Can I Sell a Car to an Overseas Student with No Driver Licence in WA?

Hi I have an old cheap car. Only worth $2000, if that. I have an overseas student who wants to buy it for $1800.

Only thing is, he doesn’t have driver licence due to he hasn't gotten his overseas licence changed to Australian driver licence yet, but he says it’s coming soon.

Can I sell the car to him? He is paying me cash.

I am in Western Australia


  • +1

    I purchased my first vehicle 1 year before I received my licence.

    It's quite legal but I'd suggest that assuming that they are over 16 years old you transfer the vehicle into their name immediately otherwise you will be responsible for any tickets issued for the vehicle.

    • He is 22 year old. I’d say the transfer is done in 2 days. And he got fine in say 3 days. Doesn’t my transfer paper protect me as it was sold 1 day before the fine are done?

      Do I need like a bill with his address on it or something? Or I am fine as long as I done the paperwork and handed in?

      Sorry been a long time since I sold a car

  • in NSW you do not need a NSW drivers license for an overseas student until you become a permanent resident. They can drive their home country’s license until then.

    I guess you still need to confirm he has the right to drive by checking your state law, his visa and passport to avoid being negligent.

    • Thanks, I will maybe take a copy of the passport just to be sure.

      • +2

        There is no way that anyone in their right mind would give a stranger a copy of their passport (unless it's to the government, banks or other financial purposes).

    • +2

      The onus is not on the seller to ensure the buyer has the necessary licences/permits and it is not negligent to sell a car to someone without question.

      • +1

        That is all good in theory, but if someone uses a fake identity to buy your car and never register the car under his real name you will be stuck between a rock and a hard place.

        Check on how much hassle it is to get the tolls and infringement the car gets in your name if someone does not do this.

        • +1

          I have a copy of his password which he sent me, also i have his relative address which i also met to confirm he is indeed staying there.

          Also he is paying in cash so I think I am covered should something went south?

    • Thanks for this, looks like its changed a little since the last time i sold my car

  • +5

    Once you have the money in your hands, and you hand over the signed paper work its not your problem anymore.

    • That is assuring indeed:) thanks

  • He does not need to change his driver license either unless WA has different requirements.

    Besides it is a car, anyone can own it, does not mean they can drive it.

    • Very valid point. thanks

  • He needs a WA address…

    • He is living with a relative, so no bills under his name yet, can I just use his relative address since he is staying there?

      • Yes

        He's basically making a declaration that he lives there, by him filling out that form and putting that address down

        Don't forget you can do it all via DOTDirect online now, no need to deal with the form

        • Ok thanks, good to know.

          Anything you can think off which this thing can go sideway for me if he is paying in cash in full?

          • @Aerith-Waifu: Not likely. Grab a copy of his passport in case. Transfer it online when he's there with you

            • +2

              @spackbace: Reading the online link above, you maybe wrong in some aspects.

              Some vehicles cannot be transferred online. These include vehicles that are:

              Being transferred between spouses or de facto partners.
              Where the seller, purchaser or vehicle cannot be matched to our records.

              I would contend that if the buyer has no valid WA license, then they probably cant be matched to the records.

              As such you would have to submitted change in the following way.

              See Option B


  • you can own 99999999 cars without license/driving it

    • +1

      Source? So, you’re saying I can own 99,999,999… but if I was to buy one more to make it a nice round 100million cars, it would be denied?

      • +1

        I believe you can own all you want. Sell too many in a year tho and you'd need a dealers licence

        source - breakfast cereal box

    • Need Parking spaces… lol

  • Deregister the car take the coin what could go wrong? Your hands are clean.

    • +1

      Not going to do that to a nice Japaneses Student. He will be paying cash so I guess I will call him up to set up the deal.

  • YES of course you can. Its a FREE country. You can sell to ANYONE!!!

    Just ensure you get a copy of thier ID details to cover yourself in case of any traffic incidents after you sell the car

    • He has send me a copy of his passport through sms, which matches the name of the transfer paper, did a test run on the DOTdirect to see if I can transfer the car directly to him without his driving license and it cant be done, as he doesnt have the WA Driving License yet, as on the DOTdirect it requires the purchaser's driver license in order to go to the next step.

      So looks like mail in the copy of the Change of Ownership is the only way, just wondering, can I go to a local Licensing Centre in here in WA and hand the Change of Ownership in myself rather than post it?

  • You should call the WA version of the RMS (I'm from NSW) and get their advice. They will tell you if there are any additional requirements
    I've sold to an international student before (in NSW obviously) and the RMS were fine with it. I took the added precaution of handing my transfer papers in at a physical RMS office straight away (I can't remember if they actually advised me to do that).

    No problems for me so far

    • They said all is fine. Just make sure I don’t write the car details wrong.

      Thanks for all the hope guys:)

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