This was posted 5 years 11 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[XB1/PC] Gears of War 4 $4.69 @ CD Keys

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Big drop in price for this game.

A new saga begins for one of the most acclaimed video game franchises in history. After narrowly escaping an attack on their village, JD Fenix and his friends, Kait and Del, must rescue the ones they love and discover the source of a monstrous new enemy.

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closed Comments

  • +7

    Great price! But word of warning… trying to install on PC now and you need 133gb of free space to download and install. Holy moly.

    • +5

      Man, I remember being on very mediocre ADSL, got home on a Friday, looking forward to weekend of Gears of War and it wanted a 60gb ”update". Wouldn't let me play without it and I didn't even wanna play it online. Sad times.

    • Crap, I think that's larger than my largest SSD. Slow loading times for me :(

  • +1

    This was not a bad game. I played it in two player coop mode on two monitors locally and this is one of the few games where this works seamlessly.

    • +2

      Two monitors on the same PC?

      • +2

        Co-op with yourself?

        • +1

          Yep, 2 monitors -same pc - co-op with my son. It has a split screen mode which can be easily fooled into spreading across 2 monitors.

          • @Rayve: I was hoping you. Were going to say you had one eye on each screen

            • +4

              @Jackson: Absolutely! Having that 'Split brain' surgery was the best thing ever! (At least half of me thinks so!)

    • Please provide further explanation.

    • Sounds good. Using KB+M or controllers?

  • This is in game pass if you have that.

    • yep. would rather spend the $3 towards gamepass.

      • You cant always get the gamepass for $3. This is also for you to keep forever.

  • Thanks OP - key worked perfect!

  • Thanks op

  • I was disappointed when I first got this game, but I'm playing through it again now and it's actually a very fun game.

    • I enjoyed it more as the game progressed. Without spoiling anything, the addition of some familiar faces helped.

  • is this coop? and should I get 2 copies to play coop?

    • Great coop game. If you wanna play with more than 1 PC yes you'll need more than 1 copy

      • how many players max for GoW4?

        • Two only as far as I know.

  • Showing as $4.69 for me. Anyone else? Still a bargain

  • Have never played a GoW game before but for $3.69 worth a play through.

    • -3

      Why are you talking about God of War?

  • Paid $6.50 a few weeks back just to have installed in my HDD. I've already finished it when I had the gamepass for $1 years ago.
    Rise of the Tomb Raider is also $7.99 on Xbox Store. Its worth it just to play through it again if you don't have a physical copy. I traded mine in a couple months ago but now got it on digital..

  • Probably never going to play it but bought one anyway….

  • $4.69 for me, but still a bargain.

  • Only ever played the first 1 on PC (which I did enjoy at the time), still worth playing the 4 (in terms of story and what not)?

    • +1


      • Bought it lol, figured for under 5 bucks what's there to lose.

  • Thank you OP was waiting for a good price, now have to wait for the slow download to finish.

  • Forgive me if I will sound incredibly stupid, but where do I go to redeem the key that gets provided?

    • There is a link that takes you to Xbox Live page on the CDKey page to redeem the code linked to your Microsoft account. After I did that I looked up the game in Microsoft Store and saw the game is already tied to my account and ready for download (this is on Windows 10).

      • ahh, thanks for that. It's probably because I don't have XBox Live. Anyway, your tip to check in the MS store worked. Thanks!

        • All good I don't have Xbox either lol but I think the key is like that play anywhere thingy so that one key you basically own it for PC AND XBox I believe

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