This was posted 6 years 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[QLD] 2x Small Fries, 2x Small Drinks, 1x Cheeseburger, 1x Tomato Burger, 1x Pickle Mustard Burger for $3.50 @ McDonald's (App)


This is a really cheap skate deal if you are after a cheap feed at Maccas

First order the $2 quarter pounder on special today and minus the beef patty -$3.00

Then order the small Chicken McFeast meal and minus the chicken patty $-3.50

Then order the $3 small cheeseburger meal they have on special

Total $3.50 for cheese burger, 2 small fries, 2 small drinks and 2 weird arse vegetarian burgers.

That was my lunch

Have fun!!!

Mod: Quoted prices are from a store in Brisbane, QLD. Check the app for your local store, reports suggest not all QLD stores have the same pricing.

Prices elsewhere (from 1 store): SA $5.75, NSW $5.75.

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closed Comments

    • +7

      yep skateboard is fine

      • -6


    • +1


  • +18

    When will this madness end…

    • -8

      This deal is made up, the beef is worth -$2.25 and the chicken is -$2.

      So if you do this you will pay $5.75 and not $3.50.

      So basically for 25c more you get a real cheese burgar instead of two meatless burgar which you'll likely put in the bin.

      No deal.

      • +4

        The meat is worth different prices in different states.

        • The deal currently is state wide… so yea it doesnt work.

          • @Bryanalves: Ok then, stay ignorant.

            • +3

              @nuts: On this site if a deal is specific to a state it is shown. Not trying to be rude.

              • +3

                @Bryanalves: You know what, I agree with you. It doesn’t work in every state and isn’t flagged as such and honestly, the whole idea is weird as.

      • +1

        Not too sure what your reply has to do with what I said 😂😂

  • +7


    • +34


      • +1

        Gargle gargle?

        • +5

          user name checks out

  • +1

    wait…this works? This is my dinner if it still works by dinner time
    bring on the carbs!

    • +5

      bring on the crabs!

      They do seafood?

      • +14

        oops i meant carbs (/)(;,,;)(/)

      • Maybe @Tsuska has a hot dinner date with someone classy

    • -2

      lol yes it works I just had it

      • How was the crabs?

    • +1

      I don't think it works everywhere. eg. the Mcfeast chicken meal is no longer available in some areas in Vic. Additionally the patties are worth different amounts in different areas.

  • +9

    Man seriously, I'd rather go to Hungry Jacks and use their sensible sounding (but cheap) vouchers.

  • +1

    Not sure how many Ozb guys and girls gain fatty from these deals

  • Minus quarter pounder meat is -$2.25.
    Minus chicken is -$2

    This figures in this deal doesn't work.

    Anyone else can make the meat deduct per this post?

    • +3

      Different state has different pricing. I think Op is from WA

      • +1

        Before the mods put in the state (qld) the deal was aus wide, so i negged to point it out.

        • +1

          I'm in Queensland, patty was -$2.25

          • @Nuggets: Lol then tell the mods with report function. Im in vic and its $2.25 here too.

  • +4

    Don’t forget Student Edge for the extra medium drink if you spend $3 or more.

  • -1

    you look like a utter fool doing this, gratz to people who enjoys this, think most people unemployed on Centrelink would be doing this. If you really want to save cook your own food at home it’s always cheaper.

  • +3

    This is the ozbargain spirit in action.

  • +41

    Just order the on special burgers ffs.
    There a 15 year old kids on slave labour rates getting yelled at by failing mid-20s managers for service times because you mongs are trying to save 35c at Maccas…

    • This is bringing back memories….

      • +3

        Me too, except I was at Hungry Jacks.
        Why I felt the need to comment. I'm sure I'll get negged but this is real ordinary.

        • I'm sure I'll get negged

          Your original comment is currently sitting at +40. You're not the only sane and reasonable person here.

    • -2

      So you’re the kid getting yelled at?

    • +5

      By the looks of the comments on amazon, Ozbargain doesn’t care if a kitten is killed in the process of saving a buck, let alone someone who has to work hard to meet standards.

      But I agree with ya.

    • +1

      In Victoria these 15yos would be on $10.46 + 20% casual loading.

      There are no service level times except for in Drive Thru.

      These orders would take no time at all for anybody somewhat competent.

      The managers make around $750~ after tax a week. Plenty of worse things to be doing.

    • -1

      +1 for the appropriate use of the word "mongs"

  • +2

    ROFL this is why I love ozbargain

  • +4

    Question is - would you sit there with your bizarre meal going 'wow great bargain' or 'wow this is a weird lunch, wish I'd just gotten something normal'

    • Never had a cheese and salad sandwich then?

    • I think it is more like okay let us eat this meal that an ozbargain "prepared" for me.

      It is 100% because ozbargain hilarity.. or as the fellow cool kids say "do it for the vine".

  • +10

    Great innovation OP. Steaming ahead with R&D at OzB.

    • +13

      Steaming ahead with R&D at OzB.

      McDonalds marketing department sees all of these weird 'burgers', so they develop their own meatless burger which no one buys :S

      "We've had 5,000 of these meatless burgers in the last week, this is obviously what our clients want!"

  • +2

    You people are weird. I took away the mustard and ketchup on my $2 quarter pounder and added lettuce and big mac sauce for $1. $3 Extra Cheesy quarter pound Big Mac.

  • +1

    $2 quartar poundar $2
    No Qtr lb Beef Patty -$2.25
    Subtotal: -$0.25

    Maccars pay me to eat a beefless quartar poundar burgar?

    • +1

      Is your "e" key broken or something?

  • +3

    Just be careful, they might put "additional ingredients" for your efforts

  • I'm in Qld…. I have the tax invoice total $3.50

    yes it may be different or might not work in other states… apologies

    but I'm just surprised it worked at all

  • +8

    Pretty lame, Milhouse.

  • +1

    Pictures please, or it didnt happen… :P

  • +1

    Now this is podracing!

  • +3


    • +2

      I’m cancelling your licence.

      You turned down free onions?

      • +1

        lol yeh don't like onions

        • +9

          Just scrape them off and ask around the other tables if anyone wants to buy them for 20c

          • @[Deactivated]: ok now we hitting close to rock bottom lol

            someone should do a tv series of this.. i would watch it.. i guess we need somebody who looks like a total stereotype ozbargain bogan

            • @AlienC: Rock bottom? haha not even close.. try watching the TV show "Extreme Cheapskates" - those people really hit the bottom.

              • @steelpanther: Oh man that show is the definition of insanity makes me feel normal

        • Fail.

  • Bugger off! Tomatoes burger

  • Don’t forget the free sugar packs

  • profit

  • Wonder what it'll look like on the Grill KVS?

  • I don't get all these hacks for this junk food. I guess because I am old and do not eat this crap and can afford real food. Anyway good luck junk food junkies with your hacks.

  • +1

    $5.75 in WA
    $2 off chicken mcfeast meal
    And $2.25 off a meatless quarter pounder meal

  • +4

    what a joke. Not only is that an extremely unhealthy meal but disgusting.

  • +6

    Can we stop posting these rubbish fast food hacks, it isn't funny anymore. As if anyone wants a garbage pickle and mustard burger.

    • +1

      Plenty of vegetarians on here who actually order burgers sans meat.

      • Then they already know they get it cheaper.

      • They might as well buy a loaf of bread/buns at woollies or coles and some spread for that.

        • +1

          im not vego, but why is it so hard for some people to understand that others may not eat certain meats, for personal reasons?

    • +4

      it isn't funny anymore

      I dispute the implication that it was funny to begin with.

  • The spicy Nuggets are really good. Much better than their standard crummy ones

  • +1

    Lol, I applaud the commitment to a deal. I can't bring myself to do it though.

    👄🎶 I would do anything for grub, oh I would do anything for grub, I would do anything for for grub, but I wont do that… no I wont do that… 🎶

  • +5

    It's really boring to see these "bargains" posted constantly… seriously can we give it a rest?

    • -2

      lol opinions are like ars*holes, everyone's got one

  • What happens if you put through just the Quarter Pounder no beef? On my app its saying -$1.00 and it lets me checkout.

    • Well they are not going to refund but I assume you just get it free minus patty. I used the $1 credit towards other purchases

      $1.50 for small fries and drink pretty good. Small mcfeast meal minus chicken.

  • +1

    Have you no SHAME ;/

  • went through the drive through they refused to give it to me unless i paid $2 for the burger without a patty. i declined and left so they cancelled the online order and app said i ordered satchel of salt, even though i got email of tax invoice for burger no charge on credit card.

    • Bad luck man. I ordered and paid credit card on the app. That way they can't squeeze any money from you.

  • +4

    Far out Brussel sprouts, if you guys are that hungry and of course cheap and live in Western Sydney, I'm willing to buy you a free meal to save you some dignity.

    • pickle mustard burger …. think dumpster diving would come up with something better.

      I would be impressed if someone would work out a deal where you don't take the bun, but get the meat pattie on the cheap.

    • +1

      Nice said, exactly what I said few days ago, the desperation of saving some cents and making life more miserable for the staff already working at there, give them a break.

  • +1

    Why? If you are this desperate go to a homeless food truck for some real grub instead of this crap.

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