The Subj asks it all…
(An old ASUS eeePC -netbook- can put a JPG, PNG. etc. image on its
screen -faster- than a ["Core i5 vPro" based] Dell 990SFF or sim.).
The i5 box perform well on other tasks, so, I assume it's "Photos"
that's causing the traffic jam.
We've kept the Dell box's Windows 10 updated…
I'm looking to replace "Photos" w/ a performer.
There's nothing inherently slow about the included Photos app. For me, it's instant to open up and swap between photos in my albums.
Perhaps you've something slowing it down? Do you only have 4gb of ram? If so, Windows is likely "paging", which will slow it down for many tasks. Or do you have an older mechanical hard drive with large photos? Maybe it's taking time to open them?