Just another big, cheap tv
Wednesday, May 4 until Tuesday, May 10
can't seem find it on their website, was in a catalogue i received today
Just another big, cheap tv
Wednesday, May 4 until Tuesday, May 10
can't seem find it on their website, was in a catalogue i received today
Aldi had a $499 one a couple months back
soon they you'll be able to get a 40" full hd for $200 i reckon. just give it 6-12 months.
I'm pretty sure they would be selling at near cost (manufacturing) price if they went that low.
the prices are going down because of competition (Kogan, other generic brands et al) but they definitely wouldn't go so low as to sell them at no profit.
Must be the one that I returned
Can I ask why you returned it? Was it not a good product?
Picture quality, go have a look at some of the AWA's on display and compare them to a higher end Samsung or Bravia.
Set them both up properly side-by-side & you'll find the difference is much less noticeable! I'd always suspected as much, but it was confirmed by a buddy in sales recently that they screw with the settings of the sets other than those they want to move to make them look more washed out etc!
As an experiment recently I was in a BigW store & watched ppl comparing the brands as they were setup by default; then I fixed some of the settings up whilst they watched & ROFL'd at the change in perspective…they went from "oh, you can see how much better X is than Y & Z" to "why would you pay twice as much for X when Y or Z looks nearly as good! :p
And then set the price tags next to each other maybe, scrimshaw?
Maybe you could tell us where to find one of these 'higher end' Samsung or 'Bravia' (sony) for $497 and then you'll be the king/queen of all the ozbargainers.
Until then, maybe a little perspective?
well AWA is usually a pretty horrible brand
yeah but they don't make the screens! :D
It's either a Sony, Sharp or Samsung panel.
Although, usually from a few generations ago and the panel is only half the story. The processing behind it is important as well.
Crazy price though
I know they don't make the screens but in this brand there is a distinct lack of quality and very washed out colour. The best of the budget brands i'd say is JB's 'Soniq'. They use Samsung panels and their latest 42" LED is very impressive indeed.
I'm not sure if you're aware nubzy, but you should know that most of the generic TVs rebadged for sale in Australia (as AWA, Kogan, Soniq, Palsonic, Rank Arena etc.) come out of the same factories in either China or Korea! JB HiFi's generic units are not all lovingly hand assembled on the backs of Vestal virgins! :p
Sure individual models change in specs & quality depending on preferred supplier or special deals between manufacturer & supplier; but claiming one generic 'brand' differs over another actually displays a remarkable level of ignorance around the way tiered consumer electronic marketing works! ;)
6.5ms response time & horrible processor behind the screen render this model virtually useless.
Better off waiting for the Soniq mentioned above to be on sale.
Utter nonsense!!!
You'd have to confirm, but other AWA LCD have 3 years warranty included. Friend got one in the recent Big W clearance of a 46" LCD AWA and it had 3 years warranty!
I had one about 3yrs ago, yep it had 3yrs warranty!
It's still powering on in the house of a family member, and looks as good as it ever did! Whilst I still had it, I frequently got comments from friends with much more expensive TVs about the vibrance & quality of the image! :)
Any idea if it has USB input to play DivX files?
Where is this TV made? in China? Never heard of the brand AWA brand before. My guess is that this is very different from the AWA that run the Labour party.
AWA was a VERY WELL KNOWN brand in Australia many years ago. The name lived on as what is colloquially termed a 'zombie' brand, used to rebadge foreign units in a given country with a name that offers at least some recognition!
A lot of the previous model AWA's were actually made in Korea; rebadged KTV units that are quite well respected in that country!
I presume you're either trolling, or incapable of working out google! ;)
StewBalls, go through Julia's other posts. Whoever is behind the moniker is a champion!
Australian Workplace Agreement??
BTW, you should get an avatar pic
EDIT: Ive answered my own question..
I've had a AWA in bedroom over a year for nearly half cheaper than big brands. I've been very happy to it's performance. Surely you don't expect it to be as same quality as Sony, Samsung, Panasonic etc but it simply does the job and pic quality is not bad at all.
Plus mine came with 3 years warranty, it's great value for money.
This seems very impressive. Is this the cheapest 42" 1080p ever?