Learners Permit Expired - Can I Renew and Keep Hours?

My L's expired last year (4-5 months ago) and I've booked to retake the test in exactly 1 month's time.

Will I be able to take my P1 test in June? (I had my L's for 4 years? and had 90+ hours on record).

I've read that hours accumulated can roll over but I can't find actual documentation here.

Why has my licence expired? I spent a lot of time travelling and working last year and never had the need to drive.


  • If you're in NSW, nothing seems to suggest that the logbook is linked to any single Learner licence. Ask RMS, but I think you'll be alright… except for:

    and had 90+ hours on record


    You must log at least 120 hours of supervised driving, including a minimum of 20 hours of night driving

    But yeah - ask RMS when you take your L's again.

    • Yep so I'm planning on driving another 30-50+ hours to reach the 120 limit and to brush up on my skills.

      What I'm concerned about is needing to wait 12 months from my new Learners license to take the P1s again.

  • -5

    Why has my licence permit expired?

    If it has expired, I am not sure you would be considered for your hours to "roll-over".

    • The website mentions late renewals where your license number does not change (just your expiry date).

  • If you're in NSW, you'll also need to sit and pass your driver knowledge test again.

    Added later: Of course, if I'd read your post properly, I'd have seen that you've already booked to re-sit that test…

    • Yep that's what i'm doing to get my L's renewed.

      Just curious if the hours accumulated on my previous learners license would roll over.

      Set a goal to do my red P's test by June this year as I did a lot of hours last year but never got around to finishing it.

      • I did notice this on the RMS site:

        For every 1 hour structured driving lesson you complete with a licensed NSW driving instructor, you can record 3 hours driving experience in your log book. A maximum of 10 hours of lessons will be accepted and recorded as 30 hours driving experience.

        Looks like you could get the rest of your hours up in just 10 hours of formal lessons.

      • Just curious if the hours accumulated on my previous learners license would roll over

        That's suprisingly unclear. I think you'll need to ring them and ask.

        For example, they say:

        You can book a driving test once you've held your learner licence for at least 12 months

        You'll certainly have held a learner licence for more than twelve months, but it expired, and you'll be getting a new learner licence. I'd guess that the hours carry over, but they don't actually seem to say that anywhere.

        They do say that driving hours logged in other states can be used, and those hours wouldn't have been accumulated under a NSW learner licence, so I think you could be pretty confident that your hours will carry over.

  • Are you above the age of 25? If yes, then you do not need a logbook at all. The 120 hour requirement only applies to those under 25 years of age.

    This also means that, if you are 23 or 24 this year, it would be wiser to just wait to just after your 25th Birthday to take your driving test (red P) to avoid the need to produce 120 logbook hours.

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