Dear OzB community,
I need an advice on how to steer my life going forward. I recently crossed the 30 years mark, the bank account is close to dry, I don't have any family here, just finished fighting my own long drawn and costly battle to get my Permanent Residency and have to pretty much start fresh. I feel myself drawn and empty.
I know I just reached the goal I longed for and this is just the start, but now is like every choice I can make now will never get me to have a place to call mine and I will never get anywhere near as fast as I need.
Is probably the bad mix of having turned 30 and knowing that the "house affordability" concept is a very sweet dream for me right now, while at the same time thinking that, sooner better than later, I should start contributing to the overpopulation issue and make my mother and the in-laws happy (and who am I kidding? Making myself and wife happy too).
I do not have any certification or degree to boost ASAP my career and I can only see years and years of toiling, after having spent years and years of toiling to be here. Looks to me like I missed way too many "once-in-a-lifetime" opportunities.
The TL;DR folks can stop reading here and draw their conclusions.
After all I probably only want to boast about what I can (have no high-yield vehicle or fancy job title, but who doesn't like some praise?) and get a pat or two on the shoulders from random strangers on the net.
TL;DR-unsafe zone ahead
For the really interested (and possibly informed) ones:
I have worked in IT for most of my life. I love smashing my head against hard to crack issues and I consider myself pretty capable.
I have experience with:
programming (C++ and C#, some Python here and there);
web stuff (PHP, HTML, MySQL, CSS, Js and quite a lot of experience with Wordpress and Woocommerce);
simple (read "low frequency") digital electronic circuits design/proto and microcontrollers programming (Arduino, STM32, RPi), some wire antennas only where I can't do without and, from time to time, a Yagi or two;
Linux servers admin (mainly CentOS and Debian…but yeah);
Server Virtualization (mainly Proxmox);
VoIP systems (3CX, FreePBX, FusionPBX);
and of course all the networking and security and hardware and software knowledge necessary to make the above happen.
Ah, lead and project management experience (but I'm not a Prince or 2, if you know what I mean).
I also studied the full MCSE course (in 2009) and ITIL Foundation, OSA and CSI (in 2018, likely forgot all the non useful fluff by now already). Had no money to do the actual certs though.
I am set on the idea of finding an employed job in IT.
I also know that I would love to get with my wife a house to call ours, a dog and a human poop-machine somewhere around five years max from now.
I am conflicted about the path to get there though.
I love renewables, energy management, energy storage techs, energy efficient designs and materials, IoT, etc…and would love to work in that field.
At the same time I think that the Australian building standard is not the pinnacle in the world and that the average Australian colander is pretty far from the Passivhaus concept or similar.
I would really love to work in a field that would allow me to bring to Australian housing efficient and modern designs and technologies, deeply IoTfied too. But I don't know how to get there, or even if I can without endangering too much my great plan of living the Australian Dream.
Enrolling in a Uni course would likely mean putting very little aside (part-time work + Uni fees) and deferring quite a lot my Australian Dream plan. I don't really see it as feasible.
There is the opportunity offered by the Free TAFE courses. I could enroll in courses that brings me a bit closer to a Building Design degree, But that ain't no engineering, so I don't know how much could I transfer from my current skills and knowledge. Would love advice on this point!
Or I could stick to the only thing connected to IT (Cyber security), just to get an Australian certification. I seem to know pretty much all is taught there, so I could likely do a Recognition of Prior Learning and complete it quickly…but would get very little out of it, other than the cert itself.
Or I can simply forget about studying and work as much as I can in IT, trying to reach the Australian Dream goal faster, but forgoing the professional dream of efficiency and IoTfication.
In that case I would appreciate if you could share your experience about what position is most likely to leverage most of my skills and bring me where I would like to be faster.
Sorry if this post is huge, but I feel that I am at a pivotal point and need to move with care and resolution. Thanks for the ones who will pitch in to help.
Can provide hand sketched MS Paint drawing if needed.
There's not a lot of C++ jobs, get experience in front-end technologies (JavaScript frameworks - Vue, Angular, React etc) or, learn Java (not hard compared to C++ but there's lots that can go on top, Spring, JSF, etc). That will take time though so you may just want to try hard to get a job with what you already know. Your qualifications might not be recognised so you'll want to show experience and have referrees who are easy to call. Talk to recruiters.
If it isn't long since you graduated (I think the limit is usually 3 years or so) you can try your luck getting into a graduate program - fast track to a higher salary within a few years. But it's competitive and again your qualifications might not be recognised.