This was posted 6 years 1 month 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$1 for 28 Days of Digital Access + 8 Sat/Sun Papers Delivered + Extras @ The Daily Telegraph


Pay $1 and get 28 days of full digital access to various newspapers, including the Daily Telegraph.

In addition get a total of 8 weekend (28 days will cover 4 Sundays and 4 Saturdays) newspapers delivered to you.

Also enjoy a range of other benefits

Including a 12 month digital subscription to one magazine of your choice (Choose between Big League, Delicious, GQ Australia, Super Food Ideas,, Vogue Australia or Vogue Living).

A Big League subscription is normally $49.95 per year by itself.

There are some other freebies too - including free soccer tickets to selected Sydney FC/Wanderers games, a free movie from MuviNow, a free ebook from, one free month of Foxtel Now, 6 months free membership to Shipster and $100 off your first case of wines from (min spend $159.99 or $59.99 after discount)

Digital Membership provides you access via a secure login to view unlimited content on the following News sites:

As well as the following iPad, iPhone and Android applications, when available:

Cairns Post
The Daily Telegraph
Herald Sun
The Courier-Mail
The Advertiser
NT News
Gold Coast Bulletin
Townsville Bulletin
Geelong Advertiser
The Mercury

After the first 28 days the ongoing recurring 28 day cost is $28 so remember to cancel your membership BEFORE the 28 days elapses (recommend cancelling on or before the 21st day).

Note to cancel you have to call which is annoying.

Given one weekend newspaper costs $3.50, and Big League costs $49.95 per year, $1 is decent value to me.

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closed Comments

  • Shame this isn't a physical subscription - then it would actually be useful (for ass wiping)

    • -3


      8 weekend newspapers delivered.

      Should last you a few hours of wiping surely?

  • +2

    So I pay one dollar to consume harmful advertising and neoliberal/Government/war criminal propaganda.

    What a deal!

    • I am learning a lot on OzBargain.

      What makes the advertising in say the Courier Mail harmful?

      Is the advertising any more harmful than the advertising you see on Channel 9 watching Married At First Sight?

      Please enlighten me.

      • the advertising isn't any different to a FREE TV channel you probably don't watch, therefore you should buy it.


    • -2

      Diji where should I source my news from instead?

      Al Jazeera, the ABC, The Guardian??

      • Depends - what kind of news and on what platform?

        The reality is almost every easily accessible news source these days is thinly veiled or outright NeoLiberal propaganda.

        • OK so neoliberalism is defined as:
          a modified form of liberalism tending to favour free-market capitalism.

          Are you seriously suggesting the ABC is neo liberal?

          Al Jazeera is funded by Qatar and is politically, racially and religiously biased - but hardly neo liberal.

          The Guardian in Australia is a Labor party tool. They claim to be independent. Neo liberal too??

          Diji still hasn't answered where he sources his news from. I am guessing one of the 3 above.

          Is neo liberalism a bad thing anyway?
          Would it be better if it were socialist or communist or marxist or fascist?

  • Good deal for $1 especially the Foxtel now trial for a month instead of 10 days and digital magazine subscription for 12 months inclusion.

  • +1

    Thanks OP, have re-signed up.
    It's a pity the website access doesnt include the Australian. Hubby is not quite happy. But I'm happy to have my weekend papers :-)

    Notes for Queenslanders: the weekend papers will be Courier Mail.

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