Just come back from my local Woolies. The refrigerators had conked out and they were flogging what couldn't be fitted into working fridge.
Picked up several packs of steak at 50% off. At checkout all items with clearance sticker scanned at $0. Cantered to my car, and returned to hoard for winter.
I find that despite so called technological advancements, I increasingly am exposed to character testing rorts. An example, bought a whole bunch from Jeanswest clearance and used code for a further 50% off. Nothing fit so got refund at original clearance price.
I could go on.
$0 at Self Service Checkout

Last edited 13/03/2019 - 18:54 by 1 other user
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That's right. The local priest wouldn't hear my confession cos he's in the slammer.
Don't drink wine in the sacristy mate.
Better to let the kid pick up your dodgy morals than let the kid neR the priest.
What else do you expect from here?
deals on wireless noise cancelling headphones and rechargeable batteries and all things xaiomi
Wow even Xiaomi has a fake now?
I sincerely think the supermarkets gain more than they lose from price mistakes.
Sorry, care to elaborate?
I don't buy things in a weekly shop, just small daily shops, so my total is small. Together with my mathematical superbrain mental calculator, I'll spot a 10 cent error. Errors are almost exclusively in the supermarket's favour…overcharging. Yes, I can and do apply the scanning code of practice, but many people don't. There would be an error roughly every 2 weeks for me, always in the same direction. In the supermarket's favour. Never in my favour. Given that plenty of people load up one or more trolleys, all their mistakes would go unnoticed.
In my last shop, Woolworths tried to overcharge me $2.50 and it took two checkout chicks to realise their error even when explained to them. They just blindly followed whatever the computer said until the third time they were told.
I genuinely can't remember an error in my favour in hundreds of shops. Dozens not in my favour.
@[Deactivated]: I've had many more errors in my favour. I've been undercharged up to $50 at various restaurants, charged for small drinks instead of the large at cafés, received other peoples' more expensive items for various things, charged $200 for something that should've been $1200. etc.
I've been honest every time I've been aware of it, by alerting people to their pricing mistakes and paying up in full because it just feels like theft to me if I don't remedy it.
I don't actually think there's anything wrong with what OP did. The machines aren't employees of Woolies, so it's not as if it's an employee making a mistake and giving OP too much change, the machines effectively are Woolies - this is similar to taking advantage of a pricing error.
Fraud is nothing to boast about. It's obvious you're not a nice person.
You are bound to their T&C's when you purchase a product and took advantage of a loop hole for monetary gain.
Let me guess, you came to a bargain website expecting praise and admiration? You underestimated your audience mate.
and you didn't post this work around deal for others to benefit from???
I want the opportunity to steal too.I defended you above, but this is straight up fraud. You can't represent to the shop that the bike was paid for (and so you are entitled to a refund) when you know it hasn't been paid for.
The above maybe, but this is calculated and dishonest.
The clerk would not have initiated the refund unless you were dishonest to her. Poor kid probably got their ass handed to them when the boss found out.I gave you the benefit of the doubt when reading your post and comment above but I wrongly assumed you don’t have kids. I love chasing a bargain, hence why I’m a member, but I have morals and want to teach my kids right from wrong by showing them. If the mistake was a few dollars I don’t bother telling anyone as it would take more time than it’s worth but for significant amounts like you have suggested I couldn’t live with myself to not tell someone. I actually feel sorry for your kids as they are the ones affected here by your unethical actions.
Picked up several packs of steak at 50% off.
This should be a deal on the front page. What woollies?
From OP:
At checkout all items with clearance sticker scanned at $0
This suggests that it's not a catalogue special. It was probably just some packs close to the use-by date so wouldn't qualify for a deal (limited quantity).
Sounds like OP hoarded them all so wouldn't have been 10 left to meet posting guidelines
I find that despite so called technological advancements
You call it that, we call it unethical/immoral. But sure
So you’re a thieving scumbag. Righto.
And the point of the post is?
To brag. If true things like this are better kept to oneself.
forwarded to the woolies fraud department
expect a call or a knock on the door soon :)
maybe today, maybe tomorrow
they will be coming one day!Unfortunately such exploits are discouraged here….which is ironic considering this is a bargain site…..
bargain <> fraud/theft
Confessions of an extreme bargainer. Nothing to see, move on.
You should be ashamed of yourself yet you have the audacity to be proud of what you are doing
Dear Lord, why has this community become such a parade of self-righteous indignation and feel-good moral relativism? The outcry from the OzBargain crowd is quite ironic here; leveling accusations of unethical and immoral character at a guy who has done nothing illegal, when this place is literally a breeding ground for the pathologically greedy and money-obsessed who spend stupendous amounts of time working out how to shave dollars off pointless purchases, bang the ACCC war drums at retailers whenever their parcels are a day late, cry wolf over petty squabbles with councils and builders over some cosmetic building damage and learn how to micro-manage their life's finances to the point of being a para-CPA just so you can cling onto your socio-economic bracket with all the fervor of a cultist. Clearly sanity exemplified.
I'm sure you're all pacifist, vegan Daoist monks, who are living exemplars of upright morality, altruism and selfless compassion and your wealth and material possessions definitely don't come to you at the expense of others' misfortunes and suffering.
Just don't think too much about:
- The modern-day enslaved chattel who make 90% of what you consume, whose indentured servitude you directly contribute to you with your demand for pointless crap and rock-bottom prices.
- What those taxes you pay are actually funneled into, e.g. fighting wars on behalf of extra-national interests, detaining people trafficked from said war zones, mass violations of civil liberties via warrantless surveillance of everyone and their dog, corrupt political programs that line politician's pockets, etc.
- The corporations that employ you to turn the wheels of their vast empires whose entire business model is racketeering by another name, not to mention tax evasion, anti-competitive behaviour, practicing accounting fraud like there's an annual Enron Award, illegally withholding earnings from workers, unduly influencing legislators to shape a regulatory-free business environment for them and using predatory tactics to silence legitimate criticism. None of that would be possible without the silent consent of the working man.
But that's okay because ignorance is innocence and the law operates under entirely the same principle.
We now you return you to your regular schedule of the professionally outraged, middle-class throwing a hissy fit because they've seen a man pick change up off the street.woolworth's are unethical and have violated the law on numerous occasions in their conduct towards myself. So for you to get one up on them, congrats! Scan on!
How exactly are they unethical?
Disability discrimination
So you came here to boast about unethical/immoral conduct? Is this the way you would want your child to behave?