Looking to buy a cheap electric bike and trailer to replace car. I live inner city Brisbane but will be going out to the suburbs upto 25km to visit family and friends once/twice a week so felt like a electric will be better. Will get a trailer so I can do groceries and move some boxes ect when needed. Can anyone provide reviews for this bike, Fluid Bolt Commuter E-Bike Storm Black? or recommend any other bikes?
Entry Level E Bike Recommendation

Last edited 28/02/2019 - 15:56
Lol look at all the subs rise, but not as many replies. Good question OP, I would love to see some cheap but still quality E bikes too
The anaconda spec looked okay.
Are Shimano gears all good that is functional or are some rubbish that is broken after 1 yr ?did some further research seems like the shimano tourney is the very basic range, will work and be reliable. Just heavy.
Shinano make gear for everything from Kmart bikes to the high end elite stuff. Their low end stuff is serviceable and built in decades old tecghnology so should be reliable.
Heavy is a relative term, considering a derailleur is a small percentage of the total bike weight. What low end Shinano gear does hint at is that the rest of the bike is likely to have the cheapest of the cheap if they’ve ‘upgraded’ to low end Shinano gearing. They advertise it as having Shinano gearing because it makes people who don’t know think it is a good bike when the reality is otherwise.
What do define as cheap? IMO cheap and electric are not good bedfellows The batteries are the bit you don’t want to cheap out on and where the budget/cheap models cut their costs. You can choose cheap OR quality,
If the battery is the only problem then that can be an upgrade later ?
Don't know anything about batteries but Samsung is a reputable brand so there is that right ?
I'm no bike expert, but I picked up one of these last year when we had a baby, instead of getting a second car. I've used it to commute to/from work and in the end it's about as fast as driving (as I can take a few shortcuts that car's can't!)
I paid $999 but I see the price is currently $1,299. They shipped for free and quickly (it was delivered up in Toowoomba in 2 days!).
I've been really happy with it and I haven't had any problems, i've had to replace the break pads once this year, but I do a lot of up/down hill in Toowoomba so a significant amount of breaking.
Good luck
I’m glad it’s worked out for you. That is a really basic bike, like under $300 department store quality, with a motor attached.
How much do you travel per day?
Do u nees to replace battery?
I haven't had to replace the battery, still going strong.
I ride about 24km per day. I usually plug it in every 2nd day or so (I've never let the battery get too low as I wouldn't want to get stuck and have to ride uphill home without the battery!).
Single charge for 2 days isn't back. I will look into this one.
The besr you can do for an entry level e bike in Aus is the Velectrix brand. Check their website. Nothing special in terms of specs but built and serviced locally and price is very fair. I bought a mountain bike which I punish regularly and no problems.
I had this bike
I bought it for 999 but the price seems too hi now.Maybe ask if they can do lower price. The bike was super comfortable to ride as it has both front and rear suspensions and worked great but the battery died after 3 years of very light use(900km total).It migjt have been my fault as i didnt charge the battery regularly as adviced. Looks like they have upgraded the battery to Panasonic cells so should be better I guess. I used to get around 30km range.
I got a Dyson Hardtail EVO for $990 ex demo. Call them to see if they have anything ex demo or that they can put together: https://www.dysonbikes.com.au/products/hard-tail-evo.html
IMO best value e-bikes around. All you want/need for a decent price and good service and support