various batches of emails, with the later ones having an extended expiry date of April 5. Awesome deal if you're one of the lucky ones :)

          • @tightarse: Just on the spend $79 get $20 back targeted offer, if i buy multiple cheap items at the same time that add up to over $79 will I still get the $20 back?

            • @krazek: As per the terms in the email you received…

              If you place an order with multiple items, these will report as individual transactions into your Cashrewards account. These are still eligible.

              • @tightarse: Thanks. I did see that clause however I still found it a little ambiguous as to whether this was referring to multiple items that were all > $79 each, or whether as long as the sum was > $79… Just making sure

              • @tightarse: Hi TA, if I have Amazon gift card of $40 and I only end up paying $40 (for total spend of $80), will I still earn the $20, because the gift card is automatically taken off first?

                • @ihbh:

                  Purchases paid partially or in full with gift cards or Amazon credit are ineligible for Cashback.

                  • @tightarse: So to get the $20, I have to make an order that uses up all the Amazon credit first, then make another order > $79 dollar that I have to pay for?

                    • @ihbh: Or untick the credit box?

  • IMPORTANT: Items must only be added to your Amazon cart after clicking from Cashrewards. Ensure your Amazon cart is empty before clicking from Cashrewards, as items added prior to clicking will not earn Cashback.

    Can you move it from cart to Saved For Later and after clicking through, move it back to cart?

    • Yes, as answered further above you must ensure that items are added to cart after you click through, adding to Saved For Later and then adding to cart should be fine.

  • +1

    Great TA uncapped in my books FINALLY beats the other mob :)

    • TA in my books beats the other mob :)

    • +2

      Aside from temporary boosts in CB, the other mob's permanent CB rates are usually higher in my book.

      • Not if your cashback is over $50.

  • Brought heaps today already :-(

    • +1

      You can cancel them if they haven't already shipped :)

      • Amazon is fast at shipping

        • I had the exact same problem. Shipped today, arriving tomorrow. :(

          Luckily I was able to find a few things that I 'need', so looks like the $20 will go to use :)

  • I have had mixed success with Cashrewards and Amazon, all my purchases without using the "Chrome Cashrewards Toolbar" have worked, but not using the "Toolbar".
    This is despite the toolbar showing "activated for 1 transaction'. I raised a support call with Cashrewards and they were very responsive and show the transaction on my account while they investigate, however it looks like Amazon are refusing to acknowledge the purchase.
    So now I don't use the toolbar.

  • not a bad price for the PS4 PRO after cashback

  • Wow, I had waited so long for Amazon Cashback to increase and finally gave up today ordered the PS4 Pro because Amazon matched with Big W's pricing. But with this percentage, it would be $449 :(. https://www.amazon.com.au/gp/product/B077MG8XWC

    • +2


    • Don't forget, you can still cancel the order if it hasn't shipped yet, then re-order with increased cashback!

      • Amazon shipped it immediately in the morning, no turning back now.

        • +1

          Bugger, same happened with me with my order from yesterday. Found some other stuff to buy now though :)

  • Hi :) does this work with kindle ebooks?

    • I like to know as well.

  • +2

    Thanks TA, just at the right time for me ☺️☺️

  • Is this a good deal?:

    Sony 65" X70F LED 4K Ultra HDR Smart TV for $1395 - 10% including free delivery if you have Amazon Prime?


    • Not too bad! To be honest, the '49 and '55 are better value in this case, but if you're really gunning for 65", I don't think you'll be disappointed.

  • Yesss, so glad I held off on my Amazon purchases

    • The CR website says 10% buy when I go to the page the popup says 5%. Will that be OK to go through?

      Edit : nvm just saw responses below 😊

      • As a general rule, what the page says is usually accurate, whereas the notifier uses cached data so may be a bit behind.

  • Is it active yet? It still says 5% in the Chrome Extension?

    • Yes, active since 9PM. Extension should cache refresh soon.

      • So even though it says 5%, I'll actually get 10%? :)

        • +1

          Yes you will. The important thing is what's shown here. Having said that, the Notifier is now showing 10%.

  • Great news.
    The Firefox desktop notifier is still saying 5%

    • See reply above.

      • Thanks, just saw it after posting.

  • For anyone who forgot to use the $10 Promo code for first order through app, jump to chat and you will most likely be issued a new voucher.

    Edit: I was told by chat agent, that this cannot be mixed with CR.

    • Can you pls explain what this $10 voucher is and how to get it

    • Also curious. What's this $10 promo?

      • Sorry. The email that I received just has a code to use on first order via amazon app, although I have made many orders recently. I forgot to use it last week. So asked the chat agent to see if they can provide a new one. They were kind enough to apply $10 credit.

        • Hmm. Could you send a screenshot of the email (without identifiers)? Have you made an order on Amazon before?

  • If my order contains two items which are each delivered to two different addresses, Amazon automatically converts it into 2 separate order numbers. How does Cashrewards treat this? Or would it be safer to cancel and put through separate orders?

    • I don't think it'd be a problem, but it's probably best to put them through separately, just in case.

      • Thanks, played it safe and I ended up putting it through again.

        For the record, Cashrewards was still able to track both orders from that transaction - presumably as it was within the same transaction. I'm guessing that each cashback activation is good for one checkout, regardless of whether Amazon splits it into multiple orders or keeps it in the same one.

    • +6

      This deal was posted at 7:30PM, some 90 minutes before the increase occurred. You would have received an email from OzB (if subscribed) 3 minutes later as it hit the front page quickly.

      Not sure how much more notice you need, especially considering we had specific instructions not to pre-promote the offer beyond 90 minutes. How is this different to any other short promo?

      • -8

        Short promos suck. I bought stuff before you posted this. Then I see this and it’s like…. FFS.

        It’s just aggravating.

        • +1

          You could always wait for a 10% promo if you're that desperate for an extra 5% saving. They are fairly frequent.

          It's like blaming EB Games for having a sale on and you buying a game but then the week after they actually have a proper sale and you're like "damn, wish they had done the proper sale when I bought my game! I could have saved $5!"

          • @SnowDragon: Yeah, the other day I picked up a $5 note from the ground at a 7-eleven, then 5 minutes later my friend picked up a $10 note. I should have waited 5 minutes and doubled my reward.

            7-eleven is the worst.

            • @aoiro: Dumbest comment ever? Not even remotely close to my point.

          • +1

            @SnowDragon: I’m not desperate for the saving. I’m merely pointing out how it’s a bit shit a promo for 3 hour limited offer gets 90 mins notice and will annoy people like me who bought stuff earlier in the day.

            More notice is all I’m suggesting.

    • +4

      Mate, if you bought just before the increase, you can cancel and re-order with 10%, as it won’t have shipped yet. Plus, they gave a 90-minute warning. I’m not sure why you’re complaining here, seeing as you can still receive the increased cashback and there was a heads up.

      • -4

        I still think short notice for specials is stupid. Not all ozbargainers can hang around for weeks or days waiting for promos.

        Plus amazon had already shipped my item express by the time I posted my annoyance.

        I would say the same thing about any shop that posts a promo that’s limited to a 3 hour window with 90 mins notice. It’s dumb and only annoys customers. I also love that a genuine annoyance comment gets negged to oblivion by all the TA fanbois. Typical.

        • +1

          It's your attitude people are downvoting. I frequently miss sales as I don't come on Ozbargain as much when I am home, missed the Aliexpress 20% when I spent $200 the night before, I didn't blame the cashback company though but chalked it up to bad luck/timing. Whereas you are coming across entitled for not getting a pre-pre-warning for a service that you don't pay for?

          • @MeesusEff: No, then I'm bad at explaining or people are misinterpreting me. There's no entitlement feelings here.

            I'm saying short warning and very limited time offers are annoying and don't make me feel good about CR, that's all. My comment was purely feedback for CR who seems to do this as their standard marketing model which I think is crap. If Telstra offered a special 100GB/$49 plan for customers who sign up from 9pm-midnight with 90 mins warning, I would give them the same feedback as well.

            Short (or even zero) warning for a 12-24+ hour offer, fine. But short warning for a 3 hour once off is just gonna piss people off - any company.

            P.S. Look at any CR deal and any non-glowing feedback gets negged. The CR fanbois neg anything that does not praise TA. Go look for yourself.

            • @Skramit: I'm definitely not a fan boy… CR have no obligation to give us any warning, as @MeesusEff said we dont pay for the service, it just a extra bonus…

              • @birdie: Didn't say that have an obligation either. I was giving CR some feedback that I think it's crappy.

  • Does anyone know if the 60 day shipped from order date restriction for pre-orders is strictly enforced?

    Want to order switch game shipping on 21/06.

    • I'm pretty sure they do everything right down to the day, but you could try your luck. I would wait and see if there's an increase closer to the pre-order date (you have a full two months), but you're welcome to try.

    • sure there will be another 10% or even better offer before that date.

  • thinking about putting through 3 seperate orders- are they all entitled to the bonus %?

    • +2

      Of course. Make sure you click through from Shop Now for each new transaction. You have 25 minutes left :)

  • +1

    Goodbye eBay

    • Good riddance!

  • +1

    AEDT kinda sucks for us West Aussies….

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