Should I be concern about the overall exposure to radiation or electro magnetic energy (EME)? It would be mounted on the rooftop and I live on the top floor. So I'm directly below the tower, it's also more concerning that I have a baby on the way.
On the other hand, a boost on the internet speed would be a welcome change as we are struggling here. But of course if it's health hazard, I'd rather live with a slow internet.
I found their website and this is the report: https://www.rfnsa.com.au/embed-public-report/718548
Photo of the proposed work: https://imgur.com/h15V5EV
Thanks everyone!
As far as the radiation from that tower is concerned, your're probably in the shadow. Think of it as a light tower [ it's the same thing, just different frequencies than those our eyes detect] that is trying to illuminate the area around it. It will be 'shining' to the sides and downward, with the shadow under the tower being lit up by the other towers in surrounding areas that are further away.
The tower itself would absorb power directed in that direction[directly down], an inefficiency the operator will be keen to reduce…