Included in Repco's current catalogue is the best wash and wax formulation on the market.
Better than half price.
Saves on waxing and leaves a nice shiny protective finish without water spots, although you'll still need to wipe the windows dry with a chamois.
Price match with SCA available.
Meguiar's Ultimate Wash N Wax 1.42L $15 (Was $31.99) @ Repco

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This is the best car wash you will ever use. Thanks OP.
Cheapest in a while.
Have half a bottle of this and a bottle of nanolicious left, will purchase one of these thanks OP. This is a great wash to use for maintenance after you have done a deep clean, condition and seal of the paint.
what's your feedback on nanolicious?
does it have better beading properties than the Meguiars?havn't noticed a big difference to be honest, but it also isn't a fair test as i wax with carnuba wax after washing with nanolicious, whereas the meguiars i use more regularly and on its own. not worth paying full price for nano and using it all the time though as you need to wax afterwards
Thank you..
Got 2 at SCA and price matched :)
Can I snow foam using this UWW formula ? And what ratio ? TiA
Not with this. Not intended to be used as a snow foam and it will not produce that much foam.
Get this instead for snow foam (Bowden's Own Snow Job)
meguiars gold class apparently foams quite well for the $$$ also. the liquid wax content inhibits foaming (this does not guarantee that all waxless washes will foam well though)
Whats the ratio required for the Gold Class Shampoo ?
@DonaldJTrump: not sure but the gold clash car wash is what they sell with their snow cannon so i imagine meguiars website will have some details - it is actually intended for use in snow/foam cannons and as normal carwash.
@Wilburre: I usually put about 100-200mls of Gold class to a full (with 200 mls of space) snow cannon bottle.
its great…
I wanna try the nxt stuff next thoughThanks OP! Haven't finish using mine but will grab one anyways :D
gotta keep stock m8
Great price for a decent car wash. Though please be aware that, if your car is really dirty I would suggest giving it a thorough wash down before you use this wash. It has abrasive properties and it will create swirl marks if used on dirty cars. Best used using Two bucket method.
correct me if i'm wrong but i don't think the wash itself is abrasive - the issue with a dirty car is that if you go to the soap straight away you're pushing all the debris into the paint and causing scratches. personally i do a touchless wash where i get most of the debris off the car with water from the hose only, then i follow up with a 2 bucket (soap/water and rinse water) touch wash using this soap, then a hose rinse then a microfibre towel dry. is this your approach or is there somethign else i should consider (other than clay bar)?
correct me if i'm wrong but i don't think the wash itself is abrasive
You are correct. I think he is confusing it with Meguiar's Wash+ which has micro-abrasives in it. However this product isn't sold in Australia. Also soaps that contain micro-abrasives don't cause swirls. In fact they can help remove them.
is there something else i should consider
I think your approach is great. What do you use for protection? SiO2 spray sealants are a great way to add durability in a convenient manner.
currently i just strip all the wax every few month, wash it, clay it then reseal with carnuba wax from the tub. it is a meguiars product can't remember which one off the cuff. haven't looked into spray sealants as of yet.
@Wilburre: You can probably reduce your claying to one a year if you like. Nothing quite glosses like a real wax. I use Optimum for a while as it is one of only a few true spray waxes on the market. 1-2 sprays per panel gives months of protection. SiO2 sprays offer even longer protection and add hydrophobic properties.
My best advice is find products and methods you like and stick to it. I could sit here all day telling you better products but that's just my personal opinion.
This is the exact same steps I follow everytime I wash my car. Though I start with the wheels first usually
i split the car in half vertically at the top of the wheel arch - start from the roof then work down to that line, then do below the line, numberplates, grille where all the bugs and crap are, then wheels then tires (with a different cloth because the dealer put awful tire shine on it that is still coming off after i've had the car for over 6 months). currently as the car is quite new and also because i wash it every couple of weeks i don't have any built up brake dust so i havn't had to use a wheel brush yet. After i'm done i put all my microfibre towels and my wash mitt in the washing machine to clean all the crud out of them for next time.
@Wilburre: Scrub that horrible solvent tire shine off with a tyre brush.
The best non-acid wheel cleaner I have used is Concours Purge. It not only cleans, it removes the iron build up too. I would still use a brush or wheel Woolies if I wanted them perfectly clean but as a spray on, pressure rinse off Ive been super impressed with it. Much cheaper that other offerings like Scholls Concepts Rim 7 and the horrible Bowden's Wheely Clean
@4agte: Add Iron X once a while every 6 months. Makes a huge difference. Too expensive to use frequently. I will try the concuours purge next time. I have been hearing only good things about it.
@4agte: Interesting, the Wheely Clean has seemed fine to me thus far but i'm always keen to try something better. Also from what i can see the Concours Purge seems to be more expensive than Wheely Clean? Or are you talking about buying in bulk?
Why do you start with the dirtiest part?
Start on the roof and work your way down.
That's the approach I use as well except instead of a wash down I use a foam sprayer first to catch the debris for wash down. Your approach is perfect and I wouldn't clay the car regularly. Once a year or max twice a year. Frequent claying can do more damage than good. And a claying should always be followed up with a good polish and some sealant or wax.
I use the two bucket method only between major washes ( Once a month or after rains- Major wash -> Foam on, Hose off, Soap on, Hose off, wipe off with lubricant(ONR diluted or Meguirs Quick Detailer), Spray Wax). Never wipe dry. Always use a lubricant with a microfiber cloth.
No hosing down during two bucket method as it's not required. I go panel by panel and finish off the whole wash under 30 minutes with two bucket method.
The trick here is to use the least amount of contact with the paint. The more you touch the more swirls.
The reason I suggested to wash down in my OP with this particular product is that it has wax in it. It will cause visible swirls if used on a dirty car compared to a non-wax wash solution which is slightly forgiving.
Also important to note is to use just the right amount of soap. Using too much soap will make it harder to rinse off and wax will not layer properly.
Now that I've bought this….. what's the best way to wash a car?
You can read all comments above
with a wire brush
I prefer a sand blaster
Not bad, but going for the pearl look
tried this, and it didn't give me a good clean.
however it left many marks.
Thanks OP - Great low price.
Nice one op
Smells so good you’d think it was a body wash. Can’t quite work out what it is but like bubble gum.
Damn.. I thought I was the only one to find this very pleasant smelling. Kinda of wishing it could be the fragrance for laundry powder
Could you wash yourself with it?
Thanks OP, bought two :)
Thanks OP
Went to SCA for the price match & grabbed oneperfect tining with karate season starting
wot? oh i get it wax on. wax off… duh
oh come on man…
Picked up two today.
Great price :D
Thanks OP, price matched at SCA.
Picked up one this afternoon, the guy said they have been flying out the door all day! I wonder why…
Price matched at SCA and bought 3. The lady at check out said No because limit 1 for price matching (😕) and the manager came and said no limite at all
Yup, i bought two with no issues but SCA procedure requires another staff person to validate the price match
Saves on waxing and leaves a nice shiny protective finish without water spots
No wash and wax provides anywhere near the benefit of waxing, including this one (I've tried it). It also won't inhibit water spots. The only way to avoid them (short of using deionised or distilled water) is to dry the car.
Bought 4 in one transaction from North Parramatta Repco.
Great price! Thanks.