Cheap Seeds to Grow Veggies at Home

Hi all,

I suck at gardening. (Seem to burn things to easily).

Trying to grow some veggies and herbs at home.
Getting veggie seeds from store plants. (e.g. tomoto, chilli, cucumber)

Wanting to grow various herbs and maybe a few flowers.
Bunning's have a few seeds at $1.6 but most are $4-5 per pack.

Any recommendations for buying seeds online?



    • This. It is amazing how the stuff I've just stuck in the ground that are waste products or dying/seeding plants come back to visit me in a few months. Basically all the veggies in my garden that do any good are the volunteer stuff. All the things that have been carefully cultivated over numerous months seem to die very easily!

  • +3

    Try this online store.

    • thanks ordered a few packets :D

  • Ebay and look for seed packs

    But i would suggest buying a grafted tomato plant or 2 vs growing from seed - they produce more fruit

  • +1

    Mainly I use seeds from fruit /veggies /herbs that I consume, I also order online from 'The Seed Collection'

  • Just be weary that's its coming up to end of summer, so know what you can and can't grow (eg I wouldn't be growing tomatoes/chilies from seed now)

  • +3

    Seeds are not the expensive part of gardening. Don't forget bags of manure, soil, mulch, fertiliser, watering can or sprinkler system, bug spray, water itself.

    I tried my hand at veggie growing this year and all I've got are 5 snow pea pods, 2 meals worth of green beans, 2 raspberries, 3 tomatoes with blossom end rot so weren't really edible and a few male pumpkin flowers (no idea if I'll get any pumpkins by the end of summer). And this has only cost me a few hundred dollars.

    • Sprouts are easy. Just add water :)

    • +1

      3 tomatoes with blossom end rot so weren't really edible

      We find tomatoes really easy to grow, they are are like weeds at our place.

      • I grew them in a pot, and there wasn't enough calcium as I found out (that's what causes the condition). As I used a mix of garden soil and manure both from bunnings. But at least I learned for next time :) You probably have lots of calcium naturally in your soil.

        • +1

          Try adding ground up egg shells for additional calcium

    • May need to buy some fertiliser but that's about it.

  • Just be sure to grow

    • high up to ensure drainage and get away from slugs and snails
    • with a top layer of mulch to retain water and further repel slugs and snails
    • water more regularly in hot weather
    • and under netting or you will never get to enjoy the veggies of your labours. Butterflies, birds, beetles, all come to lay eggs all over your soon to be luscious growth
    • and under netting or you will never get to enjoy the veggies of your labours. Butterflies, birds, beetles, all come to lay eggs all over your soon to be luscious growth

      If you have netting over it, won't this prevent pollination?

      • It's easy to control with the netting, impossible without. Sometimes you want flowers visited, others you don't. Mostly, you want bees and not butterflies. But bees find their way into smaller, open gaps better than butterflies.

  • Location, location, location. If you have maximum sunlight and add water you can grow anything. Especially chillies

  • Tomato: Buy a tomato from your supermarket and harvest it for seeds. Or alternatively buy a high end seed packet from Bunnings and harvest seeds from the fruit that's grown. You'll never buy another tomato seed packet again. Sow late winter so the fruit matures in early/mid summer.

    Chilli: generally grows very well. Pest resistant. Do as above.

    If you want something that's really easy to grow and virtually foolproof get some broad bean seeds. Lovely stir fried in oil, and you retain some of the beans for next year's crops.

    Egg plant is easy to grow and pest resistant. Caterpillars eat the leaves but generally the plants grow big enough to not mind.

    I have never had success with broccoli. Those damn white butterflies deposit caterpillars on my crops. Brussels sprouts? Aphids devestate my crop.

    Try onions for something easy to grow, although they are quite slow. Beetroot is good too and you can grow some exotic varieties not available in supermarkets.

    For max value grow button squash in summer. Woolworths demands up to $15/kg (wtf).

    • How can I grow the eggplants what do I need and do they grow in cold areas?

  • +1

    If you suck at gardening I would sugest starting with seedlings first, which you can buy at Bunnings or local markets. Then once you feel that you're doing well, then start on seeds. Just because seeds can take a bit more TLC

  • Juat get the seed from the fresh veggie to start with?

  • +2

    Here’s what I know:
    1. Use hoe to plough land
    2. Place seeds
    3. Water daily, unless it’s already raining
    4. Depending on what seeds you planted, in 4-15 days you will have fresh veggies

    Learnt all this from playing Harvest Moon

  • +2

    Cherry or grape style tomatoes are easy to grow and don't seem have same issues as larger ones.
    I've had them sprout several times from throwing old store bought ones in the ground.

    • If you're going to plant, don't waste time with supermarket tomatoes.

      Get some heirloom seeds. They're a little more susceptible to insects and diseases but small scale growing, not an issue.

      Large scale farmed tomatoes are varieties picked for weather and pest resistance, and also for high yield. Most of these are not important if you're growing 3-4 plants, which with some skills, would be way too many tomatoes for a small family.

      • Didn't think about that.
        Probably true for using any seed from store bought vegies.
        Have ordered some seeds but will also just try grow something to begin with.

  • Are you located at WA or TAS? You will have problems ordering due to quarantine.

  • Seem to burn things to easily

    Try watering with water and not fire.

    • Pro tip.

    • I can produce fire but not water.

  • You just need one plant and the future seeds come naturally.

    I have a lettuce "tree" about 4 ft tall. In a few weeks, the flowers will spread the seeds all over the raised planter box and I'll take a chainsaw to it.

    For tomatoes, look for an old Italian man/woman. Say "gardening". Bring a hot drink, this will take a while. You'll end up with tomato seeds somehow or another. (I'm stereotyping but can you blame me? 😂)

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