• expired

Aussie Broadband: 1 Free Month NBN (New Customers)


I was on their website and a blue bar telling me about it popped up.

As all Aussie Broadband plans are on a month by month basis (as far as I'm aware), this seems to be a very good deal.

It was previously posted at the beginning of the year, but marked as expired. For more details and discussions, see the link here: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/429728

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closed Comments

  • +1

    really wish they didnt charge extra for a static IP, doesn't make them much cheaper than iinet… :(
    cant wait for some new plans to come out…

    • +8

      Although the IPs are not static, they are very sticky (as long as you opt out of CGNAT).

      • +4

        Yeah. I had the same concerns but over on Whirlpool they stated they don't change the IPs unless they're doing work that requires it on infrastructure you're sitting on. However, due to the fact that during such maintenance the IP could change, they don't advertise the IPs as static to cover themselves should they need to make those changes. Expectation with advertising a static IP would be they'd never change or it'd be a planned change with advanced notice.

        With that being the case its probably sufficient for what most home users would want to use a static IP for anyway.

        • +1

          what does a home user need a static IP for?


          • @geoffs87: Home CCTV is my reason.

          • +1

            @geoffs87: Simple case would be that you run a NAS at home and want to get file access to it. Or you might be hosting a service like ownCloud.

            Having a static IP means you'll never run into connection issues.

            There's ways around it like using a Dynamic DNS service, however a static IP simplifies things.

            • -1

              @Bellpop: Huh? That’s not how Plex works!

        • Plex, VPN

    • +7

      iinet also have shocking customer service.

      • +1

        As an Iinet (ASDL) customer of long standing I'd prefer "erratic"……still, not as good as pre-TPG, and will be leaving (for Aussie probably) when I decide to go NBN.

      • +2

        tell me about it, that's why i want to change! support is now atrocious… not sure how they advertise no 1 in customer support any more, acc should act on that.

      • +1

        Called them recently to complain my internet speed has been cut to 1/3 of the normal speed I've had for 5+ years with them. After 2 hours waiting for a callback the support tried to explain to me why this is still within 'normal' bounds of service delivery and couldn't understand why I was unhappy. Either way they decided nothing needed to be done about my issue and it is still the same.
        NBN availability is only a few weeks away for me now and I'll not be sticking with iinet that's for certain, if I'm going to get awful tech support I might as well pay a bit less for it.

    • +1

      I needed a static IP as well, but thought I'd roll the dice when signing up and not opt for a static IP, based on what I'd read on whirlpool. I've been with them for 10mths now and my IP is yet to change, as always though YMMV.

    • not good when hosting a website and mail server though - still only personal stuff at the moment though, I mean i could update DNS to point to the new server on the odd occasion it does change, but how long would i be down without noticing for…

    • +3

      I had the same IP for the entire time i was with them at my old place, about 2-3 years.
      It changed when i moved house 2 months ago, but has now again remained the same since then.
      I kinda call it a pseudo static ip.
      It's good enough for non critical needs where a static is desirable, eg game servers, home VPN, self hosted websites etc..
      For business/critical stuff it might not be acceptable that the ip 'might' change at some point.

  • New customer only?

    • No idea, give it a go!

    • Well you have to enter a code at checkout. I can't see how existing customers could do that.

  • +7

    One day I'll have NBN

    • +11

      Mine was supposed to come through today, but no luck.
      Official date is listed as 02/02/2222. So I won't have to wait much longer!

  • +5

    This one is better https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/436356

    $20 off for 6 months

    • Potentially, yes. But this might suite some people better. You can't beat free, right?

      • The other deal is better. I wish I waited and got the $20 off for 6 months deal.

        • This deal is up to $100 off, the other deal is $120 off. However, this one is 100% off and the other is less than 30% off in most cases.
          So you can't say one is better than the other.
          If my NBN was available, I'd use the one free month and then go to Exetel on their $55 50Mpbs 500Gb plan, which would work out as cheaper than using the $20 off for 6 months coupon.

  • I signed up for the $20 off for 6 months a few days ago as NBN rolling out to my place next month

  • I used the $20 off per month for 6 months code afew days ago and nbn went live in my area 22/02 and couldn’t get an install date till May. Makes me wonder if other isps have more install slots

    • That's really disheartening to hear man. Service in our area is meant to go live in April, and I'm hoping it's not gonna be months before I can connect…I've lived 9 years with shitty internet (3Mbps), I need this!

      • I think if you order earlier you’d get the first slot? I’d give whoever you go with a call and ask them. I feel your pain, I have adsl1 and my date had already been pushed 1 year

        • I was meant to get NBN last year…So yeah I'm definitely keen on getting it soon!

          I put in an order through Aussie last month, but they said they'll notify me when it's closer to activation date to progress the order.

    • -1

      You ring the isp and they get the install date off nbn. They're not pre-allocated.

      • +1

        Mine was pre-allocated and I called up after trying to change it online and the lady on the phone said they had no available slots from NBN at all. They’ve been swamped because so many areas have been delayed and theirs a shortage of techs to do installs

    • Keep checking the set your install date page at random times, esp earlier in the morning. (They are not ISP specific but NBN installer availability accross all ISPs).

      I had an install date of 26/2. Then they set heaps of peoples in my area back due to installer availability and they allocated me 20/3. Ugh.

      So I jumped on the site, and there was a 23/2 in the drop down (followed by 20/3 and later). So I jumped on it and to my surprise the installer turned up. So presumably if someone cancels their install date, an earlier date might appear….. randomly.

      • Do you only get to choose once NBN is live?

        • Yes, and once the order is submitted.

  • Hi guys,

    Looking to move away, then come back after a few months to take up an offer (such as this or the $20 off per month for 6 months).

    Any cheap alternatives?

    FTTN. 200GB per month. Standard speed.

    • superloop?

  • I prefer my $89 per month Telstra 100/40 plan with free 4G backup router / sim along with home phone bundle included unlimited local calls and calls to Telstra mobile

    • When did you get those deals? Recently I called Telstra, seems all sales rules were restricted, so no one can giving out free premium speed boost.

      • Had no luck getting any discounts online either. Instead spent a bunch of time trying to convince me that going from a 100+ mbps cable connection to a 40-50 mbps HFC NBN for a week isn't a downgrade.

  • I signed up to the $20 off deal 2 weeks ago and was converted from Adsl to FTTC on Tuesday. Very happy.

  • Just sign up with Exetel
    Cheaper than these guys, speeds are never an issue and also no issues with customer service

    I’ve been with them since 2005, so I should know

    You’ll get unlimited 50/20 for 59 a month all the time

    • erm… 1.9 out of 5 stars from 780 reviews here:

      No thanks!

      • Exetel user here, I ignore online feedback since it's either the company putting fake positive reviews or the competition putting negative reviews.

        2 months with them now, no issues, modem came in the mail, tech came a couple of days after.

      • Okay you can use that “reputable“ Website to make decisions, but Exetel is actually quite well received on OzBargain and gets generally positive feedback.

        Just sharing my experience, with a very well priced and in my experience excellent ISP

  • looking to get an NBN, are they good or Exetel batter?

    also, can I cancel after the first free month?

  • +2

    Since these guys have grown bigger the support has gone down the drain… 45 minute wait on the phone, caller 30…. international speeds are all over the place lately…. really disappointed the way this company has gone.

    • +1

      Yeah help desk is uber long waits for aussie now 30 mins is probably the norm. Tangerine was brilliant service and comparable speeds. I'll probably swap back once aussie promo is finished.

      • I have just signed up with aussie and have had same experience. The sales team answers straight away. Support is 30min plus. When I hear “you are number 25 in line” Hang up. Eventually everything was sorted out and it wasn’t a smooth ride but I can’t fault their speed now I’m up and running.

    • Isolated issue.

      I get 9.5MB/s any time of day/week… 18mths and counting.

  • Only looking for month to month not a 24 month one so hopefully works for me. Currently with telstra paying 90 per month,

  • Internet speeds suck in Australia. One of the (very few) things I'm going to miss about the US is the internet speed.

    • What speed is normal there?

      • It depends on where you live and the competition.

        I get 1gig up and down for $65usd/m and it came with a free modem (no contract)

        Speedtest I actually get about 700/800mbps up/down.

        Of course I have no use for such high speeds, but it's nice to have.

  • +1

    Cancelled aussieBB and signed back after two days disconnection with the promo code. Will see if they honour this. (Rather than pay $1200 upfront to get 1m free for my royalty)
    Will be a happy customer for a while if so.

    • +1

      Nop - that didn't happen. in case anyone wanna try it.
      Will jump to superloop next month.

      • you have to be away for 6months to get a new promo price

  • My flatmate cancelled DSL in December last year. My street has now just finished a NBN FTTC installation.

    I have a good router but would need some cabling as I dont see a NTD at the front of my house and want to move the modem to a more central position in the house.

    Will there be an installation fee? is the router optional?

    • +1

      If youre in FTTC area, your copper phoneline is all you need. The fact you had DSL before means you've got a line in, so it will be just a matter of a tech finding the right line. Easiest ones are where the customer has an existing phone service as they can look for the number on the line. Hardest are where the copper hasn't been connected for a while and the cable records are up shit creek, tech has to attach a tone generator and find your line.

      So as for cost, you shouldn't really have any in terms of from your nbn RSP. But if youre talking about relocating phone socket to more convenient location in your place, then yeah, that cost will be on you. Remember with FTTC you only need/can have one socket where the nbn modem goes.

      as for equipment, you essentially get a modem from NBNco at no cost. this modem presents you with 1 ethernet interface with which you then sort out what you want to connect to it: most people connect a wifi router, but technically nothing stopping you from connecting just a PC to it, if you have no other devices and don't need wifi, for example.

  • Thanks Bob.

    One of my neighbours has a cream Telstra termination box mounted to a wall outside their house, then a blue Ethernet cable going into this house. I can't see the cable going into the termination box as it looks like its been fed through a wall from the ground. Is this a NBN modem or something different?

    Im trying to work out what they have. Our street is not a Telstra cable area

    • That's just a telstra madison box, essentially to allow demarcation of street cabling to premises cabling (and a point where the line can be tested). It is a bit odd that you can't see the cable going into, as usually (if underground) it will pop up on the exterior wall in a conduit up to the madison box. then you don't usually see the interal premises cabling as that is usually routed directly in the wall cavity up to the roof space. Yep the blue ethernet cable is probably just CAT5e or similar UTP cable which is perfect for voice/phone premises cabling. But back to the lead-in, it is possible that the underground conduit comes up in the wall cavity, hence they madison box is just mounted on the wall with no seemingly normal lead-in entering. Perhaps they have then used the entry point into the madison box as the exit point for the cable heading into house (aformentioned blue cable)

      If you don't have HFC in your area, then all this is just standard copper phone cabling.

      The NBN side of the equation with FTTC is the following: a multi-port DPU device which takes the fibre and essentially splits it into 4x VDSL2/G.fast capable ports. This is usually found out in your nearest pit (could be across the road or not far down). This is what the tech will hook your line into when you join an provider. Your place uses one of the ports, the other 3 are for your neighbours.

      In your house, you plug in the NBN-owned modem which is basically a small white box and it is what talks to the DPU in the street using (at the moment) VDSL2. Think ADSL on steroids. This white box provides you with a single ethernet port with which you plug in whatever you so choose out of the following:

      a) your single PC directly via ethernet (say you only have 1 device, don't need wireless etc.)
      b) your provider will try to sell you a wireless gateway which typically has 1/2 telephone handset ports, should you wish to migrate your landline service over to the NBN
      c) your own router (this is probably you here) of some description, configured according to how your provider says to configure it (some will require you to use PPPoE with username password, some a vlan configuration is needed, some are just IPoE which is what typically what you get when you use "DHCP" in the router's WAN configuration.

      so lets tie this back into what you originally asked because i've gone on a bit of a tangent here.

      You definitely have a copper cable somewhere as you previously had ADSL, the lead in might just be hidden via a smaller junction box. How old is the house? Single standalone house? Either way, it's there somewhere. If you wish to relocate the phone socket inside to somewhere more central, then a standard data cabler will be able to do that easy. Although not strictly needed, you might as well ask for: "I want a new single Cat5e run from my junction box to this point here where it's more central/covenient. I don't want anything else connected to the run as it's for NBN"

      Since you're looking at having a cabler do the above, you should ask yourself now, are you likely to want a phone service, where you have tradional handsets spread throughout the house?

      • Thanks Bob, you make alot of sense.

        For me no need for voice services at all. only Data. I have a good Asus NBN ready router which is less than 6mths old.

        I have done more investigation and it looks like the NBN rollout has been delayed 3 months and i'm not sure if its worth signing up to adsl or holding off.

        So from what you have said and I have seen, my neighbour has Cat 5e going through their house from the outdoor madison box using ADSL from what I assume is Telstra. I like the idea of having cat5e going through the house instead of twisted pair copper, however, from what you have said, i need to connect up a copper DPU device, which I assume would also need a power source. The neighbours box is about 1 metre from the pit and nowhere near a power source so im trying to get my head around the installation.

        I was thinking of signing up to telstra adsl for the madison box and cat5 but if this needs to be rewired with nbn, really no point. Am I on the right track or missing something?

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