This is a genuine product, Made in Korea. It includes a real Kimchi sachet. Product expiry is 30/03/2019.
[VIC] Jongga Kimchi Ramen Instant Noodle, 140gm Bowl, $6 per carton of 12, (was $36) @ KFL Supermarket, Springvale

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$36 per carton of 12? They're dreaming
Didnt you read the title? $6 for 12
before the sale $36
Didn't you?
$3.50 each seems a bit steep also..
Kind of off topic, but I have a tub of Kimchi that has gone fiizzy”, is this normal? The last tub I had went fizzy after a month and then a few months later was quite nice, but this current tub is still fizzy. I keep the tub in the fridge. Any suggestions or comments?
There's nothing wrong with it, it just happens during fermentation, its co2 buildup. It's possible that you're last tub was opened a few times before it started tasting nice, which is because you let some of it escape. It's actually considered a good thing, means it's been fermenting well. It is a personal preference though. I wouldn't worry unless it starts growing mould or something though. You can always cook with it, make kimchi pancakes or jigae etc as it will tone down the fizzines.
Thanks for the advice :)
Product expiry is 30/03/2019.
no thanks.
Kimchi and Sauerkraut. Two things I've added to my "never again" list.
I've tried both, but found I prefer my cabbage unfermented.
That's a shame, they're good for your gut bacteria.
they'll probably sell them for $3 in a week given the expiry date is approaching.