This was posted 13 years 9 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Christian] Free MP3 Downloads of 2x Mark Peterson Albums


See… for more details, but it's basically as per the title - Mark Peterson has made available for free download tracks from two of his albums:

  • When We See You
  • Whatever Happens (songs from Philippians)

There's also a lead sheet for another track available on the download page.

Mod: CLOSED thread due to off-topic comments

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  • awesome.. luv his songs

    • if he is singling on behalf of his lord shouldn't the songs be free or given to his church rather than his pocket?

  • +3

    Wow for a second I thought my mate had recorded some songs, until I realised he spells his name different.

    And he isn't religious.


    • Well, a name change by Deed Poll is good for one aspect, and maybe the music will inspire a religious transformation. Just like the Blues Brothers movie!

  • Nice find, the website is lagging terribly at the moment though.

  • -4

    Next thing you know, someone will post that Gideons are giving away free Bibles. Ozbargain, not Ozpreach.

    And the zealots come out to neg all within the space of 5 minutes. there is the surprise of a lifetime.

    • +3

      And the zealots come out to neg

      people are likely not happy with your neg…. as it's based on your preference…. and therefore inappropriate

      • +2

        Thats not true at all with regards to my preference.

        If it was my own religion, I would still neg the product being sold as a 'bargain'.

        I don't think there is such a thing as a bargain when it comes to being preached to and that is a perfectly reasonable position to take.

        I'll also point out that Mark has a total of 172 facebook fans for however long his group has been active, yet within three hours, 22 people reading ozbargain deemed it to be a good deal with many of them stating that they love his music.

        give me a break.

        • +6

          Agreed. And given the treatment of the Islamic post I think enough said.

    • +7

      You can't really use the Gideons as an example though, because this music is not always free…
      it's like any other music artist allowing free downloads of their songs which you normally need to pay for.

      comment/vote on the deal itself, not the subject matter dude.

  • -3

    So many religious songs use tried and proven song structures and shuffle the words around to make music…

    • +9

      That describes most music on the 'pop' charts. Music by numbers mostly sung by talentless people with a good image consultant. Put an actual instrument in their hands and they would probably try to smoke it.

  • Thank the Lord ! .
    I've been chasing inspirational music to drive to . So sick of the pornographic drivel that passes as radio these days . More please .

  • +2

    so glad some kocher music is available for us finally amongst the katy gagas of our modern world.

  • +10

    If a Christian posts up free music from an artist who is not usually free and other Christians like it what is wrong with that? No one is forcing non-Christians to look at the deal, like it, or download the songs. If I usually have to pay for a Qu'ran but someone is giving them away and I was interested in getting one then that deal would be useful to me. But I'm not so I don't bother with the link. I'm not going to neg the deal. Free stuff is free stuff.

  • -3

    Negging for hidden agendas. I am sorry I have been too Bible bashed as a teen from randoms telling me I am going to hell so all the scarred scared neg feelings are here.
    Yours truly scarred.

    • +25

      Should be moved to forums as per
      Posts that contain religious content should not remain on the main page, if an Islamic freebie is not allowed - then a pro-Christian one shouldn't be either. In a secular society, it is shameful to see the level of discrimination here.

      • QUOTE

        Guys, just to say, this should be moved to the forums, just read, I don't mean no harm/arguments

        Because the Truth is for FREE.
        Follow those who ask of you no fee, and who are rightly guided.

        Due to the fact that this was already FREE to begin with

        Everything on this page is free to download*, but this offer will only last until May 23rd

        unlike this

        honestly though, i don't get the point to start religious wars here

        • +6

          @wonga & issh, I understand the merits of your views and respect your replies but when a firm offers a 'good or service' at a better price (or even free) than it's closest alternative, then that is a bargain. An example is: Big W offers an awesome Nerf gun for $9 with Freepost when the alternative, Target has the same product for $16. Religiously motivated posts promote competing ideologies and if they were both freebies - removing only one of them is discriminative.

    • +3

      You're giving it a neg based on personal feelings and not on the deal itself. A freebie is a freebie even if it is targeted at a specific group. Likewise with many deals posted here, they are targeted at particular groups. Eg, SSDs aimed to tech savvy people and IOS applications for those with iphones etc. You don't see those deals getting negs based on people's negative experiences with Apple or so forth.

      • +3

        COTD can be negged for who they are

        • +4

          Haha they're an exception. And I can't blame anyone for negging COTD either.

  • +5

    So how come the Christians get their free music, Islam guys get free Qu'ran and music and we cant have cheap condoms on here

    • Like neil replied in the other thread, you should probably search the site before you make comments like that. Same goes for those who voted up your comment lol

      • +7

        no, there is a rule that says sex toys and pornography deals are banned, however condoms are not a toy - in fact a cheap deal on condoms is most definitely a great thing for society

    • +3

      use a bag

  • +2

    why should this degenerate - sigh

    its free yes?

    If you don't like the deal, leave a comment and move on

  • +5

    Closing comments, this is going way off-topic. There are a number of trolls here with multiple accounts stirring things up. CLOSED

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