A few credit cards have an introductory offer to get a 0% balance transfer for a number of months, but if you take this you lose your interest free period and pay interest as soon as you spend money. They also often have an offer to spent a certain amount in the initial period to get FF points.
But as soon as you spend any money to get the free FF points, you lose your interest free period and start paying interest on your spend.
An example is the St George Amplify offer.
Has anybody tried their luck with taking up both offers on a credit card like this, and how have you managed to do this and keep your interest bill very low or zero. Do you pay off any amounts as soon as you incur them, to keep your balance very low? Or is there an easier way?
I've thought about this as well but you will find that their T&Cs stipulate balance transfers do not count towards the minimum spend required for points offers.