Redeem up to 2 Complimentary Tickets during the Melbourne International Comedy Festival and throughout the year.
Save between $30 - $60 per double pass
All you pay is a booking / admin fee per transaction (includes your 2 tickets to the show)
Promotix offers are in place to promote events and introduce new audiences to a show - so if you see a show please remember to spread the good word about it :)
Limited tickets available - while stocks last
Over 33 different shows for you to select from right now….or redeem tickets to see them all!
Plus new events listed every week.
Promotix members enjoy getting out and about exploring new activities and discovering new talent without breaking the budget!
Whether you're into live music - live comedy - cabaret - jazz - rock - burlesque - theatre we have dozens of shows for you to see in Melbourne.
I Pm'd you when you had the upgrade and you never got back to me. I've just Pm'd you again.