Recommended Heat and Serve Supermarket Meals?

So I needed to get an "instant meal" from the supermarket for someone in hospital, as there were no healthy takeaway shops open .

I made the mistake of purchasing a Woolworths Thai Green Curry from the deli section for my wife. On opening the pack it looked pretty poor, smelled even worse after heating and apart from the rice was unpalatable.

This was a 1/10 , so what should I be looking for as I only have access to ColesWorthDi?

Any recommendations?


  • I don’t mind the weight watchers ones. The tuna bake is quite nice, moorish even. And usually $2.90 on sale.

    I’ve also heard good things about Aldi’s range but not yet tried them myself.

  • +2
  • I would say pretty much all microwaveable meals are quite poor and not worthwhile. Coles have a grab and go range in the fresh sandwich fridges that isn't half bad though. Most will likely require an oven.

  • +1

    baked beans and canned spaghetii

  • I was told that the deli has chilled meals that are a bit fresher and tastier than the frozen, so that's why I thought I would give it a go.

    Will stay in the frozen section next time I need an instant meal.

    I'll check out Super Future Brand too! Thanks

    As it was for the hospital patient all I had access to was a microwave.

    • +1

      sorry i typed super future first, for some reason that always comes to my mind.. but yeh it is super nature hehe.

  • if you are in L.A. then go to the 365 whole food supermarket on Glendale Blvd. awesome ready to go meals. and their generic brand vodka is bliss.

    • +1

      do they deliver :) ?

  • The Aldi microwave green chicken curry + rice is actually delicious however I've had too many dodgy ones so stopped buying them. Eg rice gone bad before use-by date, or the curry just tasting wrong compared to usual. But you could try your luck.
    I used to have one a week for an easy work lunch.

  • +3

    Aldi butter chicken with a satchel of their steamed vegetables mixed in after heating separately. Wouldn't want to live on it but perfect for a cheap, quick meal.

  • +2

    You could always cook and take it to them in tupperware.

    Or alternatively, Woolworths sell portions of roast chicken, chicken tenders and other such stuff at the deli, all hot/warm ready to eat. Then buy a garden salad or caesar salad from the produce section and you have a meal.

    Another option is to buy some cold meats, some bread, cheese and some veggies and have a old school wog spread haha

  • The Pitango range of soups is pretty good.

  • Go to aldi "fresh"ish non frozen food like thai green curry, chicken masala, singapore noodles, nasi goreng. All are yummy

  • If not urgent, you can always order youfoodz online.
    As for supermarkets.. The ready made salads and sandwiches are usually fine. Frozen lasagna is normally edible too.

  • Super Nature Super Foods Middle Eastern Chicken With Quinoa Tabbouleh 350g

    This is my favorite. Most of the stuff by, "Super Nature Super Foods" is delicious. That's saying something as I hate frozen meals. Did I mention their stuff is healthy? Currently $5 at Woolworths.…

    • Did I mention their stuff is healthy?

      Fat, total 25.9g
      Carbohydrate 50.4g
      – sugars 14.4g
      Sodium 1760mg

      • My blood pressure is sky rocketing at those sodium levels.

      • Pull it from their website…

        Fat, total 25.9g 8.8g
        Carbohydrate 50.4g 53.6g
        – sugars 14.4g 18.6g
        Sodium 1760mg 910mg

        Considering its a 350G serve those numbers are not bad.

  • Youfoodz is fine and some IGAs carry them from memory.

  • +1

    Any recommendations?

    Choose a hospital that has food for patients.

  • Most TV Dinners are full of salt, sugar and fat. That's what makes them yummy.

    light and Easy are about the only reasonably healthy ones.

    Question: Whats wrong with the hospital food? Sure there is some rubbish on the menu but if you choose properly it's OK.

    • We were in emergency so no food

  • grab a packet of biscuits, you are at the supermarket, grab whatever you fancy :)

  • Aldi butter chicken curry, rice is poor-ish but daaaaaaaaaaaamn, the curry is pretty spot on

    • Guy at work had the Aldi Thai Green Curry, he gave it the thumbs up! I will have to try!

  • Aldi sell youfoodz

  • +1

    Hope the wife's ok. The pitango range isn't too bad.

    • +1

      I love the fact you are the only one concerned about the wife while we are all posting bargains :P

      • +1

        I'm nice like that :)

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