This was posted 5 years 11 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4] Bloodborne [OOS], The Last of Us Remastered & More PS Hits $10 Each + Delivery (Free with Prime / $49 Spend) @ Amazon

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Greetings everyone, Amazon have matched the current EB Games special :)

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Hits (PlayStation 4)
Bloodborne Hits (PlayStation 4) OOS
Uncharted The Nathan Drake Collection (PlayStation Hits)
The Last of Us Hits (PlayStation 4)
LittleBigPlanet 3 Hits (PlayStation 4)
Driveclub Hits (PlayStation 4)

As always, enjoy!

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • Why cant Killzone be $10
    It is the only one I care about but is never on sale

    • +14

      You're not missing much

    • Are you in sydney?

    • +2

      Killzone is pretty cheap on ebay, I bought it brand new for 10 ish around a month ago.


      Don't know if the link will work for you or if it violates some rules.

      • +2

        Cheers Zylam, bought No Mans Sky off of them when it was $10 actually haha

        • +1

          All good buddy! Haha oh nice, I have yet to grab No Man's Sky, now that it's on Xbox too might grab it there someday!

          • +1

            @Zylam Marex: I actually already own Killzone on disc, just, it is some dual language version with box all in chinese and doesnt sound right in the disc drive, I bought it for $5 a while ago and didnt realise till it was too late to return.

            • @JMxoxo: LOL oh wow that sounds like some doggy stuff, yeah I'd keep that away from the console if it sounds like it's going to break the drive!

              But wow 5, that is impressive there. I think the best I've ever done is find Ryse for 7 at JB hifi in like 2015 or something!

            • @JMxoxo: Maybe it's a Hong Kong version? There's no such thing as a dodgy version. If it's not a PS4 disc it won't work on the PS4.

              • @HandsomeMonkey: Yeah it is, not a dodgy version etc just dodgy disc really, not worthrisking the drive over an old cheap game haha
                Was in some clearance bin at JB a couple years ago and was pre owned

  • +8

    Guys. I don’t need Bloodborne in my life, right? God of War is still in its plastic wrap since that last deal…

    • +16

      Bloodborne is one of the main reasons to own a ps4.
      Should come packaged with it like Mario and duck hunt.

      • +3

        That and Knack.

        • +2

          I honestly hope your joking

          • +6

            @RoostersMan: He is. He meant KNACK 2 BAYBEE

            • +23

              @Kangal: At no point in your rambling, incoherent response, were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

            • +1

              @Kangal: Gow is awesome though.

              I did get a bit bored fighting the giants/golem things I must say.

              Bloodborne is very difficult. If you can manage to get on it's level, it is something else.
              Not sure I can remember too many games that took my breath away like it

            • @Kangal: I was talking about Knack :)

            • +1

              @Kangal: GoW on hard difficulty is just enemies hitting harder and you doing the same old shit over and over again, it gets old

              • +1

                @Freestyle: Tend to agree here. That and the HP of the enemies are frustratingly high. I felt like I was hitting pillows. I preferred playing GOW on normal difficulty.

                Bloodborne is a masterpiece imo. It's one of the only games that I still feel emotion for long after it's been completed. Albeit, I'm a big dark souls fan so I came in with a predisposition to their gamestyle.

                • @malich: yeah, not like GoW bosses were innovative in any shape anyway

                  The valkyries were the hardest of the bunch but each of them follow a specific pattern with one or 2 unique moves added in

                  The first valk took me a while to kill but after that mostly 1-2 shots lol

                  GoW is more about the combat than the bosses or even enemies, most only do one thing

      • Does anyone know if this is the non patched version where you can do the item duplication glitch & early access to forbidden forest?

        • That's an interesting question.
          Do these 'hits' editions contain updated game files.

          Even if it didn't, you'd have to upgrade to improve the loading times. They were pretty awful at launch.

    • +11

      Bloodbourne is the best game I have played on PS4 thus far.

      • +22

        Calm down.

        • +4

          I wanna buy all of these I don't even have a ps4.

        • What's your favourite ps4 game?

        • -2

          I've owned PS4 since day one, tell me a better game. I'd prefer to hear your opinion than a dismissive BS reply.

          • @[Deactivated]: My Name is Mayo.

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: Not saying it isn’t good but you know there is a very healthy dose of games on that console. If your talking exclusives explicitly then personally, I enjoyed Horizon and the new Spider-Man more than Bloodborne. Partly due to the fact that my thumbs weren’t blistered by the end of them.

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: Neither of those games had much challenge though. I guess that aspect isn't for everyone but for me it was where this game excelled. It wasn't a BS hard mode where you just need to get lucky, it was a genuine I CAN DO THIS! challenge (that occasionally had me wanting to give up)

              I'm not a fan of HZD really though, I made the mistake of playing Breath Of The Wild first which made it feel very shallow in comparison.

              • @[Deactivated]: Idk I found the opposite. I found Botw to be way too large and empty with pretty generic and repetitive missions. I am only 25hrs in and will eventually finish but honestly I reckon it gets too much hype and prefer other Zelda games.

              • @[Deactivated]: I only started playing PS4 games over the last 6 months. I would have to agree with you that HZD isnt all that great, it is one of the more overrated games I have played. Visually beautiful yes, but game was just meh. Spiderman is fluid and pretty decent but I guess its more for teenagers.

                The only real game I thoroughly enjoyed on the PS4 so far is God of war. I own a copy of Bloodborne but haven't gotten around to playing it yet. I don't think I have gotten over the trauma of playing Dark Souls II on PC yet.

                • +1

                  @0FoxGiven: You're in for a hell of a ride then! God Of War was good, the story telling helped with the overall experience. I'm currently playing Nioh which is above average but nowhere near the quality of a FromSoftware title imo.

          • -1

            @[Deactivated]: nioh is better than bloodborne

            • @fertiliser: I disagree.

              • @[Deactivated]: I meant the game My Name is Mayo.

                But obviously it comes down to preferences, I don't really like that style of game, so I enjoy something like Spider-Man a shitload more. Doesn't mean one is better than the other, both are well made, beloved by many games.

                But (profanity) it, I love Where's_That_Cake, Bloodborne is the only PS4 game worth owning. I got your back, homie.

            • @fertiliser: Nioh is fantastic but not up to the level of bloodborne

    • Bloodborne is very good, but so is God of war. Bloodborne can be pretty frustrating at some parts but, some bosses were very challenging. It took me a while to truly appreciate it. God of war is a lot more accessible. I think its worth purchasing Bloodborne for this price anyways.

    • +2

      Bloodborne ruined a lot of other games for me. You start playing other action-adventure RPGs and realising how straightforward and pointless they are. Game tells you that you should press X so you press X and the game advances. Repeat with more buttons. Bloodborne was the first game to make me realise that games should be difficult, in the sense that they're most rewarding when you have to discover things for yourself: how to defeat an enemy, where to go, the story of the world you're in.

      I agree, it's the game of a console generation for me.

  • Yay

  • Was waiting for the amazon price match! Thanks!

  • -2

    Still sad Bloodborne not on PC :(

    • +1

      Was made with Sony so don't think you'll see it on another platform

  • What happened to Ratchet & Clank?

    • Price hasn't dropped yet unfortunately, might drop soon though!

      • It's the only one I don't have on this list of excellent games even tho I've got them all on my ps3. I just noticed Until Dawn is another one that hasn't received the price cut yet either.

        • I’m thinking about buying all the Uncharted to replay them in HD but then I look at the existing pile of shame and proceed to clear the shopping cart.

            • +4

              @iamhurtin: They are very simple games. Pick up the controlller, shoot some bad guys and be an action hero. Great story telling and very accessible gameplay. They don’t try to do any more or less and sometimes this is exactly what people need in action based entertainment. Also the graphics are really good!

    • I got a pre owned copy for $15 couple of weeks ago from EB.

  • Uncharted listings are now $24. Out of stock?

    • +2

      They're still $10 (seem to be on back-order), just select Amazon AU as the seller, I've updated the description for the links.

  • Wow why do playstation games depreciate so hard?

    • +3

      Sold many consoles

    • All business, reduce price when old to get more sales.

    • +10

      That's a good thing right? I saw Skyrim for the Switch in shops for 80 AUD and was like 'screw that Nintendo tax'…..

    • +4

      These are all old games that have been bestsellers - Sony re-released them under the PlayStation Hits label (formerly the Greatest Hits/Platinum label) at reduced prices - easy ways of getting into the PS4 library without breaking the bank. They also don't rely on their first party titles nearly as much as say Nintendo or to a lesser extent, Microsoft, and given they're the market leaders with the largest playerbase, doing this is fine if it can get more people into the PlayStation ecosystem.

  • +2

    Anyone know what times of the year there are usually console sales? Tempted to buy some games before I even get the console

    • Thanksgiving weekend.

    • +1

      June/July Sony for the last few years have been doing the Playstation days of Play which seem to have good bargains

  • +2

    amazon are copycats. I like it.

    • +1

      I wish they were instigators though. Although they have some good console sales occassionally.

  • +3

    Uncharted Nathan Drake collection link is uncharted 4 try this

  • That blood borne doesn’t come with the dlc?

    • No, unfortunately.
      Not sure why they don't include it.

      I suppose they figure if you enjoy the game, you'll buy the dlc anyway.

      Which you definitely well if you manage to finish this game.

  • Picked up Uncharted 4 thanks :)

  • Ooh, I'm like many posters here - pile of shame so high it would make trump happy… haven't opened any from the last Amazon ps4 game sale. Already played a long way through the last of us on PS3 so should really reconnect that console and keep going… or buy it again and make my stack bigger!

  • +2


    Just ordered the Tomb Raider Special Edition for $39! Game + Steelbook + Tokatu figure = a price I'm okay with.

    Edit: Whoops, I didn't read the post properly. I ordered this through EB. Please feel free to remove.

    • Wish they'd have that discount for the Xbox version too. Wonder if it has to do with the fact that it's on gamepass.

  • Bloodborne 29$

  • +3

    I got too much backlog. Not sure if I should spend $10 lol

  • +1

    Little Big Planet 3 isn't as good as first 2. It's designed different and not as fun.

    • Yes unfortunately they actually got worse each time. I really enjoyed the first one the most in both the campaign and creation.

  • +1

    With so many good games and so little time, I don't play the 75% games, you know, those with a great concept but have a few flaws that you habe to work around. So now I only stick to the well reviewed games, while most of the games I play have been enjoyable (I (profanity) hate Battlefield 1 single player), it feels like I'm missing out.

  • +1

    Bloodborne is $25, deal expired?

  • Bought all those games when it was $17, haven't touched single of them. I think I'll set a new low price to purchase games ->$10.

    • Same :-(

      $17 plus 5% discount

  • Ratchet and Clank is one of the greatest 3D platformers of all time. It's so underrated, so fun for a title aimed at young kids.

    Bloodborne is essential and Last of us.. Well if games could win Oscar's.. if you just got a PS4.

    Bloodborne is something I can't play in one sitting and great in small doses to get that Risk/Reward feeling.

    Actually all those Games are great for that price

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