Fertiliser for Basil Plants - Which One Should I Get

Simple question: Can anyone advise what is the best fertiliser to give to my Thai Basil & Basil plants?

I noticed the leafs are not growing that much anymore and maybe fertiliser or any vitamins should help this situation?

I am no plants expert, so any help choosing the type/brand would be greatly appreciated.


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    Seasol and Powerfeed should help, but it's coming into winter so plants won't be growing as much. You might need to switch to winter or perennial herbs.

  • +3

    Fertilisers may not be the resolution.

    There comes a point where basil plants will instead focus their energy on producing flowers / seeds rather than foliage.

    Happens when their branches get a bit woody.

    There is not much for it other than have the next plant growing in a staggered manner so you will always have fresh leaves.

    • Happens when their branches get a bit woody.

      This is exactly what happens to my basil plants currently and yes, it starts to produce lots of flowers.

      So, are you recommending I completely prune and let it start to grow again?

      • +1

        What I do is grow mine staggered.

        • Plant one lot in a planter
        • Weeks later plant another planter.
        • When Lot 1 gets woody, keep the seeds and grow again.

        Yes when they get woody you will get poor leaves but let them flower and seed and keep the seeds for next season.

        If you have excess you can freeze them in a zip bag to use all year long.

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    The growing season has finished. No point in pruning as this will achieve nothing. Wait until the white flowers die back and then cut the stems and shake the seed pods on a sheet of newspaper - you now have seeds ready to be planted next year.

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    Basil is an annual. That is, you need to grow a new plant each year. It is not a perennial , like mint or thyme. Parsley lasts for a couple of years but it is really only an annual too, in that it will bolt ( go to seed) even though it has leaves on it. They will be edible but are not really all that palatable

    • What about my favourite herb : cilantro? How , when to plant? Thanks:)

  • Thanks guys!

  • +1

    One word. AUTUMN

  • It won't grow now. The weather is changing and getting cool or depending on your location. I can't believe nurseries are still selling them.

    Seasol don't give all the nutrients for plants, it's only good for reviving plants that are being transplanted. Use a proper balanced granule fertiliser from Bunnings or your local nursery.

    In the future don't let the basil get to tall, flower then seed. Pick the leaves off to prevent it seeding early. If you're not using it, dry it, crush it and put it in a jar. You will have basil for winter.

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