• expired

NBN 50/20 Unlimited $59/Month First 6 Months ($79/Month Thereafter) @ Aussie Broadband (New Customers)


NBN has finally hit my area. Received a letter from Aussie broadband for the $79 plan reduced to $59 for the first 6 months with the code SAYNOMORE20.

$79 plan is unlimited data on NBN50 with no lock in contract.

Mod Edit: Applies to 50/20 & 100/40 Unlimited Plans Only.

NBN 50/20 Unlimited Plan: $79/Month ($59/Month for the first 6 months)
NBN 100/40 Unlimited Plan: $99/Month ($79/Month for the first 6 months)

Referral Links

Referral: random (265)

$50 each for referrer & referee apply afterwards.

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Aussie Broadband
Aussie Broadband

closed Comments

    • -1

      I doubt it but you could ask.

    • +1

      Makes no difference.

      The business plans allow for static IP and other hosting services, but there's no issue with businesses signing up to these plans if its just internet access you want. I know first hand because I signed up my business to their resi plans.

  • +3

    So can i sign up for 100mbps for first 6 months then roll back to 50mbps after that since there's no lock in contract?

    • Yes but only on your billing cycle

    • +1

      Yes, but ABB will move you to a lower plan if your line is not able to achieve over 50Mbps.

      Remember an RSP can charge you for 100Mbps if you can get 51Mbps down.

    • +1

      Yep you can change your plan every billing cycle/mth

  • I'd suggest for people to take the $20 for 6mths (except if you want to port your home phone, then stay clear), them look to jump ship.

    There are others out there with their own decent networks too.


    Future Broadband
    Superloop (my current RSP $90/mth 100/40)

    • Clarification please… are you saying that Future Broadband and Superloop have network infrastructure as good as Aussie Broadband? Or are you just using the general term "decent" to describe their service?

      Because no way on Earth either of those two ISP's have the backhaul Aussie does. It's not all about $ mate. ABB aren't the cheapest, but there's a reason for that. Chasing bargains and churning is a pain in the… foot. Reward good product and stay with an Australian company that's finally doing the right things by Australians!

      • Superloop haven't quite got the same POI coverage as yet (still a few months away), but backhaul is as good and from my cutover testing the international links were better to Singapore, UK, Netherlanda, LA.

        I haven't used Future Broadband, but they have a business quality network with better redundancy. Using AAPT & Telstra (both have much more extensive network them either ABB or Superloop).

      • Superloop claims they have 10Gbps or 100Gbps uplink for all POI, which is substantially better than ABB uplink.

        All ABB CVC graph shows under 5Gbps, mostly around 2Gbps.
        You can see they purchase CVC in 100Mbps block but then some of POIs are locked to set x Gbps despite congestion.
        Which indicates they don't have 10Gbps network gear hence they need to provision another port to increase CVC which may or may not available.

        I don't think there is any substantial difference for backhaul as they both are not an ISP with mega $$$.
        So likely just about paying the usual guys like AAPT, Vocus etc.

        • Interesting… thanks chaps. I haven't noticed a drop in speeds internationally, but it's certainly something to keep an eye on.
          I was originally on the 250mbps plan for the first month (I signed up to a first month free deal), just to see how the rich folk live… damn, amazing!

          But even now on the 'lowly' 100mbps plan, I'm never below 95 even during peak times. They are fast.

          • @UFO: With which RSP?

        • +5

          You're confusing backhaul (10 or 100Gbps) with purchased CVC which is the units of 100Mbps you mentioned.

          ABB has purchased 10Gbps redundant backhaul to all POIs (except maybe Tassie).

          For all intents ABB and Superloop are not hugely different WRT backhaul except that Superloop hasn't actually finished building to all POIs.

          In reality purchased CVC vs customer usage is what matters. You don't want an RSP that purchases excessive CVC as they will either go broke or be charging you more than necessary. The ideal is to purchase the minimum necessary to avoid congestion which is what ABB do.

          • @goosmurf: Got pushed from Skymesh onto Superloop after 7 years on the same FTTP plan. Superloop honour the price, on their superior plan (500gb vs 100gb) and when contacted to get the auto payment sorted were friendly and fast. Had never heard of them before but if they can keep it up they are real challengers imo.

          • @goosmurf: You're confusing backhaul with POI uplink they are two different things.

            Backhaul is the ultimate exit point in DC where all POI uplink get aggregated.

            Which is indifferent from buying any DC uplink as a business.

            I would be surprised if any RSP with reasonable customer base uses single 10Gbps for, likely, one or more states. Once saw MyRepublc gears and it's massive.

            My point is anecdotal evidence, ABB POI CVC, indicates they are provisioning 1Gbps port.

            For example, if you look at the Ringwood POI, There is clear congestion during peqk time but ABB CVC never go above 2Gbps. My guess is they need to provision another 1Gbps port to do so.

            • @[Deactivated]: I see what you're saying WRT backhaul vs NNI but I'm not sure that ABB are limited by NNI, especially at Ringwood.

              You can see the history of CVC increases at Ringwood here: https://ct.id.au/abb-cvc/?p=ringwood&s=20190222000000&e=2019…

              They only upgraded it to 2Gbps just yesterday.

              If you look at larger POIs such as Traralgon you'll see they use multiple 10Gbps NNIs.

              At the end of the day, does it really matter? As long as the RSP manages all the bits to for reliability and minimal congestion why should the end-user care?

              Superloop keep talking about building to all POIs at 10 or 100Gbps because it's great marketing. But the reality is they haven't actually reached all POIs yet (at last announcement 77 of 121, ref: p11 of https://www.asx.com.au/asxpdf/20190225/pdf/442xm5n5tcdtt2.pd…), and I'm reasonably sure they don't have the customer volumes to need even 10Gbps to most POIs.

              For those following along looking for a decent provider, you won't go wrong with any of the 3 mentioned in this thread: ABB, Superloop or Future Broadband.

  • I've been with Optus for cable and moving to HFC nbn now. It looks like Optus is offering the same thing for 70$ a month. Their service seems fine right now for cable, anyone know if it's worth moving or if Optus's nbn is worse?

    • Jump over to whirlpool, there's been lots of issues with Optus NBN (most likely due to over selling/not buying enough bandwidth from NBNco and not having enough backhaul bandwidth).


      The Aussie plan is probably the best value for the first 6mths. But don't go there if you want to port your landline (its just not worth the hassle).

      Do you know what speeds they're offering for $70/mth?

      • They're offering NBN 50, on their site it says avg 45mb/s but then in the Critical Info Summary it notes that it's an average of what users get and they don't guarantee any minimal speeds. I'm most likely looking to move, I'll rather have something stable. Been having problems with optus on and off. Just been pretty stable for last year.

        • Yeah it's funny, I've got friends in the neighbourhood who've said the same with Optus Cable, i suspect it was because people have moved over the the NBN in the greater area and thus the cable network load has dropped.

          If there's no contract, then its worth a try. But I really wouldn't advise anyone signing a contract on NBN, certainly mot for longer then 12mth. The landscape is changing. There's lots of new players coming in. You just don't want ro be locked in on a dud RSP.

          • @[Deactivated]: The whole ordeal with NBN has been horrible, making the aus public have to shop around for plans but not knowing the true speeds until you sign up. It's like a mystery box ordeal where you don't know what you get until you have opened the box.

            Optus cable has been constant rollercoaster with some months having the slowest internet in the world where then you get a whole year of solid performance everyday. Generally I would like to move off them due to their terrible customer service.

            Everyone selling NBN is on super fine margins, there's hardly any money to be made since they're just reselling bandwidth from the government. We need NBNco to start selling bandwidth/connections for less to actually get cheaper internet.

            • @POSITIVEVIBESONLY: Yes, I believe if/whe6m Labor win govt they're talking about writing off NBNco's debt allowing it to drop pricing.


              To be fair to NBNco quite a bit of the issues are RSP/ISP's fault for over selling what bandwidth they've bought to share amongst their customers. And then how much backhaul they've got going from nbnco to their own data centres.

              • @[Deactivated]: Politicians do a lot of talking at election time. If they haven't announced the detail of a policy and the cost to the budget, you can assume that once elected nothing happens.

                • @philart: True. But at least they're talking about it. The current mob seem to think the current plain vanilla NBN is fine.

      • Can you presented elaborate on why its such a hassle to port the landline over to Aussie?

  • Hoping to get some insights into moving from Optus NBN to ABB for my small business.

    I currently have optus nbn with landline for about $80 ( unlimited calls)

    I need the phone line everyday for calls.

    Should have never switched to nbn in the first place as I get nbn outage 3-4 times a year and affect my business completely.

    Is ABB good choice to move to for nbn and the landline?

    • If you need your landline, I'd be careful
      Here's my oldies experience

      Bit I would personally move you phone over to a business grade VoIP provider (like Maxotel), that way it's independent of your RSP (and There's no reason you need to be tied to them). Also you get great features like being able to be able to answer landline on your mobile or get emailed voicemails. The place for advice is on Whirlpool


      With NBN drop outs, thats most like NBN network issue (that will be the same whoever you go with). You're probably better off going with Telstra/Vodafone who offer 4G backup (so im theory if NBN fails, it fails over the 4G).

    • I think for business it would be better to go with Optus as they have customer service reps who can come down to meet with you. Also, they are able to price more competitively. Just some insight on speaking with my company's Optus account manager

      • For small business Optus seem to treat you like a residential customer..

  • I was with Tangerine Telecom before switching to ABB today.One thing I can say Tangerine customer care is far better than ABB .They are super responsive with the live chat and resolved all my issues within the live chats.In other case ABB live chat is a joke and sent an enquiry last week via email and responded today with an unsatisfactory reply

  • Can someone clarify, with the 50/20 speed plan, is it capped to 50/20 even in offpeak times? e.g 3am in the morning, will it still be capped or can it reach 100mb? thanks

    • Capped at 50/20. Is there an ISP that you know of that uncaps plans off-peak?

      • +1

        It's about the NBN charges for Acess Virtual Circuit. RSP need to pay more for higher speed tier regardless of usage.

        • Exactly. My reply was sort of a rhetorical question 😉 I supposed I should just have explained it like you did. (Thanks for that, btw.)

  • anyone have any idea about the terms and conditions of this offer? ive recently rented out my brothers house who has aussie broadband, and his nbn hfc 100/40 offer is ending in a month. I'd like to have the internet put in my name, and was thinking about disconnecting and reconnecting in my name? Could I potentially use this offer?

    • I did a little experiment (disconnect->reconnect after a few days) and confirmed it is definitely NOT some automatic discount applied by the system when you enter the code into the box.

      Likely a real person reviews the signup request and applies the discount manually.

      So I'd say don't hold your breath for it.

      • yours was in the same name though? i understand that. my brother no longer lives here, have a rental agreement etc. I may have to investigate and find out

        • According to the Promotions Terms & Conditions:

          • promotions only apply to new customers


          • a discount cannot be applied to an address within 60 days of any other discount being applied, unless you can prove you are a new owner/rental tenant (not flatmate) of that address

          This covers your situation precisely: 1) you are a new customer (presumably you haven’t been a customer of ABB in the past 6 months), and 2) you are a new rental tenant of an address. Provided you can prove your new tenant status to ABB's satisfaction, then this offer should be applicable.

          That your brother is the owner and the previous tenant shouldn't have any bearing.

  • If my NBN connection is FTTB (apartment building), can a change of ISP while maintaining a 50/20 plan really make a difference to capped speeds and drop-outs?

  • I was with Telstra for a month and no issue with speed and watching foxtel now. Interestingly when I am with ABB, about every ten minutes watching foxtel, it is buffering. Using Telstra modem and exact configuration with Telstra. What can be wrong?

    • It was a while ago since I did it, but I think you have to open ports on your firewall for Foxtel to let it work 'properly'.
      Maybe these ports are automatically configured by the Telstra setup (Foxtel = Telstra), but for a 3rd party it might need to be done manually.
      Google it… now that I'm typing this I'm almost certain Foxtel (especially IQ3 and 4) needs open ports.

      For reference, I stream every day on ABB for Foxtel and have never had an issue as you describe. I'm not home to check my set up though, so can't give a more exact answer straight up.

      • Will foxtel now and iq3/4 the same configuration? I am using foxtel now and chrome cast it.

  • -6


    • +1

      See this bargain for the current offer for existing 6+ months customers (i.e. joined before 18 Aug 2018).

      • Exactly. Hopefully the tantrum will be deleted.

        We know what ABB is all about. A discount should never be expected/demanded.

  • +1

    Best ISP around and I've been around.

  • How long to get connected? FTTP

    • +2

      You already have the NTD I’m assuming? If so, anywhere from a few minutes to a couple of hours. Should be closer to a few minutes and they’ll just activate on the next UNI-D port.

      If you don’t already have an existing NTD, then all depends on when NBN can send out a tech.

      • Yep already have existing connection. Cool thanks for the info!

        • +2

          No worries, even if you connect now it’s all automated so should be done pretty quickly.

          Changes my folks over ages ago when they were with Internode, and they churned over within 4 minutes of submitting the order (was about 9pm on a Tuesday with a FTTN). Pretty good system Aussie have set up.

  • +1

    Just a word of warning, the Netcomm NF18ACV has been an absolute dud for me. Had countless connectivity issues with it to date that support haven't been able to help with it at all. Go through Whirlpool and it's a pretty common thread.

    I go to my bedroom and still have line of site of the router and signal completely drops out. My partner and I constantly get kicked off the WiFi, 10 times or more an hour. I'm going to insist on another unit being sent but I'm not optimistic. I'm currently using my old Telstra Smart Modem and it's flawless.

    • +1

      I also have a NF18ACV and would not recommend it.

      It blows my mind that ABB still continue to sell them. See this thread on the latest firmware, including comments from an ABB rep.

      I did the whole factory reset thing over a year ago, and Wi-Fi is mostly fine. But I still have to reboot the thing periodically because either CPU usage will randomly max out causing it to be super slow, or Wi-Fi will randomly die. Sometimes just the 5GHz Wi-Fi dies and 2.4GHz continues to work… why?!

      You're almost certainly better off buying a your own router.

      I bought the NF18ACV from ABB thinking it would be easier to have it supported by them. But the intermittent nature of the issues makes it painful to provide any useful diagnostics so I can't see these issues ever being fixed, negating any benefits from it being "supported". Read: it's not worth the time trying to fix these issues, just avoid them by buying a router that isn't so flakey.

      • I have the NF17ACV which I bought when I first signed up for NBN, absolute piece of crap.

  • If I move from telstra HFC to Aussie, what's best way to minimize the downtime? Any idea?

    • ABB provisioning for existing connection took exactly 30 minutes for me.
      Seemed like they are running scheduled batch every hour.
      (In the same context, disconnection ABB happens a few minutes after the midnight if anyone wonder)

  • Thanks OP Switched over to ABB last night, took 1.5 hrs from sign up on my phone, including 45 min hold time. Pretty quick. Good timing as my current plan expires in 5 days. $59 50/20 Unlimited.

  • Hmm, I'm currently on Leaptel 50/20 for $79/month. Might be time to switch.

    Any idea what their gamers NBN is:


  • Now I’m getting more than 2 apology emails for network interruptions from them per month Instead of just 1, and with this popularity I’m sure will be getting more than 1 email of apology every week .

  • Thanks OP! Just signed up to switch. 5 mins after I completed sign up process, internet went down and after a few mins I am with ABB! Quickest and easiest churn EVER!

  • Not happy as an existing customer. I haven't received any promotion when I signed up NBN service. Also, the speed is not as fast as expected. Consider switch another provider.

    • Assuming your NBN connection is FTTN, you have no issues with your modem/local network, and you are checking your speed correctly, the main factor limiting your non-peak period speed would be the state/length of the copper from your premises to the node. Switching to a different service provider cannot, and will not, fix this.

      Peak-period speed is a different matter. However, ABB is one of the best RSPs in this respect, and whilst you might get a marginal increase in speed, you are more likely to get a more substantial decrease in peak-period speed by switching providers.

      As for slow international speeds compared to local speeds, that situation is a bit more complicated.

  • -2

    Tried to chat wit them but put off by terrible customer service!!

  • When will this deal end?

    • These "first 6 months" deals typically last until the end of the month. Can’t find an official source though.

      • so until end of March?

        • Yes, that would be my understanding. (It would probably be a good idea to contact ABB to confirm this.)

          Note that although the previous identical deal finished on February 28, there’s no guarantee that a new one will be available for April. You can however, of course, use this for pre-orders if your area is going RFS within 3 months.

  • How do people find the hardware from Aussie BB? Is it worth using what they have or getting something else?

  • Any existing customer been able to get into one of these deals?

    I know it says new customers, but you never know :p~

    • +1

      I think it's been mentioned before that they classify you as new if you haven't had service with them for 6months.

      Here, it says 60 days though. Might be worth talking to a rep if you're keen.

      a discount cannot be applied to an address within 60 days of any other
      discount being applied, unless you can prove you are a new owner/rental
      tenant (not flatmate) of that address

  • Is there a way for me to take advantage of this deal if my RFS date is in May? Can I sign-up now, with activation date on service connection?

    • Yes, promo codes can be used within the pre-order window (up to 3 months prior to the RFS date).

      • Signed up

  • Is there a "connection fee" to hook up a new NBN account with ABB when it becomes available? Iinet wanted $79 to book a preorder change from ADSL2 to FTTN.

    • +1

      No. There is no upfront payment required from ABB.

      Note that you can only pre-order up to 3 months prior to the RFS date.

  • I joined Aussie NBN and today's my first day using it, speed's quite fast, I'd say better than TPG and Mate's.

  • Would someone please explain if a change of ISP will reduce drop-out rates with an FTT(apartment)B NBN connection, or will there be no difference?

    • +1

      If it’s due to losing actual line sync, then no, changing RSP’s won’t make any difference as that’s an issue with the NBN infrastructure somewhere along the line.

      If you’re just losing authentication, then it could help. Have you tried different modems to see if that helps with the dropouts? A good and stable option which is relatively cheap is the Telstra Gateway Max TG799vac. Can get them for $20-30 off Gumtree or a bit more on eBay if you can’t pickup.

      • Thank you Porthos, that is very helpful :-)

        • +1

          No worries, let me know if you need any more help :-)

          If you’re unhappy with your current RSP anyway then nothing to really lose churning to Aussie and seeing if it improves it (or if support can help you narrow down the issue). If you’re not happy with them then just churn it someone else as you won’t be locked into a contract (just select the ‘Build your own Plan’ selector when you sign up).

  • i'm preordering the NBN as its coming to my area soon. I have a TP-Link N600 which does says NBN compatible. Just wonder anyone has the same modem and has no issue using it for NBN? Dont want to pay $150 for a new modem if the current modem will work. But, read on some online forum chat and some users mentioned that it doesn't support the new VDSL standard that FTTN contains (whatever that means) and had some issue of connecting to NBN with this modem.

    also, it only says NBN is coming soon to my area but doesn't says how long. From the previous comments that it only allows up to 3 months to take advantage of this offer, so how am i finding out exact time frame that it will be available to me?

    thank in advance.

  • -8

    Can I cancel my service and reorder to get this 50/25 rate?

    • +1

      Ring them and ask.

      You've voted down a deal that you want. Remember to explain that, somehow.

      • -2

        That's because I rang them and they said NO :)

        NEW Money is more important that Loyal Long Term Money

  • I am currently using TPG(ADSL 2+) and using TPlink W8980 which says NBN ready. Would it work with NBN or do I need to buy new modem?

    • All depends what access technology you’re on.

      If it’s FTTP/FTTC/HFC/Fixed Wireless/Satellite then yes.

      If it’s FTTN/FTTB then no, as it’s only an ADSL modem, not a VDSL2 modem.

      Don’t you just love the MTM? :-)

  • Finally Bit the bullet and Signed up for NBN with ABB, Best decision I ever made great speeds and connected within hours 👌 Thanks OP

    • Do they send a new modem router?

      • Only if you request one:

        • $149 + postage.
        • Included free (+ postage) on a 24 month contract.

        The modem is a Netcomm NF18ACV.
        Postage is $15 for standard, $20 for express.

        Notes for contract plans:

        • Only available on the unlimited plans for 24 months.
        • Plan speed changes are free.
        • Switching to a limited plan requires ending the contract and paying the exit fee.
        • When relocating, the contract will roll over to your new service so you won’t have to pay an exit fee.
        • The exit fee to end your contract prematurely is just the price of the modem ($149), or the remaining contract term left, whichever is less.
  • Anyone else getting terrible speeds from them? Signed up 3 months ago from Mungi. First month no problem, second month around 30mbps now around 15mbps off peak. On the 50/20 plan with FTTP using an ac1900 router. Do not think I will stay next month. Can't even stream Netflix in 1080p on weekends.

    • Call CS.

  • Any chance they would "pricematch" exetel - 60/m and free modem for 12 months. I could just bite the bullet and sign up with exetel but the general online feedback and the comment above warning not to sign a contract make me reluctant.
    Also if I do go with these guys what is a reasonable cost modem - I've moved from Sydney to Sunshine Coast (Qld) and left my old modems there. It's just me and the mrs - and we have two phones, two laptops, TV (lots of netflix, HBO etc), occasional visitors and apparently my yet to arrive washing machine connects to wifi (why?)
    So which modem/router thingy - I believe I'll have FTTN

  • can i use my telstra nbn modem to use Aussie NBN as per this deal as dont want to spend for the modem or do they give it free ?

    • +1

      Should be fine, but doubtful VOIP would work as that's usually locked down to Telstra only. As long as it supports your type of NBN connection then shouldn't be an issue.

      I use a Telstra Gateway Max (TG799) with my Aussie FTTN connection, I do run it in bridge mode though but could use it as a modem/router if I wanted.

      • does Aussie provide a free NBN modem ? Alternately if i use Telstra NBN modem will it auto configure it for aussie settings ?

        • +1

          They do, but on a 24 month contract. The contract though only means you have to stay on the 100 or 50 Unlimited plan, and if you leave within that 24 months then you just have to pay off the cost of the modem ($149). It's not the best modem though, so yeah depending on what model Telstra modem you have the Telstra one will probably be about the same.

          No real configuration required, just have to set to to IPoE for authentication and don't need a username or password. Does depend with the setup though as to what technology you're being connected through (FTTN/B/C/FTTP/HFC etc).

  • Hi Guys,

    I have NBN FTTN being installed next week with Aussie BB, These are the routers i have :- Asus RT68U router , Netgear Nighthawk R8000 X6 router, ASUS RT66U as well as TP link Archer D7 and a cheapy TP link adsl Modem / router (8960 i think) ( I also have other older ADSL modem routers as well as cable modems). I also recently got a ASUS DSL-AC68U VDSL/DSL/NBN modem router.

    It sounds like i can use the ASUS DSL modem / Router for my FTTN connection as well? Is that right? Or should i still buy a cheap modem/router for the NBN and then use that as the modem and one of my other routers for the main routing part?

  • Did anyone have to wait 4 weeks for installation??

    • What's Aussie told you?

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